Former Gerolsteiner, and current Milram team doctor Mark Schmidt has denied Austrian Bernhard Kohl’s allegations that he supervised his doping practices during the 2008 Tour de France.
Schmidt has gone on the offensive by filing a law suit against the doper who infamously cheated his way to the King of the Mountains win and third place in the 2008 Tour de France. “We will take legal action against Mr. Kohl. We will make him withdraw his statements made to the Kurier,” said Schmidt's father and lawyer Ansgarde Schmidt to German media dpa. The doctor denies all allegations and has signed, according to his father, a corresponding affidavit.
Kohl claims that Schmidt advised him on how to dilute his blood using a saline solution and provided him with his hotel room during the Tour, "I asked Schmidt where we can best organize the blood transfer. Mark offered his room," Kohl told the Kurier, as former manager Stefan Matschiner oversaw the blood transfer.