Stöpler facing long wait to see if he can recover from track crash
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Stöpler facing long wait to see if he can recover from track crash

by Ed Hood at 3:29 PM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling, Track, Injury
Was badly hurt in elimination race at Rotterdam six

Nick StoplerDutch six day rider Nick Stöpler sustained a potentially career-threatening injury in what appeared to be an innocuous spill during an elimination race in the Rotterdam six day on Saturday evening.

The 21 year old Ubbink-Koga competitor tumbled from the top of the banking in turn one down to the slow running board, severely damaging the knee cap, muscles and tendons to his right lap.

It was initially thought that Stöpler's injury was caused by the rear of the airfoil section of his handlebars.

But racing partner Alex Rasmussen disagreed with this. “Nick collided with the fence at the top of the banking, his foot unclipped and he caught his knee on one of the narrow metal struts which support the top metal rail,” he said.

There's a video on You Tube where you can see what happens [see below].

“It's such a shame,” Rasmussen continued. “Nick was riding well, always wanting to attack, very committed to the race.”

Stöpler has one six day win to his credit, in Tilburg. He was also Dutch madison champion in 2009, silver medallist in the 2011 European U23 points race and bronze medallist at the same championships in the U23 madison.

He was operated on and doctors felt that things went well. The Dutchman must now wait for six weeks before his plaster cast is removed. After that, medical staff will be able to get a better picture of how he is and how his recovery should progress.

Video: © Rabobank Zesdaagse van R'dam


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