Iván Gutiérrez gets his sixth national title in Spain
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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Iván Gutiérrez gets his sixth national title in Spain

by Bjorn Haake at 2:01 PM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling, Race Reports and Results, Olympics
Spaniard wins second road title nine years after first one

Iván Gutiérrez won today's men's road race in the Spanish national championships, nine years after taking the first road title. Gutiérrez successfully attacked his breakaway companion Carlos Barredo four kilometers from the finish in Albacete. Barredo lost all when he was passed by Fran Ventoso and
Koldo Fernández. shortly before the line.

Gutiérrez, who also has four time trial titles to his credit, saved 24 seconds over the chasers. "It is no secret to anybody that I dreamed of winning today and taking back the Spanish road title, nine years after winning it for the first time."

Gutiérrez gets to wear the jersey with the Spanish colors in the races for one year, but one race will stand out. "Now it is a great honor to show this jersey in the streets of the Tour de France, the most prestigious race in the world," the Caisse d'Epargne rider said.

Gutiérrez had already won the silver medal in the time trial on Friday. "I didn't feel too well during the [road] race because I was still noticing the efforts in the time trial."

Spain was dominated by a high, like other European countries. "The heat also affected me. We northerners are not used to these kinds of temperatures and it costs us a little extra, but I think today everybody suffered because of the weather."

From a tactical point of view, though, everything went fine for Gutiérrez. "This type of very fast racing, where it is hard to breath all day, suits me well and that has also been the case today."

Caisse d'Epargne naturally will be the favorite in a Spanish Championship race. "The team did a spectacular job and my teammates really deserve the title as well."

There were attacks right from the start of the race, with a big split seeing several Caisse d'Epargne and Euskaltel Euskadi riders in the move. Xacobeo Galicia closed the gap, but then Caisse d'Epargne put on a really high pace, with 15 riders making the decisive move of the day.

Barredo realized that only an attack could help against the strong Caisse faction, but he was quickly marked by Gutiérrez. The duo worked well together, but four kilometers from the line, Gutiérrez made his move. He slipped away from Barredo for a formidable solo win.


1. JOSÉ IVÁN GUTIÉRREZ (ESP/Caisse d'Epargne) 4:49:16.
 2. FRANCISCO VENTOSO (ESP/Carmiooro) a 24.
 3. KOLDO FERNÁNDEZ DE LARREA (ESP/Euskaltel-Euskadi) m.t.
 4. CARLOS BARREDO (ESP/Quick Step) m.t.
 5. J. JOAQUÍN ROJAS (ESP/Caisse d'Epargne) m.t.
 6. GUSTAVO CÉSAR VELOSO (ESP/Xacobeo Galicia) m.t.
 7. RUBÉN PLAZA (ESP/Caisse d'Epargne) m.t.
 8. PABLO LASTRAS (ESP/Caisse d'Epargne) m.t.
 9. XIMO ORTEGA (ESP/Barbot) 26.
 10.LUIS PASAMONTES (ESP/Caisse d'Epargne) m.t


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