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Zinn's new Clydesdale
Last Post 10/14/2019 12:32 AM by 79 pmooney. 6 Replies.
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10/10/2019 12:39 PM
The production road bike for really heavy and strong riders.

Pretty cool!  Not for me but good to see.  Sweet road bikes are such a joy!  Now guys weighing twice my weight and being 3X stronger can see that joy.

They weigh 25 pounds.  Sounds heavy - until you look at the big picture.  They are designed to handle two riders in one package.  A one-man tandem.

Orange Crush


10/10/2019 03:07 PM
The geometry on that thing is crazy but not as crazy as the vertical stem he had on the old Trek MTB.
Cosmic Kid


10/10/2019 04:50 PM
The bike’s seatpost had sheared clean in half just above the clamp, making the bike impossible to ride.

So this happened to a buddy of mine ~27 years ago...Kingsberry post snapped when he was riding. He landed on the rear do the math on what happens when you taint lands on a rotating object and slams it into a immovable frame structure.

He was shredded down there....had to wear maxipads in his underwear for months.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


10/12/2019 02:41 PM
CK...oh wow, that sounds absolutely terrible. Was it one of the titanium posts?

So here is a story that will make you pucker up. The mechanic/co-owner of a bike shop I used to frequent was mountain-biking when he landed hard on the saddle. Well, the carbon post snapped but his body was still going down (much like your buddy.) But he landed on the splintered carbon shaft which then ripped his sack completely open. No joke, he went to the ER with testicle in hand.

Carbon posts: not a good idea for enduro.
Cosmic Kid


10/12/2019 07:58 PM
Yeah, I think it was one of the ti posts.

I’m trying to erase your story from my memory as quickly as possible.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


10/13/2019 08:39 PM
"Stupid light"


10/14/2019 12:32 AM
CK, you've got me thinking, I have two ti posts on my two ti bikes. (Went titanium for more flex/comfort and because the ti cost relatively little since the rest of the post is all custom.) I'm gonna contact TiCycles and find out the wall thickness (or just pull one and measure it. They were made at the same time to the same OD, 27.2.)

To my advantage - 150 pounds, long and strung out.

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