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Last Post 10/19/2020 04:15 PM by Orange Crush. 10 Replies.
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Orange Crush


08/28/2020 06:08 PM
Didn’t see that coming. That is all there is to say about it right now


08/30/2020 11:05 AM
hmmmm sounds fishy. Wonder what was in the bottle. Why would they remove it?


08/30/2020 01:48 PM
Guys, I've been strapped to a post-crash hardboard stretcher because they were concerned with spinal injury. Basically a hard wood plank. That ambulance ride (over repeated road construction ditches) was pure hell. If you had ever suffered that experience and you saw a rider with unknown injuries that is about to get the ambulance ride, you'd pull all the hard stuff out of the pockets that would be between his back and the board he was strapped tight to.

The "energy bottle? The word was that John Allis, the mentor of Boston racing and one of the first of the modern era to go to Europe to race used to carry a bottle of Coke syrup; highly concentrated sugar and caffeine.

Maybe this was a banned something. Haven't seen the footage of it yet. But the written word sounds to me very plausible. (I doubt my pockets got emptied. That ride was pure, unadulterated hell. And the ambulance took me to the wrong hospital. They had all the info the needed on hand to make the choice to take me to the correct hospital (closer and by excellent roads) I had told the county emergency and ambulance crew I had broken ribs, couldn't breath and needed oxygen. And the passer-by who called 911. Kept my mouth shut otherwise to save what oxygen I could. The good doc who greeted me at the first hospital immediately put an oxygen sensor on my finger and within a minute i was on oxygen. Then he had that same ambulance taking me to the correct hospital (on a comfortable gurney.)

Orange Crush


08/30/2020 04:38 PM
Actually it may very well be much ado about nothing but it’s the written words that have been inconsistent and are creating suspicion.


08/30/2020 05:37 PM
It might be very much of nothing..but it was not medical personal that removed the item from his back pocket. I've made the trip via ambulance twice. I removed all the junk from my jersey pockets myself for safe keeping. Lord knows what happens to that stuff once you arrive in the hospital. What's in a pro's jersey pocket anyway ? Certainly nothing like us road dogs would pack...


08/30/2020 06:38 PM
Yikes! This brought back a memory of a buddy of mine who crashed bad on a descent. He got KO’d. I called 911, when the EMT’s showed up they were concerned about an oozing wound on his back. It was a bottle of GU that ruptured in his back pocket.

He was miffed that they cut off his “Old Guys Who Get Fat in Winter Race Team” jersey.


08/30/2020 08:08 PM
The assertion is that it was banned telemetry, not drugs.


08/30/2020 08:13 PM
Posted By ed custer on 08/30/2020 05:37 PM
It might be very much of nothing..but it was not medical personal that removed the item from his back pocket. I've made the trip via ambulance twice. I removed all the junk from my jersey pockets myself for safe keeping. Lord knows what happens to that stuff once you arrive in the hospital. What's in a pro's jersey pocket anyway ? Certainly nothing like us road dogs would pack...

His coach or DS, being an ex-rider, is more likely to have done the uncomfortable ride to the hospital with stuff in his pockets than any member of the ambulance crew.  (As well as the issue of where does it go once that rider disappears into the hospital?)

Another possibility - perhaps that was something that his sweetheart gave him as a good luck charm and the coach knew about it.  Yes, the coach should have stayed hands-off.  But Remco might be really appreciative that he didn't.
Orange Crush


08/30/2020 08:29 PM
Ben - it has been varyingly explained away by DQS as a transponder (per LSD comment then question is was it legal telemetry which should be more more than rider location) and a “finishing bottle”. Either should be pretty easy to substantiate.
Cosmic Kid


10/19/2020 03:41 PM
CADF investigation closed...."nothing to see here".

As if there was ever gonna be any other conclusion. *eye roll*
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


10/19/2020 04:15 PM
Pretty much expected that it would turn out to be nothing. Still good to look into it, if anything to stop the rumour mill. Falls in the same category as motor doping. At bit out there, even though one or two have actually gone there, but good to keep a lid on it.
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