Pim Ligthart transfers to Lotto Belisol, says he is looking forward to a Belgian team
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Friday, September 6, 2013

Pim Ligthart transfers to Lotto Belisol, says he is looking forward to a Belgian team

by Ben Atkins at 1:45 PM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling
Vacansoleil DCM rider latest to leave squad, which looks set to stop

pim ligthartVacansoleil DCM’s inability to secure new backers has seen another of its current riders jump ship, with the Ster ZLM Toer stage winner and former Dutch national champion Pim Ligthart inking a two year deal with Lotto Belisol.

The 25 year old said that he has an affinity for Belgium and that the move is a good fit.

“Lotto Belisol immediately appealed to me. I will ride for the first time in a complete Belgian team,” he stated. “In my current team there is a partly Belgian staff. I love racing in Belgium, cycling really lives there. It’s exciting to get to know new people. It will be my second pro team and I’m looking forward to it.”

Ligthart states that his favourite races are the various championships and after taking the Dutch title two years ago, he is determined to try to pick up that jersey again. He also has other targets.

“I have already proven that when I get to the finish in a select group, I can finish the job. In the future I’d like to play a role in the spring and in smaller stage races, like Tour of Denmark, Ster ZLM Toer or Tour de Wallonie, where I became third in GC in 2012.”

Aside from personal success, he said he wants to play a team role too. “I’m also looking forward to contribute to the successes of riders like Tony Gallopin and Jürgen Roelandts in the spring classics or the sprints of André Greipel.”


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