Vuelta a España: Alberto Contador clings on to confirm overall victory on the Bola del Mundo
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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Vuelta a España: Alberto Contador clings on to confirm overall victory on the Bola del Mundo

by Ben Atkins at 12:09 PM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling, Vuelta a España, Race Reports and Results
Denis Menchov takes breakaway stage; race leader bends under pressure but doesn’t break

denis menchov

Alberto Contador (Saxo Bank-Tinkoff Bank) bent, but did not break, under pressure from both Joaquim Rodríguez (Katusha) and Alejandro Valverde (Movistar) on the steep climb to the top of the Bola del Mundo, at the finish of the 20th stage of the 2012 Vuelta a España. The stage was won by Rodríguez’ Katusha teammate, two-time race winner Denis Menchov, who had been part of a 20-man stage-long breakaway, but the big story was unfolding on the road behind him.

"It was part of the plan that I’d break away and try and stay ahead as long as possible," Menchov explained afterwards. "It was important to be two riders from Katusha in the lead. It’s been very useful for me to have Mikhail Ignatiev on my side in the first part of the stage. We had in mind that ‘Purito’ might need my help in the finale.

"We conclude the Vuelta very well with the spot on the podium and this stage victory," he added. "We couldn’t aim for more."

Menchov sprinted away from Richie Porte (Team Sky) in the last 50 metres of the stage, to take his first international victory of the season; the Australian held on to take second, 17 seconds later, with Kevin De Weert (Omega Pharma-Quick Step) taking third after 42 seconds.

"I’m very happy with this victory, it’s a relief," Menchov added. "Recently, I haven't managed to do what I wanted, but the Vuelta is a huge achievement. ‘Purito’ has demonstrated that he is a great champion. He kept fighting all the way till the end. He can be happy with himself even though he wanted to win and he was ready for that."

The group of 20 riders had broken away in the opening kilometres, and included one Movistar teammate of Valverde’s, in defending champion Juanjo Cobo, and two of Rodríguez’ from Katusha, in Menchov and Mikhail Ignatiev, along with Porte, De Weert, and mountains classification leader Simon Clarke (Orica-GreenEdge).

The group was ten minutes ahead over the top of the Puerto de Canencia after 72.8km, before the Euskaltel-Euskadi team came forward to begin pulling it back. The group was reduced to 17 on the penultimate climb of the Puerto de Cotos, but still held a lead of more than five minutes as they arrived at the foot of the final climb to the finish.

Porte, Menchov and De Weert then left the rest behind, and the Omega Pharma-Quick Step rider was dropped in the final steep, narrow, badly surfaced three kilometres.

Behind the breakaway though, Rodriguez put teammate Dani Moreno to work on the front of the shattered peloton, dropping everybody bar his team leader, Contador and Valverde. The first kick from Rodríguez put Valverde into difficulty, the second dropped him altogether, then the third saw the Catalan get rid of Contador himself.

As Menchov and Porte were deciding the stage spoils on the road ahead of him, Rodríguez continued to ride away from his general classification rivals. Contador was beginning to struggle, and Valverde caught and passed him in the final kilometre, but neither was able to take enough time to deny the Saxo Bank-Tinkoff Bank rider the overall lead.

With just the ceremonial final stage into the Spanish capital Madrid to come, Contador is all but assured victory in the 2012 Vuelta, little more than a month after his return from suspension.

“It was a hard and complicated stage," said Contador. "Katusha and Movistar looked very motivated to send a few riders in the breakaway and make my race difficult. Fortunately, my team did an extraordinary work and then, Euskaltel[-Euskadi] rode to win the stage with Igor Anton.

"I became worried when Alejandro Valverde tried to attack," he added. "I had to respond. Once I passed that moment, I was closer to winning the Vuelta. On the other hand, when Joaquim attacked with one kilometer [1.9km actually - ed] to go, I knew the difference would be minimal, as I remembered how it went two years ago between Ezequiel Mosquera and Vincenzo Nibali. I felt a big pain in my legs but so many fans encouraged me that I managed to make it.

"Now I want to enjoy what I’ve achieved.”

The last chance to attack Contador on the toughest stage of the race

After two somewhat complicated transitional stages, the 2012 Vuelta a España was to have one final mountain swansong before it reached Madrid, with the toughest stage of all between La Faisanera Golf and the Bola del Mundo. On the way to the Especial category mountain, with its final 3.3km averaging more than 10%, and featuring ramps of up to 23%, the peloton would have to negotiate the small matter of one 2nd category, and three 1st category climbs, which would come one after the other in the 170.7km course.

The heat that had been steadily reducing in recent stages had well and truly gone, and much of the course would be subject to cloud and rain. Arm warmers, wind vests and rain jackets were to make a rare appearance in the race.

Rodríguez began the day with his cards well and truly on the table, as he told reporters from on the startline.

“I want to win all classifications: points, mountains, combined… and the general as well,” he said.

Cobo, Menchov, Ignatiev and Clarke escaped after 18km along with Richie Porte (Team Sky), Maxime Bouet and Matteo Montaguti (both AG2R La Mondiale), Frederik Kessiakoff and Kevin Seeldraeyers (both Astana), Klaas Lodewyck (BMC Racing), David De La Fuente (Caja Rural), Leonardo Duque (Cofidis), Romain Sicard (Euskaltel-Euskadi), Tom Peterson (Garmin-Sharp), Denys Kostyuk (Lampre-ISD), Eros Capecchi (Liquigas-Cannondale), Kevin De Weert and Gert Steegmans (both Omega Pharma-Quick Step), Tiago Machado (RadioShack-Nissan) and Simon Geschke (Argos-Shimano).

Clarke was wearing the polka-dot mountains jersey that he’d first taken after his victory on stage four, and had held since stage 14.

As the group reached the foot of the 1st category Puerto de Navafría after 29km it was 4’22” ahead but, by the time Clarke had led over the top - adding ten more points to his total - that lead had dropped a little to 3’58”. At the foot of the 2nd category Puerto de Canencia after 63km though, it had stretched out to 7’08”, and kept rising on the way up.

Clarke took the points over the top once again, after 72km, with the peloton now ten minutes behind. Contador’s Saxo Bank-Tinkoff Bank team was leading the peloton, but was clearly in no hurry.

The 1st category Puerto de la Morcuera began immediately after the descent; having taken nothing from the race so far, Euskaltel-Euskadi decided to take up the chase on behalf of team leader Igor Antón, who had expressed a liking for the stage finish.

