Posted By Orange Crush on 08/14/2020 01:56 PM
That would be very poor prep on his behalf. There is a lot of valley riding there. It was the hardest part of Haute Route Alps.
I wonder if Formolo knew he was going for the break, that it was one in ten that his attempt was going to work (its a lottery that depends on both the right other riders showing up and the peloton's actions). So a successful day was getting into the break, getting air time and perhaps pulling a KOM on Madeleine. After that? Peloton's gonna catch ad he'd done his work for his sponsor.
So he heads up Madeleine for the KOM. And he's virtual leader! "Never dreamed this when I went to bed last night but I guess I'm going!"
Lesson learned - always scan the rest of the course even if it isn't remotely possible!