Armstrong says he doesn’t have anything to worry about in relation to investigations
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Armstrong says he doesn’t have anything to worry about in relation to investigations

by VeloNation Press at 9:51 AM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling, Doping
Team RadioShack rider doesn’t want to discuss Sports Illustrated piece

Lance ArmstrongDetermined not to comment on the allegations printed by Sports Illustrated, seven time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong said today that he wasn’t worried about the feature which appears in today’s magazine. “I don’t have anything to worry about on any level. It has nothing to do with what’s going on overseas,” he told journalists at the Santos Tour Down Under.

Armstrong was approached for a reaction after details emerged of the contents of the SI article, which contains specific details of alleged offences. Speaking to AFP, he repeatedly said that he didn’t want to talk about the issue. “I don’t have anything to say…I have nothing to say,” he said, when asked questions about the claims it contained.

“I’ve perused it. There is nothing there,” he said, when asked if he had read the piece.

Armstrong is competing in his final international event, although he has previously indicated that he might also ride the Tour of California and Quiznos Pro Challenge in the US. He has finished in the main bunch on the first two stages and while he is willing to talk about the race, the Sports Illustrated piece is clearly out of bounds.

“Dude, are you that stupid? Which part of ‘I am not commenting’ is not clear to you?” he said, when the AFP reporter asked him about claims concerning his RadioShack team-mate Yaroslav Popovych.

When asked by a different journalist what his mood was like, he described himself as ‘fine,’ and said that he didn’t have to worry about anything.

He is currently 60th overall, ten seconds off the race lead held by his RadioShack team-mate Robbie McEwen. The Santos Tour Down Under continues tomorrow with a lumpy 129 kilometre stage to Stirling. Armstrong is aiming for a good performance prior to calling an end to his international career, and wants to remain focussed on the race.


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