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Zilvermeer/ Mol/ Exact CX
Last Post 02/16/2023 08:41 PM by Orange Crush. 32 Replies.
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01/02/2023 08:54 AM
LSD, I concur. Particularly in the women's race it's exceptionally boring, 45 minutes of van Anrooji riding solo. Show the mid-pack battles, there's some great racing going on there.

Check out the video with commentary from Drew Dillman at Zolder. WAAY more entertaining and fun to watch than seeing the top three separated by a minute. This is bump and grind racing!

Orange Crush


01/02/2023 06:42 PM
Interesting. I personally have no interest in what’s going on midfield. The race is won in front. If that race happens to be boring so be it. My only request is please keep the talking to a minimum. Do I need to hear for the tenth time that fans are ringing on Van Aerts doorbell, argh?!

The issue with women is that while their field theoretically is deeper and more stacked than men only one of them seems to show up ready to race any given day. Shirin can dominate but I’ve also seen her chase Pieterse in vain for 45 mins after another lousy start. Her pedigree as a future GT contender is showing in those starts. Pieterse races like the MTBer that she is straight from the gun and with the most skill. Van Empel somewhere in between.


01/02/2023 08:28 PM
It’s not an either or situation. In an hour race there’s plenty of opportunity to show more than the top three.
Orange Crush


01/02/2023 08:42 PM
It’s a Belgian thing. Their commentators get very impatient when the camera pans back to this and that action (eg during French or Italian races). I like it.
Orange Crush


01/05/2023 10:54 AM
Today we saw the root cause of VDPs back problems. Not crashes (although those don’t help), intense cyclocross. His physio had already indicated as much a while ago. A lot of course design aspects that are $4it for one’s back.


01/05/2023 01:38 PM
VdP has gone from "He's baaack!" to "His baaack!"

+1 on the course design, or rather the nature of the courses lately... mud, deep sand, off-camber, etc. that demand a strong core doesn't help the physiological issues he has with his back.

Stinks to see either VdP of VA flat out, have mechanicals, have physical issues that hand the race to the other. When Wout flatted VdP didn't give a big victory salute since the mechanical took away a good race finish. Props to him.

You have to favor Wout for the Worlds win.
Orange Crush


01/05/2023 01:47 PM
According to Adrie, VDPs physio watched a few races and had a lot of comments. Mud and sand is fine. The issues are with uneven use of back. Off-camber is brutal but the 180 turns are too. Running straight up a steep hill is fine but parallel to it, yikes.

Both are due for team training camp so the cyclocross load will diminish and I think VDP can recover. But yes Wout seems more bomb proof.
Orange Crush


01/08/2023 10:45 AM
I think we’re possibly looking at VDPs last cyclocross season. A few others going around with sore backs as well, Sweeck, Nys, etc.


01/08/2023 03:26 PM
Agree. Probably better to map out a road racing program going forward and let CX be in their rearview mirror. Funny to say he didn't look good today in that he was 2nd but he looked off and uncomfortable after the first get-off into the sand.


01/08/2023 07:40 PM
Just pontificating here. The human spine evolved from 4 paw drive. Not so great for 2 feet.


01/08/2023 07:55 PM
lsd, I said something to that effect to my PT when I wrecked my shoulder years ago. (That PT, really, really good. She was the only one i could trust to touch my shoulder, let alone work it.) Turned out she was a fundamentalist. Didn't take my comment well at all. Rest of the session was stone cold.

She had a gift, her hands, that I needed. Kept those thoughts on our origin in total check the rest of the sessions. They went well and I gave her high recommendations;


01/08/2023 09:41 PM
Thanks Ben,
If I may, someone please fill me in, curious: all said and done, how much do low tier, mid level and superstar cross riders take home in total at the end of the season?
Orange Crush


01/10/2023 09:26 PM
VDP and Van Aert reportedly rake in 15k Euros per race or maybe 25k. Don’t know about any of others but way less.

Diegem reportedly had 50k in attendance paying 15 euros each. That and beer sales.
Orange Crush


01/22/2023 11:26 AM
Posted By Dale Dale on 01/05/2023 01:38 PM
VdP has gone from "He's baaack!" to "His baaack!"

And we’re back to he’s back. Good duel on women side as well.


01/23/2023 05:39 PM
WvA needs to thank his lucky stars he didn't nail that barrier on the right.

Nice race between those two- it's so much better than having one of them pull a foot out or have a mechanical that takes them out of contention, or one of them not on form and it's a solo win by a minute or more.
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