Clarke jumped clear to take the maximum points over the top of the climb, with 80.7km to go, and clenched his fist in celebration as he crossed the line in the knowledge that he had mathematically secured the jersey.

Euskaltel-Euskadi led the peloton over the top, with the gap cut to 8’10”.

The 1st category Puerto de Cotos saw Ignatiev, Lodewyck and Steegmans dropped from the break, and Clarke was happy to watch De La Fuente take the points at the top. The peloton rolled over the line 6’50” behind, still led by Euskaltel-Euskadi.

The break hits the final climb with enough time in hand

The Basque team continued to close in on the plateau and descent that followed but, with just over 15km to go Movistar came forward for the first time. As the final climb began, with 11.4km to go, the group was still 5’07” ahead. The overcast and damp conditions of earlier in the day had passed by now, and the mountain was bathed in bright sunshine like much of the race before it had been.

Capecchi was the first of the break to make a move, and he was joined up ahead by De Weert and Bouet. The three riders were joined by Kessiakoff, Porte and Menchov, and they began to pull away from the rest.

Very soon though, Porte began to force the pace and pulled De Weert and Menchov away, with Capecchi struggling to close the gap. Euskaltel-Euskadi was still leading the peloton behind, but Saxo Bank-Tinkoff Bank and Rabobank riders were beginning to move up.

Capecchi was soon dropped by the other three leaders, as Movistar moved to the front of the rapidly thinning peloton behind them. At the nine kilometre banner the gap was still 5’03”, as Tomasz Marczynski (Vacansoleil-DCM), Bart De Clercq (Lotto-Belisol) and Pieter Weening (Orica-GreenEdge) briefly pulled clear.

Beñat Intxausti (Movistar) injected some pace into the peloton, and briefly pulled clear, but the gap to the leaders was still 5’12” under the six kilometre banner. Shortly afterwards though, Igor Antón (Euskaltel-Euskadi) attacked and, since he was of no immediate danger to the general classification leaders, was allowed to go.

Valverde didn’t wait much longer to launch his own attack however, but the Movistar rider was immediately marked by Contador, with Dani Moreno bringing Katusha captain Rodríguez and the rest up behind him. The three leaders had just passed the Puerto de Navacerrada with 3.3km to go though, and turned on to the smaller, steeper road to the top of the mountain.

De Weert, who’d been hanging at the back of the trio for some time, immediately began to struggle.

Antón soon caught up with Marczynski, De Clercq and Weening, and soon left the three of them behind as he continued to chase the leaders up the road.

Saxo Bank-Tinkoff Bank led the red jersey group onto the narrow road with 3.3km to go, still 4’53” behind Porte and Menchov, who were just passing under the two kilometre banner.

Contador’s team tries to control it but Rodríguez has other ideas

Jesus Hernandez (Saxo Bank-Tinkoff Bank) continued to set the pace at the head of the Contador group, but Moreno was right on his wheel with Rodríguez. With two kilometres to go though, the Katusha rider increased the pace, and only Rodríguez, Contador and Valverde were able to follow.

Rodríguez then kicked himself, with Contador glued to his wheel, but Valverde took a few seconds to close the gap; the Catalan kicked again and this time - as they overtook Antón - the Movistar rider couldn’t hold on. Rodríguez kicked a third time and managed to get rid of Contador; the red jersey refused to panic however, since he could afford to lose a little time to the Katusha rider.

Porte and Menchov were still together into the final few hundred metres, and were still 4’09” clear of the charging Rodríguez. Both seemed to be biding their time before making their move but, finally, Menchov went for it in the final hundred metres and the Australian couldn’t respond.

Menchov punched the air as he crossed the line, and Porte rolled over, exhausted 17 seconds later. De Weert followed after 42 seconds, with the rest of the break coming over one at a time behind him.

Valverde meanwhile, had caught up with Contador again, but Rodríguez was still clear; the Movistar forced himself away from the red jersey, who had Moreno sitting on his wheel, and he was unable to respond.

Finally, Rodríguez crossed the line, 3’31” behind teammate Menchov, but Valverde had managed to close the gap a little and was only 25 seconds behind him and his second place overall was safe.

Contador almost collapsed as he crossed the line, but was just 4’16” behind Menchov, which meant that he had conceded just 45 seconds to Rodriguez - and just 30 to Valverde - and his red jersey was safe.

Vuelta a España (WorldTour)

September 8, Stage 20: La Faisanera (Golf Segovia) - Bola del Mundo:

