Second time's a charm for Nerz, now heading to Liquigas
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Second time's a charm for Nerz, now heading to Liquigas

by Bjorn Haake at 4:05 PM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling
Italian team takes German from folding Milram team

The Italian Liquigas team has snatched up Dominik Nerz, the 2009 U23 German Champion, from the folding Milram team. It is the second time that Liquigas boss Roberto Amadio tried to get Nerz. In 2009 he lost out against Milram, but now has snatched up the rider and offered him a two-year contract.

The young German is quite pleased with the chance to ride for the Italian ProTour outfit. "I am proud that I can ride for such a big team," Nerz told Radsport news. The 21-year-old is quite familiar with the country of his new team. "In my time as an U23 rider I rode often and successfully in Italy." Something that did not go unnoticed with Liquigas. Nerz had other options as well. "But the Liquigas offer was the best in the end. Here, the sporting side is good and I see a good chance to develop."

The climbing talent has been training for the last two weeks, along with organizing his move to Switzerland. A third task is learning Italian. "I realized that English won't get me too far. Learning the [Italian] language is also a matter of respect towards the team," Nerz explained.

The first training camp will be at the end of November and Nerz is scheduled to race already in January. "It is not yet decided if I will do the Tour Down Under or the Tour of San Luis in Argentina."

Mainly scheduled as a domestique in his first year, the young German still hopes for a good race program. "Maybe I get to do a bigger stage race," he hopes. "Looking for my own results or taking a win, though, would be utopian." Nerz plans to use the time to learn a lot and is happy that he was offered a two-year deal. "Then there is less pressure to get super results the first year to get a new contract. It also adds a sense of security." He had to change teams three times in as many years. "I hope for a little more consistency here," he said.

Nerz's goal is to become a good stage racer. "For that I will have to improve in the mountains as well as in the time trial. I still lack in those departments in the professional races."



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