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Anyone using fitness bands like Whoop and Fitbit
Last Post 03/24/2022 07:37 AM by Hot Habanero. 10 Replies.
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03/19/2022 09:10 AM
Anyone using one of the various fitness bands available? I’d love a gadget that could provide accurate feedback about my fitness and recovery.
Orange Crush


03/19/2022 09:30 AM
Don’t have one myself but what I gather from friends is that they’re pretty bossy. Just finished major exercise and 15 mins later they tell you to get moving hahaha. I prefer no intrusion on my couch potato habits. Like right now watching MSR.


03/19/2022 03:43 PM
They are great for muscle imbalances, especially in the legs. Cycling is notorious for not only not addressing this, but exacerbating the situation.


03/20/2022 09:02 AM
Very funny!


03/20/2022 09:03 AM
I am not going to pursue this as I have made it this far with listening to my body, no sense getting another chirping, annoying widget telling me what I likely already know.


03/20/2022 02:26 PM
Dave -

Have you tried just a simple HRV app on your phone? Elite HRV has a free app that seems to be pretty good, with good reviews. You just need a bluetooth compatible chest strap.


03/21/2022 07:37 AM
Very cool - I'll check that out!


03/21/2022 09:22 AM
I've used for a year now, and it will give you good general trends of your heart rate and variability, lets you put in your sleep and workouts so you can look back on dates to find patterns. Gives you a number from 1 to 10 of if it feels your ready for a hard workout. I pay some attention to it and generally follow it, but have given precedent to how I feel if it didn't seem right, which I must say has been rare.
Cosmic Kid


03/22/2022 12:16 PM
I have used both the Whoop strap and the Oura ring (I expensed both since we do medical diagnostic products 😉)

I greatly preferred the diagnostic tools of the Whoop strap vs. the Oura ring. Seems to take more things into account and provided more direct feedback. Example - I sleep ~10% better when I sleep alone. My sleep also improves with a lack of blue screen time before bed, etc. But the strap I found bothersome....I woudl usually have to take it off after a bit as it would irritate the tendons in my arm. The Oura ring is much more convenient.

But I am suspect of the Oura ring's diagnostic tools....back in October or November, I got really sick (not COVID). Extreme lethargy, nausea, etc. I barely moved off the couch....100 active calorie burn for the day kinda stuff. My Oura ring was giving me "Optimal" readiness scores. Uh, OK.....

There have also been times when both have said I was primed for optimal performance and I totally felt flat and fatigued, as well as the opposite...apps say I need rest and I have a fantastic day on the bike.

The science re: HRV is still very much evolving for athletic performance and is highly variable / individual. The Trainer Road podcast two weeks discussed it somewhat in depth.


Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


03/22/2022 03:02 PM
I had to LOL at this " I sleep ~10% better when I sleep alone." I personally sleep a million times better alone as my wife is in that part of her life. Its a running joke in our household although admittedly she is pulling her hair a bit at how to achieve temperature control (mid winter all windows will be open in our BR). She's in Ontario now and I am perfectly rested.


03/24/2022 07:37 AM
Thanks for the info CK - much appreciated!
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