1, Denis Menchov (Katusha Team) 170.7 kilometres in 4 hours 48 mins 48 secs
2, Richie Porte (Sky Procycling) at 17 secs
3, Kevin De Weert (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) at 42 secs
4, Fredrik Carl Wilhelm Kessiakoff (Astana Pro Team) at 1 min 16 secs
5, Romain Sicard (Euskaltel - Euskadi) at 1 min 39 secs
6, Eros Capecchi (Liquigas-Cannondale) at 2 mins 30 secs
7, Maxime Bouet (AG2R La Mondiale) at 2 mins 39 secs
8, Simon Geschke (Argos-Shimano) at 3 mins 14 secs
9, Joaquim Rodriguez Oliver (Katusha Team) at 3 mins 31 secs
10, Alejandro Valverde Belmonte (Movistar Team) at 3 mins 56 secs
11, Tiago Machado (Radioshack-Nissan) at 4 mins 8 secs
12, Alberto Contador Velasco (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) at 4 mins 15 secs
13, Daniel Moreno Fernandez (Katusha Team)
14, Igor Anton Hernandez (Euskaltel - Euskadi) at 4 mins 24 secs
15, Andrew Talansky (Garmin - Sharp) at 4 mins 34 secs
16, David De La Fuente Rasilla (Caja Rural) at 4 mins 37 secs
17, Thomas Peterson (Garmin - Sharp) at 4 mins 38 secs
18, Robert Gesink (Rabobank Cycling Team)
19, Christopher Froome (Sky Procycling) at 4 mins 43 secs
20, Gorka Verdugo Marcotegui (Euskaltel - Euskadi)
21, Matteo Montaguti (AG2R La Mondiale) at 4 mins 47 secs
22, Denys Kostyuk (Lampre - ISD) at 4 mins 54 secs
23, Laurens Ten Dam (Rabobank Cycling Team) at 4 mins 58 secs
24, Christophe Le Mevel (Garmin - Sharp) at 5 mins 9 secs
25, Benat Intxausti Elorriaga (Movistar Team) at 5 mins 15 secs
26, Tomasz Marczynski (Vacansoleil-Dcm Pro Cycling Team)
27, Nicolas Roche (AG2R La Mondiale) at 5 mins 35 secs
28, Simon Clarke (Orica - GreenEdge)
29, Rafal Majka (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) at 5 mins 50 secs
30, Przemyslaw Niemiec (Lampre - ISD)
31, Bart De Clercq (Lotto Belisol Team)
32, Maxime Monfort (Radioshack-Nissan)
33, Sergio Luis Henao Montoya (Sky Procycling) at 6 mins 7 secs
34, Rinaldo Nocentini (AG2R La Mondiale) at 6 mins 21 secs
35, Rémi Pauriol (FDJ-Big Mat)
36, Rigoberto Uran Uran (Sky Procycling) at 6 mins 34 secs
37, Pieter Weening (Orica - GreenEdge) at 6 mins 39 secs
38, Andre Fernando S. Martins Cardoso (Caja Rural)
39, Winner Anacona Gomez (Lampre - ISD) at 6 mins 42 secs
40, Jesus Hernandez Blazquez (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) at 6 mins 50 secs
41, Serge Pauwels (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) at 7 mins 19 secs
42, Luis Angel Mate Mardones (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) at 7 mins 31 secs
43, Juan Jose Cobo Acebo (Movistar Team) at 7 mins 35 secs
44, Juan Manuel Garate (Rabobank Cycling Team) at 7 mins 52 secs
45, Damiano Cunego (Lampre - ISD) at 7 mins 58 secs
46, Jan Bakelants (Radioshack-Nissan) at 8 mins 12 secs
47, Ivan Velasco Murillo (Euskaltel - Euskadi) at 8 mins 22 secs
48, Nairo Alexander Quintana Rojas (Movistar Team) at 8 mins 32 secs
49, Cayetano José Sarmiento Tunarrosa (Liquigas-Cannondale)
50, Amaël Moinard (BMC Racing Team)
51, Antonio Piedra Perez (Caja Rural) at 9 mins 9 secs
52, Mikel Landa Meana (Euskaltel - Euskadi) at 9 mins 20 secs
53, Cristiano Salerno (Liquigas-Cannondale) at 9 mins 23 secs
54, Johannes Fröhlinger (Argos-Shimano) at 9 mins 47 secs
55, Amets Txurruka (Euskaltel - Euskadi) at 9 mins 55 secs
56, Philippe Gilbert (BMC Racing Team) at 10 mins 3 secs
57, Leonardo Fabio Duque (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) at 10 mins 12 secs
58, Arnold Jeannesson (FDJ-Big Mat) at 10 mins 31 secs
59, Ben Gastauer (AG2R La Mondiale) at 10 mins 34 secs
60, Mickaël Buffaz (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) at 10 mins 50 secs
61, Paolo Tiralongo (Astana Pro Team) at 10 mins 53 secs
62, Javier Moreno Bazan (Movistar Team) at 10 mins 59 secs
63, Zdenek Stybar (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) at 11 mins 16 secs
64, Steve Morabito (BMC Racing Team) at 11 mins 48 secs
65, Rudy Molard (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) at 11 mins 50 secs
66, Sergio Carrasco Garcia (Andalucia) at 12 mins 2 secs
67, Andrey Kashechkin (Astana Pro Team)
68, Alberto Losada Alguacil (Katusha Team) at 12 mins 22 secs
69, Wesley Sulzberger (Orica - GreenEdge) at 12 mins 48 secs
70, Marcos Garcia (Caja Rural) at 12 mins 52 secs
71, Egoitz Garcia Echeguibel (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne)
72, Hernani Broco (Caja Rural)
73, Brent Bookwalter (BMC Racing Team) at 13 mins 44 secs
74, Adrian Palomares Villaplana (Andalucia) at 14 mins 10 secs
75, Daniel Navarro Garcia (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) at 15 mins 18 secs
76, Sergey Lagutin (Vacansoleil-Dcm Pro Cycling Team) at 15 mins 23 secs
77, Ian Stannard (Sky Procycling)
78, Maciej Paterski (Liquigas-Cannondale) at 15 mins 26 secs
79, Sergio Miguel Moreira Paulinho (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) at 15 mins 30 secs
80, Ben Swift (Sky Procycling) at 15 mins 56 secs
81, Julian Dean (Orica - GreenEdge) at 16 mins
82, Dario Cataldo (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) at 16 mins 4 secs
83, Angel Vicioso Arcos (Katusha Team) at 16 mins 53 secs
84, Markel Irizar Aranburu (Radioshack-Nissan) at 17 mins
85, Xavier Florencio Cabre (Katusha Team) at 17 mins 8 secs
86, Kevin Seeldraeyers (Astana Pro Team) at 17 mins 31 secs
