September 07, 2024 Login  
Season ending so now what?
Posted on 9/21/2009 3:29:00 PM

Living in Toulouse, where Rugby's Stade Toulousain has the luxury of training in the same stadium every day, I'm currently planning a mini tour de France that I'll be starting quite soon.

Since my boys are scattered all over France I'll be driving to their neighborhoods to meet up with them, discuss their fall and winter training plans, go over this season's ups and downs, AND plan out our objectives for next season. Sounds all easy and organised but as a 'chic' -believe it or not - I still have a few hurdles to conquer, some confidence to gain/earn from a few of the boys....not a worry i'm up for the task!

Our big interest now lies in that will we be ProTour and what will we be riding? Hoping to have both issues sorted out asap so I can get plans going for our ultra modern wind tunnel testing to begin....all for now, sorry I dont have photos but more news to come soon!


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