Gatis Smukulis joins HTC High Road Sports for 2011
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gatis Smukulis joins HTC High Road Sports for 2011

by Bjorn Haake at 3:57 PM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling
Latvian has good U23 palmarès

Gatis SmukulisTriple Latvian National Champion Gatis Smukulis will join High Road Sports in 2011, bringing with him a decent U23 career, including victory at the 2008 Ronde van Vlaanderen.

Smukulis will be part of the team that has 24 riders from 15 different nations. Team Manager Rolf Aldag is quite certain that the Latvian rider will be a valuable asset, especially in the early part of the season. "Gatis is a very talented all-around professional who likes the spring classics very much. He has earned respect in the peloton by long breakaways and as a very loyal teammate who helps his team leader."

HTC wants to develop the rider into one of their major players in the coming years. "We believe he has great potential and we want to help him to discover how far he can go."

Smukulis himself is psyched about the chance to ride for the American team. "I am very pleased to be able to join this team," said 23-year-old Smukulis. "I am grateful that I was recognized, and I will prove myself in the best way I can. I will work with all my heart to show my membership in this strong and organized team."

Smukulis spent the last two years at AG2R La Mondiale, where he mostly got used to racing with the professionals.


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