Rabobank signing, Matti Breschel, heading to Lanzarote to continue with rehab
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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rabobank signing, Matti Breschel, heading to Lanzarote to continue with rehab

by Jered Gruber at 7:57 AM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling
Danish one day specialist apparently recovering well

Matti Breschel's recovery from his potentially career-ending knee surgery is going well. So well in fact, that the 2009 Danish champion is preparing to head to Lanzarote to continue his rehabilitation.

Rabosport reports that the 2010 winner of the Dwars door Vlaanderen is set to head to the sunny warmth of Lanzarote to promote the rehab that he is already doing in a friendlier climate. Breschel is currently swimming and doing 'fitness' activities to help in the recovery process.

Rabosport did not mention if Breschel will be bringing his bike or not or when he'll be able to return to training. It has only been a week and a half so far since the surgery, so it would be a miraculous recover at this point if Breschel were to be able to begin riding already.

Ahead of the surgery, the possibility existed that it could be as much as twelve weeks before Breschel was able to resume training, and there was even the chance that he'd never ride again.

"I haven't slept a wink in a few days now. It's something that you realize, that you may never sit on a bicycle again," said the Danish talent before the surgery.

Of course, the surgery was deemed a success, and the recovery period was projected to be a scant four to six weeks, which once again opened the door for Breschel to contend in the Spring Classics, a part of the year which both Breschel and his new Rabobank team value highly.

After the news of the surgery's success, Breschel was relieved to realize that not only would he ride again, but this spring's Classics were still a possibility.

"If we're talking four to six weeks, then there is enough time. As a sportsman, I hope of course that it happens a little faster."

An extended stay, some hard work, and a quick recovery in Lanzarote could possibly see the one day specialist taking his first pedal strokes in preparation for the 2011 season in the sun in a few weeks.


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