87, Grégory Rast (Radioshack-Nissan) at 17 mins 36 secs
88, Stef Clement (Rabobank Cycling Team) at 17 mins 39 secs
89, Juan Antonio Flecha Giannoni (Sky Procycling) at 17 mins 41 secs
90, Marco Marzano (Lampre - ISD) at 18 mins
91, Oleksandr Kvachuk (Lampre - ISD) at 18 mins 16 secs
92, Thomas De Gendt (Vacansoleil-Dcm Pro Cycling Team) at 18 mins 21 secs
93, Daniel Teklehaymanot (Orica - GreenEdge) at 18 mins 29 secs
94, Frederik Willems (Lotto Belisol Team) at 18 mins 37 secs
95, Mauro Santambrogio (BMC Racing Team) at 18 mins 57 secs
96, Bauke Mollema (Rabobank Cycling Team) at 19 mins
97, Vicente Reynes Mimo (Lotto Belisol Team) at 19 mins 9 secs
98, Mikel Astarloza Chaurreau (Euskaltel - Euskadi)
99, Imanol Erviti Ollo (Movistar Team) at 19 mins 19 secs
100, Pablo Lastras Garcia (Movistar Team)
101, Gianni Meersman (Lotto Belisol Team) at 19 mins 31 secs
102, Laurent Didier (Radioshack-Nissan) at 19 mins 52 secs
103, Martijn Maaskant (Garmin - Sharp) at 19 mins 59 secs
104, Alessandro Ballan (BMC Racing Team) at 20 mins 11 secs
105, Juan Jose Oroz Ugalde (Euskaltel - Euskadi) at 20 mins 13 secs
106, Benoît Vaugrenard (FDJ-Big Mat)
107, Gert Steegmans (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) at 20 mins 16 secs
108, Adam Hansen (Lotto Belisol Team)
109, Ruben Perez Moreno (Euskaltel - Euskadi)
110, Bruno Pires (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) at 20 mins 22 secs
111, Klaas Lodewyck (BMC Racing Team) at 20 mins 24 secs
112, Javier Ramirez Abeja (Andalucia)
113, Nico Sijmens (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne)
114, Florent Barle (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne)
115, Gatis Smukulis (Katusha Team) at 20 mins 56 secs
116, Tiziano Dall'antonia (Liquigas-Cannondale) at 21 mins 12 secs
117, Maciej Bodnar (Liquigas-Cannondale)
118, Elia Viviani (Liquigas-Cannondale)
119, Jonathan Castroviejo Nicolas (Movistar Team) at 21 mins 19 secs
120, Andrey Zeits (Astana Pro Team) at 21 mins 44 secs
121, Pavel Brutt (Katusha Team) at 21 mins 49 secs
122, Nicki Sörensen (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) at 22 mins 12 secs
123, Mikhail Ignatyev (Katusha Team) at 22 mins 37 secs
124, Lars Boom (Rabobank Cycling Team) at 25 mins 33 secs
125, Koen De Kort (Argos-Shimano) at 26 mins 35 secs
126, Alexandre Geniez (Argos-Shimano)
127, Thierry Hupond (Argos-Shimano) at 27 mins 1 secs
128, Stephen Cummings (BMC Racing Team) at 27 mins 11 secs
129, John Degenkolb (Argos-Shimano) at 28 mins 11 secs
130, Yukihiro Doi (Argos-Shimano) at 28 mins 23 secs
131, Kristof Vandewalle (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) at 28 mins 27 secs
132, Daniele Bennati (Radioshack-Nissan) at 28 mins 33 secs
133, Michel Kreder (Garmin - Sharp) at 28 mins 52 secs
134, Dominique Rollin (FDJ-Big Mat) at 28 mins 54 secs
135, David Moncoutie (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) at 28 mins 57 secs
136, Gabriel Rasch (FDJ-Big Mat) at 29 mins 22 secs
137, Danny Pate (Sky Procycling)
138, Frantisek Rabon (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) at 29 mins 26 secs
139, Blel Kadri (AG2R La Mondiale) at 29 mins 29 secs
140, Martijn Keizer (Vacansoleil-Dcm Pro Cycling Team)
141, Benjamin Noval Gonzalez (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank)
142, Javier Francisco Aramendia Lorente (Caja Rural)
143, Danail Andonov Petrov (Caja Rural)
144, Lloyd Mondory (AG2R La Mondiale) at 29 mins 35 secs
145, Allan Davis (Orica - GreenEdge) at 29 mins 45 secs
146, Johan Van Summeren (Garmin - Sharp) at 29 mins 47 secs
147, Yannick Eijssen (BMC Racing Team)
148, Mauro Da Dalto (Liquigas-Cannondale) at 29 mins 53 secs
149, Grischa Niermann (Rabobank Cycling Team)
150, Bertjan Lindeman (Vacansoleil-Dcm Pro Cycling Team) at 29 mins 56 secs
151, Manuel Antonio Leal Cardoso (Caja Rural) at 30 mins 1 secs
152, Koldo Fernandez (Garmin - Sharp) at 30 mins 5 secs
153, Gustavo Cesar Veloso (Andalucia) at 30 mins 8 secs
154, Wouter Mol (Vacansoleil-Dcm Pro Cycling Team) at 30 mins 9 secs
155, Mitchell Docker (Orica - GreenEdge) at 30 mins 17 secs
156, Jose Vicente Toribio Alcolea (Andalucia) at 30 mins 27 secs
157, Matti Breschel (Rabobank Cycling Team) at 30 mins 36 secs
158, Matteo Tosatto (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) at 30 mins 43 secs
159, Egor Silin (Astana Pro Team)
160, Travis Meyer (Orica - GreenEdge)
161, Davide Vigano (Lampre - ISD) at 30 mins 53 secs
162, Davide Cimolai (Lampre - ISD) at 30 mins 59 secs
163, Thomas Dekker (Garmin - Sharp) at 31 mins 3 secs
164, Aitor Galdos Alonso (Caja Rural) at 31 mins 21 secs
165, Alexsandr Dyachenko (Astana Pro Team) at 31 mins 29 secs
166, Christophe Riblon (AG2R La Mondiale) at 31 mins 30 secs
167, Javier Chacon (Andalucia) at 31 mins 32 secs
168, William Bonnet (FDJ-Big Mat) at 31 mins 38 secs
169, Arnaud Courteille (FDJ-Big Mat) at 31 mins 57 secs
170, Dennis Van Winden (Rabobank Cycling Team) at 32 mins 12 secs
171, Juan Jose Lobato Del Valle (Andalucia) at 32 mins 39 secs
172, Niki Terpstra (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) at 32 mins 44 secs
173, Cheng Ji (Argos-Shimano) at 33 mins 32 secs
174, Pim Ligthart (Vacansoleil-Dcm Pro Cycling Team) at 34 mins 31 secs
175, Raymond Kreder (Garmin - Sharp) at 34 mins 37 secs


