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08/12/2020 06:06 PM
Biden's VP pick - Kamela Harris. Right on!

I stayed away from the news last winter and spring as much as I could and didn't get wrapped up in the Democratic race. But I read the NY Times issue that contained speeches from all the Democratic front-runners with real attention. It was my first time paying any attention to several of them.

My impressions - for most, not much. Either same-old, same-old or "the speech" by rote or this guy (gal) cannot get his/her thoughts coherent. Joe Biden, give us your thoughts in clear, cohent English. Elizabeth Warren - better than most. And Kamela Harris - now she's got something to say, clearly real passion behind it and she sounds like she knows both the reality of what is and how to make things change.

For the past couple of months, I was thinking Biden was drifting away from her and I wold have to settle for a lesser "safer" choice. Well he did it. And yes, we will see a certain DT do his best to level her like he has so many females and Americans of color. Her belonging to both will spur him to new heights.

This takes me to the big question: can the Democrats keep their collective mouths shut enough that the old foot cannot fit? (If I had my way, I'd have an orthodontist wire the jaws to no more than i" apart. Running that wire down the front would make insertion even harder.) I"m pretty confident that DT will talk his way out of any chance if we just let him and not lower ourselves to his level.



08/12/2020 07:14 PM
I have been baffled by 45's electoral success and his extremely strong support from more than a third of the US electorate. This interview clarified it all for me.
It's a longish interview, but highly recommended. I finally get it.

As for the Dems, this is their election to blow. They are more than capable of doing exactly that. The "I wanted Bernie and AOC " crowd are ready to burn it all down.
Orange Crush


08/12/2020 07:43 PM
1. Of course it was all a lie. All Trump supporters wanted was a political hand grenade. He’s delivering in spades. It’s as easy as that.

2. Clinton ignored the Sanders camp in 2016. Her VP pick was a disaster signaling she was looking right not left. I knew at that very moment she’d loose. Biden and Sanders have been working closely together. The scenario won’t repeat.

3. Harris pick is great. Now give her a mandate to tackle racial justice and equality. She is perfect for it. Don’t just make this about “first black woman” or capturing black vote (although those are fine notions), earn that vote and make it stick.


08/12/2020 08:24 PM
After listening to the interview, I understand that 45's rock solid base is based on guilt free white grievance. Add on top Trump's embrace of kooky nut jobs, his mental instability, and the demonization of higher education, and viola we have the toxic brew that we now enjoy.
Again, if you can afford the time, the interview is gold.
Orange Crush


08/12/2020 09:16 PM
I’m not a good listener. I read for most part.

The other thing to understand is that 45 is a product of decades long decline of country not its cause. The main risk of 2020 is not election itself but that when 45 gets booted everyone will be high fiving each other and then sit back, job done. Meanwhile the down slide will continue.

There was a good article recently on this. Because under Obama so little was done to reverse the handiwork of W, now Biden will have to do double duty. Then of course he was part of that previous administration so what does that tell you.


08/12/2020 10:42 PM
lsd, thanks for that link. I've missed Fresh Air since I started listening to the local jazz station which is music 24/7. That interview was eye-opening. But bigger, I noticed the podcasts on the screen below. Had to listen to the one on Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. I read Malcolm X's Autobiography in high school. It had a profound influence on me. Reread it a year ago, Paid real attention to his change with respect to MLK. The Fresh Air interview talks about how Martin Luther King changed in his last several years to come a long ways toward Malcolm X' thinking.

To bring this back on topic - I'll bet Kamela Harris bends Biden's ear effectively regarding real issues to minorities. Homeland Security might see some changes. (Just for fun, how many whites has it bagged? How many upstanding minorities has it bagged? Little things Biden probably has no clue on and Harris probably has at the top of her head.) Thiis assuming they win.

I'm going to have to get the book "The Sword and the Shield: The Revolutionary Lives of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr."

Cosmic Kid


08/17/2020 11:29 AM
Dems need to make this election solely a referendum on Trump....don't respond to his attacks and nonsense. Stay on message and hammer it home.

