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How do you keep your SO happy?
Last Post 02/05/2015 01:08 PM by Tom Morrison. 17 Replies.
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02/05/2015 10:47 AM
My wife and I will be married 15 years this year. I was a cyclist before we met so she knows that is what I do. On weekends when we are home, I can ride as long as I long as I am home by noon. She has her own activities during that time. 4-5 hour rides are not uncommon. Tues & Thurs after work group rides during summer and I will be home buy around 8 and we eat dinner separately. I always let her know when I plan on being home and if I am late, I text or call and let her know. If we want to do something special on weekends, we plan ahead and I know I won't be riding that weekend. Just takes communication and planning, nothing special....IMO. HOuse chores...I do all the laundry and half cooking / dishes.


02/05/2015 12:09 PM
There is some good advice here, thanks.
I have been taking rides whenever she has something planned. I think I'll pad my arrival times more, since I seldom come back sooner. We're late sleepers on the weekend, I think getting up early to go for a ride before she get up is a great idea. I think I'll suggest a ride for wine tasting and an early dinner the next sunny weekend, i.e. July.

BTW, she gave me a belt made of a bike tube for my birthday yesterday, so she does get it.
Cranky Tom


02/05/2015 01:08 PM
Stinkyhelmet nailed it - communication and planning. My wife and I have been married almost 23 years. We've got four kids between the ages of 8 and 12 and I run my own business. Our schedule is insane. But she's an athlete too and she gets that I'm a better father an husband when I get my rides in. So we work out our schedule for the family as far in advance as possible. I compromise by riding early on the weekends so I can be back in time for us to handle the kids' commitments. I let her know where I'm riding and who I'm riding with. I was hit on my road bike about three years ago and it was very sobering for both of us but she knows I need to ride and she encourages me to get out there even though me being on the road scares her. And I cover the kids when she's doing her activities. My rides aren't always as long as I'd like (usually no more than three hours) and I don't get to compete quite as much as I'd like but it's all about compromise.
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