Posted By Joe Rockbottom on 03/22/2014 12:20 AM Why are mirrors considered non essential? Why not bike computers? Why not dérailleurs? Seriously this is a perfect example of the total nonsense that goes on in these organizations! And pray tell, exactly what is it that makes a mirror "dangerous?" Seriously?
Posted By 79 pmooney on 03/22/2014 06:09 PM Computers are truly non-essential for racing, distract riders and probably cause a lot of crashes. (Very helpful, yes. But everything the human body can do with a computer is just as possible without.) Likewise race radios. (The race radio crashes might not be from distraction, but they certainly lead to riders trying to force themselves into places they don't belong/fit because their DS is insisting they get to the front before this hill/pave/wind etc.) I suspect mirrors would cause far less crashes and injury than either of the above. Ben