Assan Bazayev (Astana Pro Team)
Tony Martin (Omega Pharma-Quickstep)

Intermediate sprints:

Sprint at 127.6km:

1, Maxime Bouet (AG2R La Mondiale) 4 pts
2, Thomas Peterson (Garmin - Sharp) 2
3, Eros Capecchi (Liquigas-Cannondale) 1

Sprint at Cercedilla, 139.3km:

1, Leonardo Fabio Duque (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) 4 pts
2, Maxime Bouet (AG2R La Mondiale) 2
3, Eros Capecchi (Liquigas-Cannondale) 1


Puerto de Navafría (Cat. 1) 39km:

1, Simon Clarke (Orica - GreenEdge) 10 pts
2, David De La Fuente Rasilla (Caja Rural) 6
3, Leonardo Fabio Duque (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) 4
4, Eros Capecchi (Liquigas-Cannondale) 2
5, Maxime Bouet (AG2R La Mondiale) 1

Puerto de Canencia (Cat. 2) 73km:

1, Simon Clarke (Orica - GreenEdge) 5 pts
2, Leonardo Fabio Duque (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) 3
3, David De La Fuente Rasilla (Caja Rural) 1

Puerto de la Morcuera (Cat. 1) 90km:

1, Simon Clarke (Orica - GreenEdge) 10 pts
2, David De La Fuente Rasilla (Caja Rural) 6
3, Richie Porte (Sky Procycling) 4
4, Kevin Seeldraeyers (Astana Pro Team) 2
5, Maxime Bouet (AG2R La Mondiale) 1

Puerto de Cotos (Cat. 1) 121km:

1, David De La Fuente Rasilla (Caja Rural) 10 pts
2, Matteo Montaguti (AG2R La Mondiale) 6
3, Kevin Seeldraeyers (Astana Pro Team) 4
4, Richie Porte (Sky Procycling) 2
5, Juan Jose Cobo Acebo (Movistar Team) 1

Bola del Mundo (HC) 171km:

1, Denis Menchov (Katusha Team) 20 pts
2, Richie Porte (Sky Procycling) 15
3, Kevin De Weert (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) 10
4, Fredrik Carl Wilhelm Kessiakoff (Astana Pro Team) 6
5, Romain Sicard (Euskaltel - Euskadi) 4
6, Eros Capecchi (Liquigas-Cannondale) 2

Most combative:

1, Simon Clarke (Orica - GreenEdge)


1, Katusha Team, 14 hours 34 mins 10 secs
2, Euskaltel - Euskadi, at 3 mins
3, Sky Procycling, at 3 mins 21 secs
4, AG2R La Mondiale, at 5 mins 15 secs
5, Garmin - Sharp, at 6 mins 35 secs
6, Movistar Team, at 9 mins
7, Team Saxo Bank-Tinkoff Bank, at 9 mins 9 secs
8, Lampre - ISD, at 9 mins 40 secs
9, Rabobank Cycling Team, at 9 mins 42 secs
10, RadioShack-Nissan, at 10 mins 24 secs
11, Omega Pharma-Quickstep, at 11 mins 31 secs
12, Caja Rural, at 12 mins 39 secs
13, Liquigas-Cannondale,
14, Astana Pro Team, at 16 mins 25 secs
15, Orica GreenEdge, at 17 mins 16 secs
16, Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne, at 20 mins 47 secs
17, BMC Racing Team, at 22 mins 37 secs
18, FDJ-Big Mat, at 29 mins 19 secs
19, Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team, at 31 mins 13 secs
20, Team Argos - Shimano, at 31 mins 50 secs
21, Lotto Belisol Team, at 35 mins 50 secs
22, Andalucia, at 38 mins 50 secs

General classification after stage 20:

