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CGM - Kristen Faulkner
Last Post 03/16/2023 03:28 PM by Cosmic Kid. 15 Replies.
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03/10/2023 12:58 PM
CGM - continuous glucose monitor.  Kristen Faulkner was wearing one at Strade Bianche.  She claims it wasn't hooked up; just there because she had it put on a week or so ago for training; not knowing she was going to get called up for this race.

Opinions?  Should there be some allowance (with full disclosure by the rider in advance) for wearing a disconnected monitor?  Ban them entirely and subject to out of competition visits?

Diabetes and cancer (and more than a few others) - curses to those who have it, the huge benefactor to the athletes who use the technologies they have fostered and the nightmare for those tasked with keeping racing clean.  (EPO, etc.  Now electronic bonk monitors.)



03/10/2023 01:51 PM
I was looking into the Supersapiens device a few weeks ago and you correctly pointed out that it's a patch applied and left in place for quite a few days. It is, after all, a needle used to probe under the skin and get the blood results. Removing it for an event, then applying a new one the next day for training, then removing, etc. That's just not tenable.

I don't see this being any different than using a power-meter during an hour record attempt but not utilizing the actual head-unit display.

Not sure how she can prove she wasn't using the readings though.
Orange Crush


03/10/2023 04:39 PM
Electronic bonk monitor, haha I like it. Sounds more like a safety device, preventing wobbly wheels in the speeding peloton.

I have no strong feelings on it. FWIW - last year MVDP used a low tech equivalent, a schedule of what to eat when attached to his top tube. Purportedly with same end goal, not to bonk.


03/10/2023 08:01 PM
Brave New World and WTF all at once. But she didn't inhale, so . . .
If Merckx had one he might have won 6 Tours. But no, just no.
Cosmic Kid


03/10/2023 10:27 PM
So I was part of Supersapiens clinical study that started at SBT GRVL last year. Was given 3 monitors and used it for 6 weeks.

Biggest issue was that I could not get any data on my head unit and had to rely on my phone….not exactly a convenient solution on the bike.

As to whether it should be legal in a race..I’m agnostic. Proper fueling is a huge part of racing and the monitor kinda removes that element. It if the the UCI bans them, it is their party. *shrug*

It really isn’t a hassle putting them on….I never even felt a thing when they were applied. If I was a diabetic, no doubt what I would choose.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Cosmic Kid


03/10/2023 10:30 PM
last year MVDP used a low tech equivalent, a schedule of what to eat when attached to his top tube

I just programmed my Wahoo head unit to beep every 15 minutes to remind me to drink and every 40 min to remind me to eat.

I’m changing it to every hour this year for food….even though I was far below the vaunted 90g / hour of carbs, it was still too much fuel for me and I never got down to my normal race weight.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


03/11/2023 08:39 AM
Come on UCI, if these are banned get rid of power and heart rate meters as well.
Cosmic Kid


03/14/2023 11:01 AM
She got DQ'd.....honestly, it was the only correct response. She was clearly wearing a CGM during the race and it is also clearly against the rules.

Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


03/14/2023 06:26 PM
Dale, couldn’t agree more.
Orange Crush


03/14/2023 08:12 PM
Not disagreeing with what Dale said but compared to power meter and heart rate monitoring the glucose meter and what you can get out of it does sound a bit next level. Interesting read



03/14/2023 11:24 PM
Seems to me there should be glucose monitors with easy out and easy to verify batteries. Rider at sign-in shows that his/her battery is out and goes to the officials after the finish to verify. Perhaps make it so that this can only be done in an unusual situation (like a surprise call-up to race) and that otherwise, riders have to plan ahead.

Obviously those monitors aren't here yet but they could be manufactured if asked for.
Cosmic Kid


03/15/2023 03:45 PM
No need to have removable batteries....it is completely painless to remove and replace a device. And since they likely aren't paying for the devices, it is of no consequence to the rider.

If you can get the data to display on a head unit (available in Europe and other regions, only through a backdoor in the US for testing purposes), a CGM could be revolutionary. You can literally watch your glucose levels and know the exact moment they start to drop and you need to refuel. Bonking and underfueling would literally become a thing of the past.

I was also very surprised by how difficult it was to keep my glucose levels at the recommended levels for activity. Even only consuming energy drink on the bike and spiking my glucose before leaving for a ride, I woudl often drop below the recommended levels. You basically need to be eating almost constantly.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


03/15/2023 09:36 PM
This from the Velonews article OC referenced should be reason enough to ban them forever

“Froome is one rider keen to push cycling forward and couldn’t be more excited to see CGM gain traction. “It’s a technology I’ve been waiting for for years,” Froome recently told VeloNews.”

As if Froomie doesn’t stare at precious enough as it is and now there are advocates for more?


03/16/2023 12:00 AM
Dale, best way to get eyes off the handlebars - ban radios. Then riders have to look up to see what's happening in the race.
Orange Crush


03/16/2023 02:40 PM
CK - so according to this (in Belgian but I am sure Google can translate) the glucose meter data are hard to interpret; maybe that explains your challenge. The real game changer being worked on is a real-time lactose meter (power currently being used as a proxy to stay within certain lactose zones).

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