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2022 (2020 too)
Last Post 01/27/2022 03:24 PM by Cosmic Kid. 41 Replies.
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Orange Crush


01/03/2022 09:07 PM
We exited the Christmas break deep freeze so got the first ride of 2022 in, 79kms. Also got the first crash of 2022 in on account of ice hiding underneath surface of a very large pool of water. That pool is always there it is unavoidable so we always take it at speed, water is about shin height deep. This time slid out. No damage but my right side got completely soaked including right glove inside and out as I put my hand down. Then of course had to wade the rest of pool so left foot got soaked too. Good test of heat retention properties of my winter gear, all passed with flying colours the final 10k home remaining relatively comfortable. It’ll remain around freezing mark this week so treacherous conditions are expected to persist. Other than that the ride featured an impressive array of bald eagles using wind and sun to dry up from hailstorm a bit earlier. Fun times.


01/05/2022 08:51 AM
Oh man, let's hope 2022 isn't 2020 too!! Ugh. 2021 felt like a nasty hangover from 2020 and just got worse and worse. Things aren't starting out too awful well.

On the flip side, maybe you got your first - and hopefully only - crash knocked out for the year already with the only damage being a damp ride.
Cosmic Kid


01/05/2022 09:43 AM
Oh man, let's hope 2022 isn't 2020 too!!

FYI, today's date is March 676, 2020.

I'm starting the year on IR....had to get a cyst removed from a......ummmmm....."sensitive area" on NYE. Had a saddle sore that healed with a lump and made riding the trainer uncomfortable. Was OK outside, but required lots of weight shifting inside....and since that is where I'll be for at least the next 4 months, figured now was the time to address it. *shrug*

Whole process was a total pain...was originally supposed to be with a dermatologist, but when he saw the location, he punted to a general surgeon. The surgeon said he would normally do it with a local, but given the location and how I would have to placed on the table (prone with at least one leg in the air), he said he wanted to do it under a general anesthesia.

Was scheduled for Dec. 28, but as they were getting ready to wheel me in, my INR came back too high and my blood was still too thin for it was rescheduled for NYE.

Follow-up appt in on Jan. 17, so hopefully back on the bike later that day. *fingers crossed*
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


01/06/2022 07:28 AM
Oh wow, CK, had no idea. What a mess! Did they put you on a Lovenox bridge in preparation for the procedure?

I recall Boonen having this same surgery back during his racing days. I guess at some point you just have to go the nuclear route and have it removed. Did you try cortisone injections early on to see if that would dissolve it? I came really close myself to having a procedure to remove a saddle-sore cyst couple years ago but it eventually went down after repeated injections.

Wonder when we'll ever throw in the towel and just get an e-bike recumbent?
Cosmic Kid


01/06/2022 09:10 AM
Did you try cortisone injections early on to see if that would dissolve it

No, both the dermatologist and surgeon said injections wouldn't do anything to resolve the issue.

No Lovenox bridge either...stopped the warafarin on Xmas eve and then resumed it this past Monday. INR was 1.7 on the original surgery date, but down to 1.1 on the rescheduled date.

Still some swelling....but I have been pain free since I went home, so I am happy about that obviously.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


01/06/2022 09:18 AM
Yikes CK. Hope you heal well. Are those crazy distance trainer rides to blame?
Cosmic Kid


01/06/2022 09:21 AM
Are those crazy distance trainer rides to blame? was a saddle sore the developed in October, before I got back on the trainer. Just healed poorly.

Doc said the lump was ~2cm once he pulled it out.

Again, it really wasn't an issue outside, but inside it was not great. Probably could have gutted through it (it was becoming more tolerable by the time the surgery came around), but I didn't want it to flare up in the season and put SBT GRVL at risk.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


01/06/2022 10:23 AM
Pic or it didn't.... oh, heck no!

2cm? Dayum!
Cosmic Kid


01/06/2022 10:53 AM
yeah, no one wants of pic of that!!

I'm not certain if he was referring to the incision or the lump, TBH. It certainly didn't feel that big before removal and I could get a pretty good grip on the thing all around. I would have estimated it closer to ~1cm. But he told my wife ~2cm. *shrug*
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


01/06/2022 11:42 AM
Rather off topic but a "lesion" of similar size and fun story.

Young woman at one of the very first Seattle Kaken hockey games. Sitting with her mom behind the visiting Vancouver Canucks bench. She's going to go to med school and has spent a summer as a nurse assistant volunteer. Notices a mole on the back of the neck of the Canuck equipment manager. "Looks just like the malignant melanoma moles we were shown. I need to tell him."

She writes two sentences on her phone screen highlighting three words. At the end of the game, she goes down behind the plexiglass, waves to get the manager's attention and holds up her phone to the glass. "The mole on the back of your neck is possibly a malignant tumor! Please see a doctor!" Equipment manager thinks this a little strange and brushes it off, but when the team arrives home, he has his partner look at it. She agreed. Should go to the doctor. Doc takes a look, operates, sends the mole to the lab. Just a few cancer cells but melanoma. Doc removes more surrounding tissue and send it on. Clean.

In deep gratitude, the manager asks the team to see if they can track down this young woman. Twitter to the rescue. New Years day, the Canucks were back in Seattle. She was at the game. They were formally introduced and she was presented a check for $10,000 from the two teams to help with med school.

This woman comes across as totally unassuming. This was just the right thing to do (though she did spend some time after second guessing herself as to whether approaching a stranger like this was appropriate).
Orange Crush


01/06/2022 12:56 PM
Posted By Cosmic Kid on 01/06/2022 10:53 AM
yeah, no one wants of pic of that!!

I'm not certain if he was referring to the incision or the lump, TBH. It certainly didn't feel that big before removal and I could get a pretty good grip on the thing all around. I would have estimated it closer to ~1cm. But he told my wife ~2cm. *shrug*

Metric units being used? Of course this sounds more impressive (bigger) in cms. Read the story about the Kraken fan Ben; she must have been eagle eyed to notice that. Good stuff.
Cosmic Kid


01/06/2022 01:10 PM
Metric units being used? Of course this sounds more impressive (bigger) in cms

I'm lighter in KG, faster in KM and my excised masses are larger in CM.

Metric system for the win.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Cosmic Kid


01/08/2022 11:11 AM
Oh jeez….and now the bruising has arrived. This is not a pretty sight…..and I’ll spare you the details of what I needed to do in order to actually see the bruising.

Don’t think I am getting on my bike anytime soon…..*sigh*
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


01/08/2022 11:16 AM
I just need to look at our cat to imagine what you just did LOL. Speedy recovery. It’s a good time of year to get this out of way.


01/08/2022 03:45 PM
About the same number of hours as 2020, fewer miles total, more hours on the mbt and gravel.

Annual physical week after next and the doc sent a questionnaire.
Since I’m over an age a bunch of the questions seem to be specific to retirees, which I am not.
“Have you fallen in the past year?”

Fook yes, have you seen my knees and arms? These scars didn’t come from sitting on the couch drinking cheap beer, eating nachos, and watching football!
I earned every single one of those falls and wear the results of them with pride.

2022 goals? Ride more, work fewer hours, and if Covid lets up do more races.

Trip to Norway that was canceled last year is supposedly on for July- Santana Adventures tandem cruise up the coast of Norway for a week and a half.
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