I went to WI last week for a week 'o riding. Good times. 300+ miles in 5 days - was cool and windy the last 2 days = not condusive for longer rides.
WI - the best secondary road system in the US. Zero traffic (~10 cars in 4+ hr rides), tons of rollers with 15+% grades, and it's beautiful. A nice break from the metric-azz-tons of traffic and boring rides around Boulder/Denver.
I got to ride a team issue Trek Domane [shorter HT and longer TT than people can buy]. It's the same frame that FC is riding. Loved it - very comfortable and still very stiff. I also rode a 7 series Madone which was a bit quicker or twitchy and not as comfortable for longer rides (4+ hrs).
Back to CO now - where there is often zero prize $$ in local races (not that I expect to pay my mortgage with a decent placing in a Cat3 crit - but the chance to cover entry fees would be nice)