Amsterdam Six: Live video coverage of final day of racing
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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Amsterdam Six: Live video coverage of final day of racing

by Shane Stokes at 1:16 PM EST   comments
Categories: Track, Video
Watch tonight’s action here

Amsterdam six day, standings after day five (Friday)

1, Jens Mouris and Wim Stroetinga (Ned) Vlasman, 208 pts
2, Kenny De Ketele and Gijs Van Hoecke (Bel) Deelen Verswaren, 212 pts, at 1 lap
3, Nick Stöpler and Yoeri Havik (Ned) AA Drink, 203 pts, at 1 lap
4, Pim Ligthart (Ned) and Marcel Kalz (Ger) ICS - Visa, 179 pts, at 1 lap
5, Leif Lampater (Ger) and Raymond Kreder (Ned) Boretti, 193 pts, at 2 laps
6, Tristan Marguet (Swi) and Marc Hester (Den) Drukkerij Koopmans, 167, at 4 laps
7, Barry Markus (Ned) and Robert Bartko (Ger) Bredenoord, 36 pts, at 6 laps
8, Jiri Hochmann and Vojtech Hacecky (Cze) WePublish Media, 131 pts, at 9 laps
9, Melvin Boskamp and Jesper Asselman (Ned) Metec, 110 pts, at 9 laps
10, Wesley Kreder (Ned) and Nolan Hoffmann (RSA) ZAES Sportswear, 83 pts, at 11 laps
11, Aaron Gate (NZl) and Luke Roberts (Aus) De Telegraaf, 75 pts, at 13 laps
12, Didier Caspers and Melvin van Zijl (Ned) Tacx, 22 pts, at 17 laps
13, Guy East and Daniel Holloway (USA) Island 200, 31 pts, at 22 laps

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