Ivan Basso still uncertain whether to race the Giro or Tour
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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ivan Basso still uncertain whether to race the Giro or Tour

by Jered Gruber at 5:05 AM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling
2010 Giro winner admits that he's leaning toward the Tour de France though

While the likes of Filippo Pozzato and many others don't even want to think about cycling at the moment, Giro d'Italia champion, Ivan Basso, is currently trying to decide, which Grand Tour he plans to focus his efforts on in 2011.

"I am torn between the Giro and the Tour," said the two-time Giro winner in a conversation with Sporza.

Like any Italian, Basso's allegiances are at home, and with his Giro win last May serving as a triumphant return to the top of the sport as a clean rider following a dismal fall precipitated by Operacion Puerto, the draw of the Giro is altogether stronger.

"Thanks to my victory in the Giro last season, I showed that I was a real rider again following my suspension."

The draw of the Giro is great, but the Tour de France calls to him as well, and following the realization this year that two Grand Tours, back to back, might be too much, Basso is struggling with the decision. To make matters worse, the Giro d'Italia looks tailor made for the climber's abilities, but so is the arduous route of next year's Tour de France.

"But I also have a special bond with the Tour. Moreover, the route of next year's edition is perfect for me."

The two-time Tour de France podium finisher is not making his decision in a vacuum though and hopes to come to an agreement with Liquigas's other Grand Tour winner, Vincenzo Nibali. With Nibali in mind and the Tour's ideal route awaiting, Basso concedes that July looks to be pulling ahead in the 2011 Grand Tour sweepstakes.

"Vincenzo and I have to agree, but I admit that I would like to go for the Tour in 2011."

This dilemma does not seem to have run its course though. Basso appears to be anything but certain about his next move.


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