1, Alberto Contador Velasco (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank 8) at 2 hours 14 mins 52 secs
2, Alejandro Valverde Belmonte (Movistar Team) at 1 min 16 secs
3, Joaquim Rodriguez Oliver (Katusha Team) at 1 min 37 secs
4, Christopher Froome (Sky Procycling) at 10 mins 16 secs
5, Daniel Moreno Fernandez (Katusha Team) at 11 mins 29 secs
6, Robert Gesink (Rabobank Cycling Team) at 12 mins 23 secs
7, Andrew Talansky (Garmin - Sharp) at 13 mins 28 secs
8, Laurens Ten Dam (Rabobank Cycling Team) at 13 mins 41 secs
9, Igor Anton Hernandez (Euskaltel - Euskadi) at 14 mins 1 secs
10, Benat Intxausti Elorriaga (Movistar Team) at 16 mins 13 secs
11, Gorka Verdugo Marcotegui (Euskaltel - Euskadi) at 16 mins 22 secs
12, Nicolas Roche (AG2R La Mondiale) at 17 mins 50 secs
13, Tomasz Marczynski (Vacansoleil-Dcm Pro Cycling Team) at 19 mins 14 secs
14, Sergio Luis Henao Montoya (Sky Procycling) at 19 mins 59 secs
15, Przemyslaw Niemiec (Lampre - ISD) at 20 mins 48 secs
16, Maxime Monfort (Radioshack-Nissan) at 20 mins 50 secs
17, Bart De Clercq (Lotto Belisol Team) at 20 mins 56 secs
18, Rinaldo Nocentini (AG2R La Mondiale) at 22 mins 30 secs
19, Winner Anacona Gomez (Lampre - ISD) at 23 mins 38 secs
20, Maxime Bouet (AG2R La Mondiale) at 26 mins 30 secs
21, Andre Fernando S. Martins Cardoso (Caja Rural) at 31 mins 51 secs
22, Jan Bakelants (Radioshack-Nissan) at 32 mins 45 secs
23, Rémi Pauriol (FDJ-Big Mat) at 40 mins 48 secs
24, Serge Pauwels (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) at 46 mins 26 secs
25, Eros Capecchi (Liquigas-Cannondale) at 46 mins 54 secs
26, Ivan Velasco Murillo (Euskaltel - Euskadi) at 48 mins 42 secs
27, Marcos Garcia (Caja Rural) at 49 mins 29 secs
28, Bauke Mollema (Rabobank Cycling Team) at 51 mins 44 secs
29, Rigoberto Uran Uran (Sky Procycling) at 54 mins 8 secs
30, Amets Txurruka (Euskaltel - Euskadi) at 55 mins 1 secs
31, Christophe Le Mevel (Garmin - Sharp) at 59 mins 10 secs
32, Rafal Majka (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) at 1:5 mins 42 secs
33, Damiano Cunego (Lampre - ISD) at 1:6 mins 30 secs
34, Andrey Kashechkin (Astana Pro Team) at 1:8 mins 15 secs
35, Steve Morabito (BMC Racing Team) at 1 hours 15 mins 37 secs
36, Nairo Alexander Quintana Rojas (Movistar Team) at 1 hours 15 mins 53 secs
37, Alberto Losada Alguacil (Katusha Team) at 1 hours 19 mins 8 secs
38, Paolo Tiralongo (Astana Pro Team) at 1 hours 19 mins 16 secs
39, Kevin Seeldraeyers (Astana Pro Team) at 1 hours 23 mins 4 secs
40, Tiago Machado (Radioshack-Nissan) at 1 hours 23 mins 38 secs
41, Kevin De Weert (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) at 1 hours 23 mins 39 secs
42, Juan Manuel Garate (Rabobank Cycling Team) at 1 hours 27 mins 15 secs
43, Jesus Hernandez Blazquez (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) at 1 hours 32 mins 30 secs
44, Romain Sicard (Euskaltel - Euskadi) at 1 hours 33 mins 5 secs
45, Sergey Lagutin (Vacansoleil-Dcm Pro Cycling Team) at 1 hours 33 mins 44 secs
46, Mickaël Buffaz (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) at 1 hours 34 mins 3 secs
47, Luis Angel Mate Mardones (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) at 1 hours 37 mins 43 secs
48, Mikel Astarloza Chaurreau (Euskaltel - Euskadi) at 1 hours 38 mins 22 secs
49, Cristiano Salerno (Liquigas-Cannondale) at 1 hours 39 mins 7 secs
50, Juan Jose Oroz Ugalde (Euskaltel - Euskadi) at 1 hours 39 mins 53 secs
51, Dario Cataldo (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) at 1 hours 44 mins 15 secs
52, Andrey Zeits (Astana Pro Team) at 1 hours 44 mins 21 secs
53, Hernani Broco (Caja Rural) at 1 hours 46 mins 16 secs
54, Denis Menchov (Katusha Team) at 1 hours 46 mins 22 secs
55, Daniel Navarro Garcia (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) at 1 hours 48 mins 44 secs
56, Denys Kostyuk (Lampre - ISD) at 1 hours 49 mins 25 secs
57, Gianni Meersman (Lotto Belisol Team) at 1 hours 49 mins 34 secs
58, Mauro Santambrogio (BMC Racing Team) at 1 hours 52 mins 10 secs
59, Philippe Gilbert (BMC Racing Team) at 1 hours 53 mins 25 secs
60, Cayetano José Sarmiento Tunarrosa (Liquigas-Cannondale) at 1 hours 54 mins 7 secs
61, Fredrik Carl Wilhelm Kessiakoff (Astana Pro Team) at 1 hours 55 mins 21 secs
62, Thomas De Gendt (Vacansoleil-Dcm Pro Cycling Team) at 1 hours 55 mins 47 secs
63, Alessandro Ballan (BMC Racing Team) at 1 hours 56 mins 51 secs
64, Arnold Jeannesson (FDJ-Big Mat) at 1 hours 57 mins 21 secs
65, David De La Fuente Rasilla (Caja Rural) at 2:0 mins 10 secs
66, Javier Moreno Bazan (Movistar Team) at 2:0 mins 59 secs
67, Juan Jose Cobo Acebo (Movistar Team) at 2:1 min 42 secs
68, Richie Porte (Sky Procycling) at 2:2 mins 7 secs
69, Mikel Landa Meana (Euskaltel - Euskadi) at 2:2 mins 47 secs
70, Sergio Miguel Moreira Paulinho (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) at 2:3 mins 13 secs
71, Marco Marzano (Lampre - ISD) at 2:6 mins 12 secs
72, Simon Geschke (Argos-Shimano) at 2:6 mins 21 secs
73, Matteo Montaguti (AG2R La Mondiale) at 2:6 mins 49 secs
74, Pablo Lastras Garcia (Movistar Team) at 2:8 mins 50 secs
75, Ruben Perez Moreno (Euskaltel - Euskadi) at 2 hours 10 mins 5 secs
76, Simon Clarke (Orica - GreenEdge) at 2 hours 10 mins 28 secs
77, Zdenek Stybar (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) at 2 hours 12 mins 1 secs
78, Brent Bookwalter (BMC Racing Team) at 2 hours 13 mins 48 secs
79, Johan Van Summeren (Garmin - Sharp) at 2 hours 14 mins 56 secs
80, Leonardo Fabio Duque (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) at 2 hours 19 mins 4 secs
81, Ben Gastauer (AG2R La Mondiale) at 2 hours 19 mins 20 secs
82, Vicente Reynes Mimo (Lotto Belisol Team) at 2 hours 20 mins 23 secs
83, Johannes Fröhlinger (Argos-Shimano) at 2 hours 22 mins 31 secs
84, Antonio Piedra Perez (Caja Rural) at 2 hours 24 mins 55 secs
85, Laurent Didier (Radioshack-Nissan) at 2 hours 26 mins 35 secs
86, Koen De Kort (Argos-Shimano) at 2 hours 26 mins 59 secs
87, Nico Sijmens (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) at 2 hours 27 mins 40 secs
88, Pieter Weening (Orica - GreenEdge) at 2 hours 27 mins 56 secs
