Marcos García, another victim of Xacobeo-Galicia's disappearance
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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Marcos García, another victim of Xacobeo-Galicia's disappearance

by Bjorn Haake at 2:37 PM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling
Young Spaniard faces unemployment

Marcos GarciaThe exit of Spanish team Xacobeo-Galicia was bad news for some of its riders, especially the younger ones. Marcos García is one of those who couldn't find a contract for next season so far, and his career looks to be over before it really started.

On December 4, García turns 24 years old. But he won't have much to celebrate. "As of today, I am out on the street," he says about his situation. "Xacobeo gave me the opportunity to do two years with them and I think I made the most out of it." García rode two Grand Tours, the Giro d"Italia in 2009 and the Vuelta a España this year. He finished 51st and 44th overall, respectively.

Now, his career seems to come to a quick stop. "It doesn't appear that I will find a spot in another team," García says. He had some good results, with his second place in the GP Llodio, a third in the Vuelta a La Rioja and a seventh in the Subida al Naranco.

"I think I showed that I belong with the professionals, but now, if things don't change in the last days of the year, I will have to take two steps back and return to the amateur category."

García was picked up as a stagiaire by Xacobeo-Galicia in 2008. He managed a 44th place in the Vuelta a Burgos, with a two-year contract as a reward. He was 22 when he rode the Giro, and it looked like the beginning of a good career. Now García's professional cycling experience looks to be over all too soon.


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