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Where did everybody go
Last Post 08/17/2015 01:13 PM by carl x. 10 Replies.
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08/16/2015 04:34 PM
Where did everybody go. I rode my bike, what now. Solitaire I guess
Orange Crush


08/16/2015 05:32 PM
Funny enough I just ran into Canucklehead at Montreal airport. He's headed back to Calgary for Banff Gran Fondo; I am headed to Paris for Haute Route Alps.

More vrtual activity of forumites on FB than here though.


08/16/2015 05:33 PM
Yeah, the place went quiet. I've been out of town... wedding Saturday then a funeral today.
Going to jump on the bike and get in 50 miles or so tomorrow morning.


08/16/2015 07:08 PM
i got in 25 miles of gravel, dirt and asphalt. not epic but much needed. ate pb&j overlooking a freshly burned longleaf pine forest. everything was either black or bright green.
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.


08/17/2015 10:32 AM
Spent the day riding around in the forest, then stopped to look at a big brown ugly volcano and some lake with dead logs floating in it. But I didn't take any pictures or selfies with my smartphone so maybe it didn't really happen.

On second thought, a pickup truck actually pulled over and let me pass on the descent so it definitely didn't happen.


08/17/2015 10:51 AM
I just returned to the Bay Area from the Methow Valley - traded smoke for smoke ; )

Did my first road ride here in 9 months - didn't push it, except once - a nice mile long hill climb... I guess I can still get the HR up there.


08/17/2015 11:08 AM
Going with fatter and tubeless tires on the adventure bike, looks like PeeWee Herman's baloon tires. Looking forward to floating on the gravel soon.


08/17/2015 11:17 AM
i put 2.0's on my fargo for just that reason. 40lbs of air and i'm good on most anything except sand. not tubeless though.
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.


08/17/2015 11:35 AM
LSD, fat tires on a road-like frame like this one?



08/17/2015 12:04 PM
Not that fat! 45mm, up from 37, and hopefully better rolling, too.
Skinny, Fargo for me, too. What tires did you pick?


08/17/2015 01:13 PM
schwalbe big bens. pretty thick tires and durable from what i've heard. not supple though. more for commuting and touring but i rode some rough gravel roads this weekend with nary a problem. i put fenders on the bike that have clearance for 2.0 tires. i likes the 2.25 tires that came on the bike but i didn't want to wear them out on the road. i put them on the mtb and they were plush and grippy but i got a flat every time i rode. now they are hanging on the wall in the garage. i really like riding the fargo but i don't really care for the bike itself. it so damn ugly.
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.
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