First time boxing the bike. It barely fits in the box I got. Quite the puzzle getting it to close up. One question/concern.
I have Di2 on the bike and the rear derailleur swings all the way backward when the wheel is off. This makes it stick out pretty much to the edge of the inside wall of the box. Makes me nervous. Is it okay to swing it forward against the spring tension and "lock" it into place in that position for the duration using a folded up rag or perhaps wrapping the canvas chain/stay wrap that came with the box around it (it will swing forward so it is basically parallel to the chain stay). It will definitely increase the space around it but I was wondering if placing that much pressure on the spring mechanism constantly for a two days straight will damage the derailleur.
P.S. overall fit was pretty snug, took a while to close it up (clam shell style box with overlapping edges that alternate inside/outside, whew).
Hope all are well. We woke to 6" of snow yesterday but are heading to 80 F and sunshine on Friday!