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covid vaccinations etc in the Pro Tour?
Last Post 11/11/2021 08:03 PM by 79 pmooney. 20 Replies.
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11/07/2021 08:36 PM
Watching with bemusement our sad situation in 'merican pro sport. Just curious if anyone has a handle on Covid shots and the pro peloton. FWIW, I incorrectly opined many months ago that drunk shouting fan transmission to rider was a real risk. Experience has shown that it's really hard to get covid outdoors, and the severity of illness is proportional to the exposure. So pedalling past Dutch corner etc. in full cry is safer than I thought, but no promises
Orange Crush


11/08/2021 08:16 AM
Presumably the pro peloton is a reflection of society so I’d expect similar vaccination percentages which may vary geographically. Cycling certainly is in a better spot risk wise than indoor sports with shared facilities etc. Not surprisingly that bad things will happen in those sports.

Incidentally the BC vaccination percentage is over 90% for first doses and approaching 86 percent on second doses but even those high numbers don’t prevent local issues with hospitalization etc. where those rates are lower. Lowest local percentages that I’m aware of here as well as certain Dutch religious fishermen villagers (not sure if those two are related haha) are around 20%
Cosmic Kid


11/08/2021 09:24 AM
FWIW, I incorrectly opined many months ago that drunk shouting fan transmission to rider was a real risk.

Yup...I was of the same opinion. Last year I predicted that the Tour would not even make it to the finish due to a COVID outbreak in the peloton. So glad I was wrong.

I have no idea of the vax rate in the peloton, but given that some have opined that they are concerned about hwo the vaccine may impact their performances, my guess is that it is a lower rate than the general population. Total SWAG though....

And in case you had not heard, Fillipo Pozzato is now in the hospital with severe pneumonia and on oxygen. He now "regrets" not getting the vaccine.

I'm past worrying about the outcome of these cases....I wish no one ill well, but at the same time, I am completely indifferent to the outcome of cases like this.

And don't even get me started on douchebags like QAaron Rodgers.....fook that guy.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


11/08/2021 10:25 AM
I personally thought the science very early on was clear on massive difference in indoor versus outdoor risk so never was of same opinion on fans presenting a risk. In my mind (and with Giro start as evidence item #1) the risk was clearly around hotels etc.

Yes, some have voiced opinion on impact on performance, but I could also see flipside (of which one never hears) that there may be an increased tendency of vaccination because of fears/concern around being in large group settings. In the end probably net neutral.

Gotta love this guy, carried his insistence that Covid wasn't real into the grave. At least he remained consistent till the bitter end: https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/b-c-covid-19-denier-dies-days-after-saying-he-was-ill-on-social-media
Cosmic Kid


11/08/2021 11:49 AM
Gotta love this guy, carried his insistence that Covid wasn't real into the grave. At least he remained consistent till the bitter end: https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/b-c-covid-19-denier-dies-days-after-saying-he-was-ill-on-social-media

A bunch of similar cases here in the US, often conservative talk radio hosts....blows my mind away how many are willing to sacrifice themselves for this idiocy. Springsteen sums it up perfectly in his song "Rainmaker"....

Brother patriot come forth and lay it down
Your blood, brother, for king and crown
For your Rainmaker

Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


11/09/2021 08:41 PM
My grandson (5 years old) gets his vaccination tomorrow and plans to practice on Thursday and play soccer with his team on Saturday.
Kids have a better attitude than many adults: https://www.wnyc.org/story/i-might-go-england-where-all-castles-are-kids-plan-post-vaccine-life/


11/09/2021 10:48 PM
I'm going to get my booster tomorrow.

Pro sports, not cycling - Aaron Rodgers. Allergic to a component in Pfizer and Moderna. Worries about side effects of J & J. Can't he afford to have a respected doctor contact Pfizer and Moderna and present his challenge. They might be able to concoct a formulation that would work. I'm guessing his name would have a little influence, especially if a wealthy stockholder or three got word. (We have enough folk to be vaccinated that special vaccine lines tailored to omit problem elements could pay for themselves, I'd think.)

I don't wish Rodgers ill but I do hope he gets good and sick simply because that happening might bring a few dozen in for their shots and maybe save a life or two.


11/10/2021 06:11 AM
I wondered if the thread would wander back to Aaron Rodgers. JMO but he’s bought into the fear mongering and is afraid of vaccination.


