Van Beek's record not official yet
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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Van Beek's record not official yet

by Bjorn Haake at 5:46 AM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling, Track

The derny hour world record set by Maas van Beek last Monday is not yet official and may not become official. Despite a UCI official and the doping control, the important step of registering the attempt with the International Cycling Union UCI was missed.

Henk van Beusekom, sports manager by the Dutch cycling federation KNWU, has informed the rider. "I let him know that it couldn't be an official attempt, since he would have had to ask for that at the UCI. This didn't happen," Van Beusekom told De Telegraaf.

Van Beek clocked 66.443 kilometers behind pacemaker Wilco van der Hoorn in Moscow and bettered Matthé Pronk's mark of  66,114 kilometers.
The UCI website still lists Pronk's record. Pronk's record was achieved with a traditional bicycle, whereas Van Beek used more modern material.

A fact that Van Beusekom admired. "At the KNWU he have the highest regards with which Van Beek prepared the record and how he searched for the best material."

Van Beek, who also wants to use  a traditional bicycle next year, hasn't given up hope. "There was a [UCI] official from Russia there and he was the official time keeper. He also notified the UCI."


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