Vos beats Kupfernagel in women's GvA in Loenhout
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Vos beats Kupfernagel in women's GvA in Loenhout

by Bjorn Haake at 2:13 PM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling, Cyclocross, Race Reports and Results
Sanne van Paassen stays in the overall lead

marianne vosMarianne Vos won a three-up sprint against Hanka Kupfernagel and Daphny van den Brand in the muddy GvA Trofee in Loenhout, Belgium. Sanne Cant was fourth, Sanne van Paassen ended the day in fifth. Van Paassen kept her lead in the GvA overall, two points ahead of Cant and Van den Brand. The latter two are equal on points, with 58 each.

The race in the mud cost a lot of strength. "I am really happy and beat," Vos said. "In the beginning I had a hard time getting into my rhythm." Vos had some trouble keeping the pace with the leaders early on. "But I was able to catch back on."

Kupfernagel tried to win the race from far out. "Kupfernagel took the initiative in the final lap," Vos said. "She wanted to do a long sprint and probably hoped that Daphne and I would have to concede some meters if we do a mistake in the final turn." That did not happen and Vos was perfectly placed. "I had no trouble staying in her wheel, and then the most important was to launch the sprint at the right moment."

Vos is quite motivated at this race and she fought hard for the win. "I think this was a really great race for the spectators. Every year, Loenhout is a top race for the women and with the National Championships coming up, everybody is riding on their top level. "There was one exception today. "From the top racers, only Katherine Compton cracked, the rest was there," Vos said.

Cant was not quite happy with her fourth place. "Another fourth and so no podium." She admitted that the other three were stronger. "On the technical sections I certainly wasn't the worst, but on the power stretches I had to fight to stay in contact." She did have a regret not being able to take over the lead in the GvA overall, seeing a chance "when Van Paassen had to put her foot on the ground. But I also swerved and then was stuck as well."

Then it was game over for Cant. "Just as I was able to catch back on, Kupfernagel accelerated and it was over. I still have a chance for the overall, but with Van den Brand equal on points it won't be any easier."

The race started with Helen Wyman, who was lying second in the GvA standings, crashing in lap one. This impacted Vos as well, but she was able to join the front group with Kupfernagel, Van den Brand, Cant, Van Paassen en Gabriella Day. Day quickly dropped back.

Only with two laps to go did Van Paassen and Cant get dropped. Kupfernagel took the command of the leading trio, only to be outsprinted in the end.


1. Marianne Vos (Ned) 41:36
2. Hanka Kupfernagel (Dui)
3. Dpahny van den Brand (Ned)
4. Sanne Cant 0:30;
5. Sanne van Paassen (Ned) 0:55;
6. Pavla Havlikova (Tsj) 1:42;
7. Helen Wyman (GBr);
8. Nikki Harris (GBr) 2:14;
9. Gabriella Day (GBr) 2:20;
10. Sophie de Boer (Ned) 2:40;

GvA Standings

1. Sanne van Paassen (Ned) 60 punten
2. Sanne Cant 58
Daphny van den Brand 58
4. Helen Wyman (GBr) 55;
5. Sophie de Boer (Ned) en Pavla Havlikova (Tsj) 42;
7. Nikki Harris (GBr) 38;
8. Reza Hormes (Ned) 36;
9. Arenda Grimberg (Ned) 27;
10. Joyce Vanderbeken 26;


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