Niels Albert won’t give it all in GP Sven Nys
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Friday, December 31, 2010

Niels Albert won’t give it all in GP Sven Nys

by Ben Atkins at 12:53 PM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling, Cyclocross, National Championships
2009 World champion wants to save himself for Belgian Championships

niels albertAlthough he has won three races since Christmas, Niels Albert (BKCP-Powerplus) will take the start of the GP Sven Nys on New Year’s Day looking for another; he will not push himself too hard to get it though, according to This weekend’s GP Sven Nys, the sixth round of the Gazet van Antwerpen (GvA) Trofee, is an important race and victory there could be a strong psychological blow against the rider it’s dedicated to; the following weekend’s racing is far more important though, with the chance to take the Belgian champion’s jersey away from Nys.

Albert confirmed to Het Laatste Nieuws that he would be on the start line to win in Baal tomorrow; “But I’m not going to go full on,” he said, “with a view to the Belgian Championships.

“I want to start super-fresh in Antwerpen. I am of course motivated to get a good result in Baal, but with my schedule I don’t want to change anything.”

Legions of fans follow the top riders to every race, and Albert is sensitive that his fans may feel a little short-changed if he is seen to be not going all out for victory.

“I understand my supporters want to see me win in Baal,” he said, “but they won’t be angry if I fail. If I won myself a Belgian champion’s jersey they will be at least as satisfied.”

The Belgian champion jersey has become the property of Sven Nys (Landbouwkrediet) in recent years, with the Kannibaal having won it on seven occasions. Nevertheless Albert is determined to take it from the older rider one of these days.

“I’m not the top favourite,” he explained, “but I’m ready for it; the Belgian championship is a gap on my list of achievements. I still have some time to take the Belgian driekleur, but it would be nice to succeed in Antwerpen this time.”


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