Health Care - Trump is trying to take away people's insurance in the middle of a pandemic
Economy - In the crapper because there was no coordinated response to COVID19. Other countries are opening up while we remain in chaos.
Military - No response to bounties ending with "I don't care what the military says" quote.
COVD19 - the clips speak for themselves.

And Biden needs to challenge Trump to a debate immediately...."Sure, I'll debate about next week?"

Establish the rules of engagement and put the pressure on the Trump campaign to respond instead of continually letting them do it.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


08/17/2020 12:15 PM
There's obviously a lot of attack lines possible on Trump. I am not sure that the economy or bounties are clearcut ones.

Most countries economies are severely in doldrums. US situation doesn't stand out as particularly extreme as far as I can tell, say compared to Canada or NL. Its mostly just about the chaotic covid non-response. That's a very valid attack line.

The bounty story could severely blow up in Biden's face. Other than the evidence not being particularly convincing, the dollar figures involved pale in comparison to money US has sunk into country, much of which ended up in wrong hands. Remember Afghanistan Papers?

Aside from health care and COVID, I would use race relations and use of paramilitary forces as attack lines. Much more clear cut arguments that will speak directly to voters.
Cosmic Kid


08/17/2020 01:24 PM
Sorry, I'll try to be clearer....I want the Dems to attack him about his bullschitt that he is strong on the military. he isn't. The bounty issue is just one tactic in the larger strategy. Threatening to hold pay raises, his lies that he gave the largest raises in history, his lies that they "had no bullets", etc.

And no doubt there are a lot of attack lines to Trump....but Dems need to pic 3 and stick with them. That is one of Trump's great strengths...he overwhelms us with controversy. By the time you begin to respond to one, he is igniting another. Dems need to coalesce around 3 main story lines and hammer the schitt out of him. If you want to use race relations in place of the military, fine with me. But economy of story lines is critical. You could also use his attacks on the USPS and counter that with the fact that Trump and many of his staff vote by mail.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


08/17/2020 02:01 PM
I don't think bounties or military factor much in what will get people mobilized. The bounties have a huge yawn factor other than some fake journalistic and political outrage.

Like in 2016 it will really be about domestic issues. Agreed that economy is big on people's minds but I don't see a very clearcut attack line. The Covid angle isn't it, other economies aren't really opening up. Remember New Zealand with top notch response? Guess what they just postponed their elections and suddenly they aren't looking so good. Ultimately Covid will wreak havoc on every country. The number of deaths in US compared to other countries, that one really is a sore thumb with many.

Economy wise what stands out for me more is the petty trade wars and the lengthy renegotiating of NAFTA, for what purpose exactly?


08/17/2020 03:03 PM
To put his name on it. Legacy. Ego trip.


08/17/2020 03:43 PM
Nope, just attack him for his lies and have surrogates mock him as ruthlessly as he's mocked others. It will get under his skin and he'll go even more bat-guano crazy.

Biden-Harris need to take a generally high road but they need to round up as many mainstream R's to send the message that tRump has hijacked the Republican Party.

B-H also need to talk about what they will do to restore normalcy to the cabinet.

"When elected I will nominate someone with a background in education to be Secretary of Education.
When elected I will nominate someone with a background in labor to head the Labor Department.
When elected I will nominate someone with a science degree to head the EPA."
Etc. etc.


08/17/2020 08:46 PM
Changing the Senate is also crucial. Mitch has enabled tRump in order to gain control of the courts, not just the Supreme, and push a horrible tax cut.
Orange Crush


08/18/2020 09:24 AM
Definitely Smokey.

Also agree w Dale. 58% indicated they will vote Biden cause he’s not Trump. There’s a lack of enthusiasm that needs to be addressed as weak point. You won’t get there going negative but you may get there with some commonsensical proposals.
Cosmic Kid


08/18/2020 12:34 PM
This is just so fooking good. Gives me some hope that maybe we can turn this thing around.....
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
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