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Postal/ Discovery/ Sky... whatever
Last Post 03/25/2017 01:07 PM by Orange Crush. 28 Replies.
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03/01/2017 03:24 PM
Cut of the same cloth it seems.


03/02/2017 07:39 AM
Move on, the election's over ; )

I don't even know why they would bother to have them stolen - seems that today when people have facts shoved in their face, they just deny them.

Cosmic Kid


03/02/2017 10:35 AM
Man....the wolves are circling SKY right now. Seems it is only a matter of time before the smoking gun is found.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


03/02/2017 10:45 AM
I'm OK with the penalty simply being that Wiggo and Brailsford just disappear. Never want to see their smug faces in the news again. Never liked them and this only intensifies that distaste. Seems identical to the relationship between Lance and Johan. It's rather sad that there are a lot of good athletes caught up in the mess like Froome. I doubt he's clean but at least he is seemingly a pleasant guy.
Nick A


03/02/2017 10:55 AM
I doubt he's clean but at least he is seemingly a pleasant guy.

Ha. Well put.



03/02/2017 11:57 AM
Posted By Cosmic Kid on 03/02/2017 10:35 AM
Man....the wolves are circling SKY right now. Seems it is only a matter of time before the bloody syringe is found.

There, fixed it for 'ya
Orange Crush


03/02/2017 02:00 PM
Sky is going to quickly regret sacking this guy...
Cosmic Kid


03/02/2017 04:40 PM
Posted By Dale Dale on 03/02/2017 11:57 AM
Posted By Cosmic Kid on 03/02/2017 10:35 AM
Man....the wolves are circling SKY right now. Seems it is only a matter of time before the bloody syringe is found.

There, fixed it for 'ya

Correction accepted.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Red Tornado


03/03/2017 09:44 AM
Posted By Evan Solida on 03/02/2017 10:45 AM
I'm OK with the penalty simply being that Wiggo and Brailsford just disappear. Never want to see their smug faces in the news again. Never liked them and this only intensifies that distaste. Seems identical to the relationship between Lance and Johan.

Yuuuup. Wiggins has that athlete/rock star ego, kinda have to expect it with him but still don't care for it. Brailsford has always come off to me as a little arrogant, like he thinks he's just a little better than the rest of us peasants. But that's just the vibe I'm getting from these two. A commenter on another forum said something like Sky, and probably other teams, respect the letter of the law (barely) but do not respect the spirit or intent of the law. Interesting. Marginal gains; yeah, right..... I operate on the premise that at least half of them are still doing some sort of doping, or boundary-exceeding.


03/03/2017 11:29 AM
Red, yeah. Sky arrears to have dialed in using TUEs to avail themselves of powerful drugs timed nicely for that star rider's biggest race of the year. The ethics are marginal, I am not so sure the gains are.



03/03/2017 12:08 PM
Wow! (

Dr Freeman treating staff, friends and family with triamcinolone? (Everybody in his life but the riders (without TUEs). My guess - if this wasn't unraveling, he would be studying up for a veterinarian's license so he could write out prescriptions for the pets.

Now if every household in the greater Sky and BC circles has bottles of triamcinolone lying around, you're going to tell me none of that ever finds its way into a rider's mouth? (And I relocated to Oregon for the long sunny January days.)

Sky (as did Postal/Discovery) makes a great case for testing all riders or at least semi-randomly testing of strong domestique riders. Those trains going high into the mountains but only Froome (or whoever) getting close to the podium and seeing a test? Also tracking TUE vs results for the peloton, something UCI could do in house. (Hire a geek to create a spreadsheet. If decent records of TUEs are kept, not rocket science at all. Race results are already digitized.)

But cynically, this might not happen or the results not see the light of day. It might be found that there was a strong correlation between TUEs and Sky wins. Given the roots of Mr Cookson and the close ties of BC, Sky and Cookson this could be quite embarrassing.



03/03/2017 03:19 PM
Lessee....Back up all files....Now where did I put the disk



03/06/2017 11:45 PM
Nothing new here but a quick and funny summary of events to date:

I'm predicting that it is going to come out that Dr Freeman diagnosed both Braillford and himself with inflammation of the ego and, since it was severe, prescribed daily vials of Kenalog for a period of two weeks for each of them to reduce the swelling. (The word is that it wasn't fully effective, for reasons unknown. The swelling never subsided.) Another prediction - those records were also in the lost laptop.



03/09/2017 10:40 PM
I'm not sure how cortisone shots could be considered the make-or-break drugs that would make such a huge difference to a Tour victory. They are probably one component of an overall program, but I'm not sure it's the most important.

When you see the Sky riders, one must question the weight loss techniques they employ. How does one lose that much weight without an apparent loss of power, and in some cases an even greater gain? I'm aware of the comments ex-pro rider David Millar made about the affects of cortisone on weight, but I feel those claims are exaggerated. If it were true, we would have heard about it way before now.

It could very well be Sky had exclusive access to an experimental drug. I wouldn't put that past anyone.

And how does one reconcile the suspicion of the use of a motor, which has been around since the Armstrong days, with some of the "attacks" Froome has gone on in the Tour, replete with ridiculous cadence and seemingly impossible rips off the front?

I think the cortisone issue is being overblown because no one really knows for sure just what the Sky riders have been doing, which seems to be a step above what anyone else has been up to.
Cosmic Kid


03/10/2017 12:09 AM
1) Holy schitt....look who the cat dragged in. First Hab returns, now Berzin. B)

2) The advantage of cortisone is not necessarily on performance, it is on recovery. Cortisone allows the user to recover faster, which allows them to then withstand higher training loads which results in higher performance. Fewer recovery days + more high quality training = faster.

3) Go google AICAR...a drug which sheds weight (dramatically) but also boosts endurance. It was widely rumored to be in circulation in the late 00's but not banned until 2011. 2009 was the ascension of Wiggo as a GC contender in GT's and also the only "successful" year of LA's comeback.

LA has always contended that he didn't dope in his comeback.....and if he used AICAR, he would have technically been telling the truth since it was not banned at the time. Why a journalist has never asked him that question is beyond me.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
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