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Stage 21 (spoiler)
Last Post 05/26/2013 04:40 PM by Ride On. 4 Replies.
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05/26/2013 11:08 AM
Well ya can't say the move to Omega hasn't worked out for Cav. 5 wins not to shabby.


05/26/2013 11:13 AM
Can Cav be considered the greatest sprinter in cycling history?
Gonzo Cyclist


05/26/2013 11:14 AM
he will get you four or five stages in a Gran Tour, that is for sure
Hmmmm, ONE of the best I would say bobswire, the guy has a bunch of years ahead of him, I think he could be the winningest sprinter in history when he retires
Orange Crush


05/26/2013 11:58 AM
So you ride in rain and snow up and down hills and mountains for three weeks and you'd think that final day would be a bit more that was some crazy circuit. And what was up with the intermediate sprint confusion?

I'd certainly consider Cav the best of his generation and the generation before that (Cipo etc.). My memory for sprinters doesn't go further than that.
Ride On


05/26/2013 04:40 PM
At first I wasn't much of a Cav fan, I thought he complained a lot when he didn't win, He has won me over. I went from not a fan, to neutral, to fan. He is impressive.
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