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Did not get selected for Dirty Kanza...
Last Post 04/10/2020 08:42 AM by Cosmic Kid. 115 Replies.
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04/01/2019 08:04 PM
Take er easy there Ben. Just a fact of life as we get older. Best wishes and good luck on a 100% return. Sure makes life worth living!
Orange Crush


04/01/2019 08:23 PM
Tomorrow will be final day of a 6 day training block with four commutes and 2 rides. 47, 47, 125, 95, 47, 47kms. This was after almost two weeks off the bike with hiking I Grand Canyon and Zion. Wednesday it will start raining for a week..after we will pick things up again. Definitely a slow start to season. 10 weeks to go Ben!
Orange Crush


04/02/2019 11:27 AM
BTW - flu has been crazy this year. Several guys in office looking like zombies for weeks after they were supposedly recovered. One guy who works for me was diagnosed with a heart conditions caused by flu and spent two days in observation in cardiac centre. Say what?! Still on forced limited exertion for 2 months.

Crazy enough this is first year I can remember I didn't even get a sniffle. I blame it on work, whenever things are crazy busy I tend not to get sick, too much adrenaline.

CK - I am disappointed you got in this year LOL; planning to enter lottery next year myself. Ah well, you'll have to ride again :-)
Cosmic Kid


04/02/2019 03:43 PM
OC, I got strong-armed into it by a couple of buddies....they basically dangled a slot in front of me by including me on some transfer e-mails "Well, we already got our slots, but we are copying a buddy who would probably be interested." The transer process was super-simple....impossible to say "no" at that point!

but I am pretty sure that previous finishers get weighted more heavily in subsequent years' lottery.

Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


04/02/2019 03:54 PM
Interesting lottery. For a local event (RAMROD, Seattle) its the other way around; the longer you didn't get in the better the odds of getting in next year.

They organized lottery by name and DOB to compare entrants across years. Lo and behold, the third time I entered I got an email asking if I was really 7 years old. Turns out I used my kids DOB that year. In previous two years I also had managed to put in different DOBs. Once that was cleared up I got in no problem.
Cosmic Kid


04/13/2019 03:00 PM
“DK Panic” has officially set in...spent most of this week in China and only got 2- 1 hr spin bike rides in while I was there. Seriously concerned about getting in enough mileage.

Did 2 hours yesterday after I landed, knocked out a century today (60 of which was a fast group ride) and planning on 3 hours on the trainer tomorrow AM while watching P-R. Had hoped to get out for a trail ride on the CX bike, but the weather is supposed to suck...38* and rain / snow.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


04/13/2019 03:19 PM
You still have 8 or so weeks no? It's only a single day event so can go for bankrupt on the day. You'll be fine.

Yesterday I did the equivalent on one of five days of OTGG. 130kms and 2400m vertical. 6hrs in the saddle. Took a bite out of me. But 8 wks to make this effort easy so it can be done 5 days in a row.

Also managed to have a little bike spill 2 weeks ago so my left upper leg is a nice shade of dark blue. Other than that still good to ride though.

Ben - FB report 2 weeks ago had 5 feet of snow at highest elevation point. But they have a road clearing permit. So good to go.


04/13/2019 08:36 PM
Wow, very impressive for April, or July!


04/13/2019 10:44 PM
I'm not at your level, OC, but I did get in a breakthrough ride Thursday. Forecast was for light rain and medium wind go I geared the Mooney 44-16 (a mid-summer gear for me and rode my regular 50 mile out and back. Wind was SSW and my ride was just south of west but those roads do a lot of right angle turns to north or south so I saw quite a few sectors with the wind full in my face. Slight uphills meant long stretches of out of the saddle and as low as I could get. It was hard and I felt it. Also the most solid ride I've done in a long time.

Friday and today, basically 10 mile each way commutes that I felt. Plan is to ride hills tomorrow on the gears, probably not very fast! Rest on Monday, maybe Tuesday and try to do another useful block. (One day of rest accomplishes a lot less than it used to.)

Cosmic Kid


04/14/2019 01:46 PM
Yeah, OC...I know I can gut through the day, one way or another. I’m not really worried about finishing, but I do want to finish before dark (not quite 15 hours of daylight).

Gutted through my trainer ride today....ended up being almost 3.5 hours. Opted for the “Four Horseman” route on Zwift which had nearly 7k feet of “climbing”....

Got on the bike w/ 120k to go in P-R....ended up being exactly 3 hours from the finish (which is what I figured). Also had The Masters going on my laptop at the same time due to their early start time today because of the weather.

Outside, there is fresh snow on the ground and we are supposed to get 4” is April 14!!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


04/14/2019 02:36 PM
That's a lot of climbing on a trainer lol.

Did a club ride today. 75k easy pace. Soft legs from Friday still. Two commutes over next days to finish off a nice block.


04/15/2019 08:19 AM
Panic mode... wearing that badge as well. A shade more than two weeks to Tour of the Gila and I'm in full mental melt down trying to justify the 16 hour drive to NM so I can get my *** handed to me.

Business trip to Iowa most of this week, more travel next as well.

Full. On. Anxiety.

I could just admit defeat and consider my entry fee a donation and just stay home.
Cosmic Kid


04/15/2019 09:04 AM
I could just admit defeat and consider my entry fee a donation and just stay home.

Don't be that guy.

Can you throw your trainer and bike in the car for the trip to Iowa and log miles in the hotel room / gym?
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


04/15/2019 11:04 AM
Bike and trainer are already loaded.

It's nice here and I'll get in a solid ride before I head out. Trainer tomorrow, not sure about Wed, ride Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Take Sunday off then repeat next week.
Orange Crush


04/15/2019 11:51 AM
Panic mode - who are you kidding? There is no panic mode for old timers like yourself. Too much experience and stubbornness to make up for lack of form.

15hrs for DK sounds about right based on distance and terrain. That should make for a reasonably paced ride.

No particular time/placement goals for OTGG; just want to be able to ride the event in relatively relaxed mode; enjoy the scenery and maybe have some time for a dip in some of the lakes we're supposedly passing.

CK - what are odds for getting into DK through wait list? My goal would be to get in next year. Use Gorge Grinder (100 miles) in Oregon as intermediate objective (early April) so early season training for DK would not be for naught if I don't get in.

After next year it's time to relax and dial things back. It will have been five years since Haute Route with one or more major sufferbus objectives achieved each of those years.
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