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Last Post 09/23/2021 10:48 PM by smokey 52. 7 Replies.
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09/18/2021 03:15 PM
The wife had an appointment at Helen Hayes Hospital (an excellent rehab center in Rockland County, NY) to get fitted for a custom wheel chair. The techs spoke about frame materials and the pros/cons of solid vs. pneumatic tires. When they found out I was a cyclist, the conversation got more technical and informative.
Cosmic Kid


09/19/2021 02:17 PM
I hope you insisted on tubeless.

Hope your wife is doing well, Smokey.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


09/19/2021 06:13 PM
Thanks. Apparently they don't have tubeless for the chairs, but no problem. I can patch or replace a tube.
The wife is doing well but is frustrated at times. She can't chase the grandkids.
Today was special; we got to celebrate our granddaughter's second birthday. This little one is a terror on the scooter (helmet on, of course) and is working on the balance bike as well.
Cosmic Kid


09/19/2021 06:21 PM
Apparently they don't have tubeless for the chairs


Totally get that frustration…we’ll be there eventually. Mrs CK had to use a chair for the first time last week to get into her infusion and let’s just say it wasn’t a great day.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


09/19/2021 06:40 PM
All the best to the respective wifes. We’re a lucky bunch still on our bikes.

Maybe there can be a wheelchair vs balance bike “race “?

And now I’m remembering the Seinfeld wheelchair episode where they got the one with lousy brakes. For every situation in life there’s a Seinfeld episode.
Nick A


09/23/2021 06:41 PM
I was a kid working at bike shop when a guy in a wheelchair came in with a flat. He was pretty straight forward about telling us to basically shore up one side like a car, and take the wheel off, and fix the flat.



09/23/2021 09:11 PM
So, educated Smokey, you didn't completely spell it out but I'll wager pneumatic with tubes vs solid were the options offered, no Stan's or similar in that conversation. Informed consent could never have been easier. If you wish to share, we would be fascinated by your choice, should you choose to share.


09/23/2021 10:48 PM
Yes, solid vs. pneu w/ tubes were the options. If I can remember how to post photos I'll post a picture of the final rig.
There's a power assist that hooks onto the back of the chair and provides more independence. We're working with Medicare so there are a lot of bureaucratic steps to go through to avoid fraud.
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