89, Maciej Paterski (Liquigas-Cannondale) at 2 hours 28 mins 40 secs
90, Alexandre Geniez (Argos-Shimano) at 2 hours 31 mins 20 secs
91, Kristof Vandewalle (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) at 2 hours 32 mins 24 secs
92, Grégory Rast (Radioshack-Nissan) at 2 hours 34 mins 27 secs
93, Markel Irizar Aranburu (Radioshack-Nissan) at 2 hours 35 mins 4 secs
94, Sergio Carrasco Garcia (Andalucia) at 2 hours 36 mins 58 secs
95, Angel Vicioso Arcos (Katusha Team) at 2 hours 37 mins 56 secs
96, Michel Kreder (Garmin - Sharp) at 2 hours 39 mins 18 secs
97, Bruno Pires (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) at 2 hours 39 mins 37 secs
98, Juan Antonio Flecha Giannoni (Sky Procycling) at 2 hours 42 mins 28 secs
99, Amaël Moinard (BMC Racing Team) at 2 hours 42 mins 43 secs
100, Stef Clement (Rabobank Cycling Team) at 2 hours 44 mins 2 secs
101, Egoitz Garcia Echeguibel (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) at 2 hours 44 mins 13 secs
102, Martijn Keizer (Vacansoleil-Dcm Pro Cycling Team) at 2 hours 45 mins 46 secs
103, Grischa Niermann (Rabobank Cycling Team) at 2 hours 47 mins 54 secs
104, Lloyd Mondory (AG2R La Mondiale) at 2 hours 48 mins 6 secs
105, Xavier Florencio Cabre (Katusha Team) at 2 hours 49 mins 28 secs
106, David Moncoutie (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) at 2 hours 51 mins 20 secs
107, Pavel Brutt (Katusha Team) at 2 hours 51 mins 45 secs
108, Lars Boom (Rabobank Cycling Team) at 2 hours 53 mins 57 secs
109, Benjamin Noval Gonzalez (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) at 2 hours 54 mins 1 secs
110, Gert Steegmans (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) at 2 hours 54 mins 35 secs
111, Adrian Palomares Villaplana (Andalucia) at 2 hours 55 mins 39 secs
112, Ian Stannard (Sky Procycling) at 2 hours 55 mins 45 secs
113, Rudy Molard (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) at 2 hours 56 mins 9 secs
114, Gustavo Cesar Veloso (Andalucia) at 2 hours 56 mins 52 secs
115, Thomas Peterson (Garmin - Sharp) at 2 hours 57 mins 56 secs
116, Klaas Lodewyck (BMC Racing Team) at 2 hours 58 mins 17 secs
117, Gatis Smukulis (Katusha Team) at 2 hours 58 mins 30 secs
118, Yannick Eijssen (BMC Racing Team) at 2 hours 59 mins 25 secs
119, Gabriel Rasch (FDJ-Big Mat) at 3:0 mins 5 secs
120, Javier Ramirez Abeja (Andalucia) at 3:0 mins 39 secs
121, Thierry Hupond (Argos-Shimano) at 3:1 min 7 secs
122, Ben Swift (Sky Procycling) at 3:1 min 13 secs
123, Egor Silin (Astana Pro Team) at 3:1 min 18 secs
124, Oleksandr Kvachuk (Lampre - ISD) at 3:2 mins 54 secs
125, Adam Hansen (Lotto Belisol Team) at 3:3 mins 2 secs
126, Pim Ligthart (Vacansoleil-Dcm Pro Cycling Team) at 3:6 mins 54 secs
127, Niki Terpstra (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) at 3:7 mins 10 secs
128, Elia Viviani (Liquigas-Cannondale) at 3:8 mins 2 secs
129, Mauro Da Dalto (Liquigas-Cannondale) at 3:8 mins 40 secs
130, Florent Barle (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) at 3:9 mins 16 secs
131, Jose Vicente Toribio Alcolea (Andalucia) at 3:9 mins 57 secs
132, Yukihiro Doi (Argos-Shimano) at 3 hours 10 mins 5 secs
133, Imanol Erviti Ollo (Movistar Team) at 3 hours 10 mins 7 secs
134, John Degenkolb (Argos-Shimano) at 3 hours 10 mins 18 secs
135, Benoît Vaugrenard (FDJ-Big Mat) at 3 hours 10 mins 57 secs
136, Koldo Fernandez (Garmin - Sharp) at 3 hours 11 mins 5 secs
137, Matteo Tosatto (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) at 3 hours 11 mins 39 secs
138, Alexsandr Dyachenko (Astana Pro Team) at 3 hours 12 mins 6 secs
139, Maciej Bodnar (Liquigas-Cannondale) at 3 hours 12 mins 7 secs
140, Tiziano Dall'antonia (Liquigas-Cannondale) at 3 hours 13 mins 17 secs
141, Bertjan Lindeman (Vacansoleil-Dcm Pro Cycling Team) at 3 hours 17 mins 5 secs
142, Davide Vigano (Lampre - ISD) at 3 hours 17 mins 29 secs
143, Frederik Willems (Lotto Belisol Team) at 3 hours 17 mins 35 secs
144, Daniele Bennati (Radioshack-Nissan) at 3 hours 18 mins 4 secs
145, Jonathan Castroviejo Nicolas (Movistar Team) at 3 hours 18 mins 23 secs
146, Wesley Sulzberger (Orica - GreenEdge) at 3 hours 18 mins 31 secs
147, Daniel Teklehaymanot (Orica - GreenEdge) at 3 hours 18 mins 46 secs
148, Danny Pate (Sky Procycling) at 3 hours 18 mins 48 secs
149, Thomas Dekker (Garmin - Sharp) at 3 hours 19 mins 45 secs
150, Martijn Maaskant (Garmin - Sharp) at 3 hours 21 mins 3 secs
151, Wouter Mol (Vacansoleil-Dcm Pro Cycling Team) at 3 hours 21 mins 34 secs
152, William Bonnet (FDJ-Big Mat) at 3 hours 22 mins 45 secs
153, Dominique Rollin (FDJ-Big Mat) at 3 hours 23 mins 10 secs
154, Arnaud Courteille (FDJ-Big Mat) at 3 hours 24 mins 7 secs
155, Nicki Sörensen (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) at 3 hours 24 mins 24 secs
156, Stephen Cummings (BMC Racing Team) at 3 hours 26 mins 46 secs
157, Frantisek Rabon (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) at 3 hours 27 mins 35 secs
158, Julian Dean (Orica - GreenEdge) at 3 hours 28 mins 8 secs
159, Matti Breschel (Rabobank Cycling Team) at 3 hours 34 mins 30 secs
160, Manuel Antonio Leal Cardoso (Caja Rural) at 3 hours 38 mins 31 secs
161, Javier Chacon (Andalucia) at 3 hours 39 mins 4 secs
162, Christophe Riblon (AG2R La Mondiale) at 3 hours 39 mins 57 secs
163, Travis Meyer (Orica - GreenEdge) at 3 hours 44 mins 37 secs
164, Davide Cimolai (Lampre - ISD) at 3 hours 46 mins 11 secs
165, Mitchell Docker (Orica - GreenEdge) at 3 hours 47 mins 25 secs
166, Dennis Van Winden (Rabobank Cycling Team)
167, Blel Kadri (AG2R La Mondiale) at 3 hours 48 mins 25 secs
168, Allan Davis (Orica - GreenEdge) at 3 hours 51 mins 6 secs
169, Danail Andonov Petrov (Caja Rural)
170, Mikhail Ignatyev (Katusha Team) at 3 hours 55 mins 7 secs
171, Javier Francisco Aramendia Lorente (Caja Rural) at 3 hours 55 mins 45 secs
172, Raymond Kreder (Garmin - Sharp) at 3 hours 58 mins 16 secs
173, Aitor Galdos Alonso (Caja Rural) at 4:5 mins 32 secs
174, Juan Jose Lobato Del Valle (Andalucia) at 4 hours 19 mins 17 secs
175, Cheng Ji (Argos-Shimano) at 4 hours 31 mins 28 secs