11/10/2021 06:11 AM
Posted By Frederick Jones on 11/10/2021 06:11 AM
I wondered if the thread would wander back to Aaron Rodgers. JMO: he’s bought into the fear mongering and is afraid of vaccination.



11/10/2021 06:49 AM
longslowdistance: I think you're right. Most likely, the claim of allergies is an excuse. The actual rate of allergic reaction is very low and occurred more often in women. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7002e1.htm
AR also claimed that ivermectin helped him achieve immunity. idiotic.
Cosmic Kid


11/10/2021 07:47 AM
QAaron Rodger’s whole Schlick was bullschitt….he never said what component of the mRNA vaccines he was allergic to, nor how he knew it. The concerns about J&J were centered on women, not men. AFAIK, no man developed clots.

His fiancé is a a rabid anti-vaxxer…..there is no fear, just stupidity and nonsense. Rodger’s is the guy in college we all knew who would change what he was interested in based on who he was dating at the time.

He did his own research…yeah, and what did he find that thousands of scientists and doctors didn’t? But he then took medical advice from Joe Fookin’ Rogan? GTFO and STFU.

as a Bears fan, it is not only my duty, but it is in my DNA to loathe that fooker, but even without that….fook Rodgers.

Smokey…glad to hear you are getting your grandson vaxxed.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


11/10/2021 10:09 AM
Posted By Cosmic Kid on 11/10/2021 07:47 AM

as a Bears fan, it is not only my duty, but it is in my DNA to loathe that fooker, but even without that….fook Rodgers.

I don't give a rats rear end about futbol/ hand-egg but I was hoping the Chiefs would blow out the Packers last Sunday.

Speaking of doing your own research. That's what I'm currently doing. I'm sure I'll turn up some fantastic information that will win me an Ignoble Prize for medicine. What's the CDC's paltry billion dollar and multiple scientists against my education in marine mechanics and $563 budget?

The sheer stupidity is stunning.


11/10/2021 10:51 AM
I'm pretty neutral on Rodgers NFL-wise but if he's down for the count Sunday against the Seahawks, no complains here.

How do we address fear? How can we make it a point that real men step up and do the next right thing, even if scared? Isn't that what George Washington, the men at D-Day, JFK in PT-109, GH Bush and so many other Americans we honor for their bravery did? (And I think I am right in saying Washington instructed his men to roll up their sleeves for the smallpox vaccine; a much scarier deal then than now.) Of course, fear that is based on the likely-hood of gf induced wrath can be real and require psychiatric counseling.

I'm reading a biography on Amelia Earhart. Rodgers should read it. She was a woman who stepped up many times to do what was right. We know her for her flying; where she was stone cold fearless but her driving passion was to lift up American women; to see them dream and live lives to fulfill those dreams. Flying gave her a voice, in fact the most listened to woman's voice in America at the time. Aaron, your football skills give you a voice. Use it for the good. Roll up your sleeve and get it done.

(Amelia had her altimeter quite one hour into her solo trans-Atlantic flight; second ever five years after Lindbergh. Stone cold reasoning - continuing on was safer than trying to land a very heavily loaded aircraft on the short field she took off from; every ounce of that surplus weight being gasoline. She later hit high storm clouds; far higher than the ceiling of her plane. Prop and wings started to ice up. She had to get low to defrost but there would be no window between the cloud bottom and the certain death of the water under. What'd she do? The flying equivalent of Aaron Rodgers' football smart. She flew down but kept her fuel/air carburetor mixture lean so the engine would sputter before she got too low!)


11/10/2021 10:53 AM
The lipid system in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines produce the nanoparticles that deliver the mRNA into the cells to teach them to make the proteins that mimic the virus spike proteins. It's not a simple matter to change the components to accommodate celebrities.
To be clear, I'm not having the grandson vaccinated; his parents are, and he is eager to get it.
Cosmic Kid


11/10/2021 11:11 AM
And I think I am right in saying Washington instructed his men to roll up their sleeves for the smallpox vaccine;

It was technically an inoculation, but yes....he mandated that all his men get it.

It's not a simple matter to change the components to accommodate celebrities.

Absolutely....any derivatives would still need to go through the FDA approval process, which would have to include trials, testing, etc. This is why companies can't just simply add a "marker" into a drug once it is determined it is being used for nefarious reasons but adequate testing does not exist (i.e. EPO back in the day).

his parents are, and he is eager to get it.

Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
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