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Wee paws for instant disqualification
Last Post 08/16/2022 09:40 PM by Orange Crush. 4 Replies.
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08/08/2022 10:08 AM
Marianne Vos.  She went to the now banned "puppy paws" aero position, quickly realized that was a no-no now, later won the sprint and was told of her disqualification just before she was to step onto the podium to receive her honors.

She's a class act in my eyes.  She listened, accepted and just picked up her backpack and walked away.  "When I was in that ‘puppy paw position’, I quickly realised it was not allowed. I immediately switched to the correct position. Apparently, it was enough for the UCI to disqualify me," said Vos who did not argue the decision and accepted the disqualification.
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"We'll have to accept their decision. It is a pity, but it is a rule, and it is strictly enforced. You usually don’t ride in that position. I feel bad about it because I did not benefit from it, but rules are rules.”

Granted, this wasn't a big race.  (CN has a headline that Uran and Biboa were warned of illegal positions in the TdF.  Warned, not disqualified, given time penalties or had their wallets lightened.  Equity between men and women?  And if those men got the treatment Vos got, any chance they'd receive their penalty like men?)


08/11/2022 01:26 AM
Just watched the replay, knowing the outcome. Thanks for Ben's heads up on this stage.
Just my opinion, but the commissar poobahs got this one wrong. To the credit of the vanquished winner Vos, she faded away after the harsh DQ. Maybe a bene of a late career: BS is not worth the time. That's some major class, as Ben observed. As for the gifted official stage winner, more applause, as she also exuded class. She did not celebrate, rather did a Debbie Downer pout on the podium which was s appropriate on many levels, including IMO a subtle middle finger to the rulers. Well played.
Orange Crush


08/16/2022 01:18 PM
Consistency has never been a strong suit of bike racing officiating.


08/16/2022 08:54 PM
Still, cycling umps look better compared to soccer . . . I'm a Spurs fan (English top league soccer, yes we have a support group), and I was disappointed by the officiating last weekend. Spurs should have lost. JMO but US fans are used to more refs covering a smaller space, i.e better reffing. Soccer refs overall do amazing given their task, but . . . last weekend, etc, etc., not to mention numerous world cup fiascos. Euros shrug their shoulders, it's part of the game. That squishiness plays less well here.
Orange Crush


08/16/2022 09:40 PM
Nah there’s no comparison in standard of officiating. Soccer is far better. Cycling is a bunch of poorly trained volunteers by comparison.

Yes there’s errors some high stakes ones but you need to consider the vast number of games happening week after week. Percentage wise the standard is much better. VAR has reduced the standard though and the VAR powers need some rethink and tinkering. Conversely cycling would be much helped with VAR based officiating as the officials can only be at so many places.
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