Points classification:

1, Joaquim Rodriguez Oliver (Katusha Team) 193 pts
2, Alejandro Valverde Belmonte (Movistar Team) 189
3, Alberto Contador Velasco (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) 161
4, John Degenkolb (Argos-Shimano) 124
5, Christopher Froome (Sky Procycling) 93
6, Daniele Bennati (Radioshack-Nissan) 91
7, Lloyd Mondory (AG2R La Mondiale) 74
8, Daniel Moreno Fernandez (Katusha Team) 72
9, Allan Davis (Orica - GreenEdge) 70
10, Gianni Meersman (Lotto Belisol Team) 67
11, Ben Swift (Sky Procycling) 67
12, Elia Viviani (Liquigas-Cannondale) 59
13, Philippe Gilbert (BMC Racing Team) 57
14, Thomas De Gendt (Vacansoleil-Dcm Pro Cycling Team) 52
15, Robert Gesink (Rabobank Cycling Team) 51
16, Igor Anton Hernandez (Euskaltel - Euskadi) 49
17, Simon Clarke (Orica - GreenEdge) 47
18, Benat Intxausti Elorriaga (Movistar Team) 44
19, Nicolas Roche (AG2R La Mondiale) 44
20, Andrew Talansky (Garmin - Sharp) 41
21, Rinaldo Nocentini (AG2R La Mondiale) 40
22, Fredrik Carl Wilhelm Kessiakoff (Astana Pro Team) 39
23, Gorka Verdugo Marcotegui (Euskaltel - Euskadi) 37
24, Eros Capecchi (Liquigas-Cannondale) 35
25, Sergio Luis Henao Montoya (Sky Procycling) 32
26, Bauke Mollema (Rabobank Cycling Team) 32
27, Dario Cataldo (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) 31
28, Ruben Perez Moreno (Euskaltel - Euskadi) 31
29, Przemyslaw Niemiec (Lampre - ISD) 30
30, Richie Porte (Sky Procycling) 30

Mountains classification:

1, Simon Clarke (Orica - GreenEdge) 63 pts
2, David De La Fuente Rasilla (Caja Rural) 40
3, Joaquim Rodriguez Oliver (Katusha Team) 36
4, Thomas De Gendt (Vacansoleil-Dcm Pro Cycling Team) 33
5, Alejandro Valverde Belmonte (Movistar Team) 31
6, Alberto Contador Velasco (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) 28
7, Dario Cataldo (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) 27
8, Richie Porte (Sky Procycling) 21
9, Denis Menchov (Katusha Team) 20
10, David Moncoutie (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) 18
11, Antonio Piedra Perez (Caja Rural) 17
12, Serge Pauwels (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) 13
13, Pim Ligthart (Vacansoleil-Dcm Pro Cycling Team) 11
14, Luis Angel Mate Mardones (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) 10
15, Kevin De Weert (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) 10
16, Ruben Perez Moreno (Euskaltel - Euskadi) 10
17, Lloyd Mondory (AG2R La Mondiale) 10
18, Philippe Gilbert (BMC Racing Team) 9
19, Fredrik Carl Wilhelm Kessiakoff (Astana Pro Team) 9
20, Christopher Froome (Sky Procycling) 8
21, Kevin Seeldraeyers (Astana Pro Team) 7
22, Leonardo Fabio Duque (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) 7
23, Arnold Jeannesson (FDJ-Big Mat) 6
24, Andrey Kashechkin (Astana Pro Team) 6
25, Matteo Montaguti (AG2R La Mondiale) 6
26, Javier Ramirez Abeja (Andalucia) 5
27, Javier Francisco Aramendia Lorente (Caja Rural) 5
28, Sergio Miguel Moreira Paulinho (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) 5
29, Javier Chacon (Andalucia) 4
30, Eros Capecchi (Liquigas-Cannondale) 4

Combination classification:

1, Joaquim Rodriguez Oliver (Katusha Team) 7 pts
2, Alejandro Valverde Belmonte (Movistar Team) 9
3, Alberto Contador Velasco (Saxo Bank - Tinkoff Bank) 10
4, Christopher Froome (Sky Procycling) 29
5, Daniel Moreno Fernandez (Katusha Team) 46
6, Nicolas Roche (AG2R La Mondiale) 65
7, Eros Capecchi (Liquigas-Cannondale) 79
8, Thomas De Gendt (Vacansoleil-Dcm Pro Cycling Team) 80
9, Dario Cataldo (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) 85
10, Sergio Luis Henao Montoya (Sky Procycling) 88
11, Philippe Gilbert (BMC Racing Team) 90
12, Simon Clarke (Orica - GreenEdge) 94
13, Jan Bakelants (Radioshack-Nissan) 99
14, Kevin De Weert (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) 99
15, Denis Menchov (Katusha Team) 99
16, Fredrik Carl Wilhelm Kessiakoff (Astana Pro Team) 102
17, Richie Porte (Sky Procycling) 106
18, Maxime Bouet (AG2R La Mondiale) 108
19, Luis Angel Mate Mardones (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) 115
20, David De La Fuente Rasilla (Caja Rural) 115
21, Gianni Meersman (Lotto Belisol Team) 117
22, Ruben Perez Moreno (Euskaltel - Euskadi) 119
23, Marcos Garcia (Caja Rural) 120
24, Kevin Seeldraeyers (Astana Pro Team) 125
25, Lloyd Mondory (AG2R La Mondiale) 128
26, Andrey Kashechkin (Astana Pro Team) 129
27, Antonio Piedra Perez (Caja Rural) 129
28, Serge Pauwels (Omega Pharma-Quickstep) 132
29, Romain Sicard (Euskaltel - Euskadi) 132
30, Mickaël Buffaz (Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne) 134

Teams classification:

1, Movistar Team, 246 hours 37 mins 58 secs
2, Euskaltel - Euskadi, at 9 mins 40 secs
3, AG2R La Mondiale, at 20 mins 19 secs
4, Rabobank Cycling Team, at 23 mins 48 secs
5, Sky Procycling, at 26 mins 55 secs
6, Katusha Team, at 36 mins 7 secs
7, Lampre - ISD, at 53 mins
8, Team Saxo Bank-Tinkoff Bank, at 1 hour 1 min 11 secs
9, RadioShack-Nissan, at 1 hours 17 mins 34 secs
10, Caja Rural, at 1 hours 25 mins 10 secs
11, Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team, at 1 hours 50 mins 58 secs
12, Astana Pro Team, at 1 hours 55 mins 47 secs
13, Garmin - Sharp, at 2:2 mins 23 secs
14, Omega Pharma-Quickstep, at 2 hours 34 mins 46 secs
15, Cofidis, Le Credit En Ligne, at 3 hours 5 mins 17 secs
16, Lotto Belisol Team, at 3 hours 17 mins 4 secs
17, BMC Racing Team, at 3 hours 20 mins 7 secs
18, Liquigas-Cannondale, at 3 hours 24 mins 42 secs
19, FDJ-Big Mat, at 3 hours 54 mins 2 secs
20, Team Argos - Shimano, at 4 hours 28 mins 35 secs
21, Andalucia, at 5 hours 48 mins 56 secs
22, Orica GreenEdge, at 5 hours 51 mins 22 secs


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