AIGCP rejects UCI stance on radios, will take ‘drastic action’ if ban not rescinded
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Friday, March 4, 2011

AIGCP rejects UCI stance on radios, will take ‘drastic action’ if ban not rescinded

by Shane Stokes at 2:26 PM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling
Teams’ association gives the UCI until May 1st to reverse rule

AIGCPFollowing on from yesterday’s meeting between representatives of the UCI and the AIGCP, the latter has firmly rejected the stance of the governing body on race radios and has called for the rule banning their use to be reversed.

The AIGCP, the association representing the teams in professional cycling, has objected to both the rule and also the manner in which it was introduced, saying that it was forced through without any proper representation in the decision-making process. Because of this, it said that it is united in its opposition to the regulation and said that if the UCI doesn’t back-track on the rule by May 1st, that the teams will take ‘drastic action’.

The UCI introduced the gradual phasing-out of radios because it asserts that it has affected the unfolding of races, making them more controlled and predictable. Those who oppose to the ban generally reject this point, and say that the advantages of the radios far outweigh the disadvantages.

Some commentators have proposed a one-way system where the riders can inform the team car of problems and requests, but the directeur sportif cannot respond. Other variations of a compromise include allowing riders themselves to have radio contact with each other, and by requesting the organisers to provide safety information from radio Tour. No compromise has been publicly considered by the UCI, and this is part of the AIGCP resistance.

The full statement is as follows:

Today the AIGCP met for its first general assembly of the 2011 season. Amongst the many topics discussed today was that of the radio ban. Our discussion regarding the radios resulted in total agreement amongst all the teams and a document signed by all the member teams which will be sent to the UCI tomorrow.
The contents of that document are as follows:

1. The AIGCP and its members unanimously oppose the ban on radios.

2. While some members of the AIGCP feel more or less strongly about the rule regarding radios, what we all feel very strongly about is the manner in which this rule was introduced.
This rule was not discussed nor voted on by the CCP, which is the advisory board concerning Professional cycling, which contains 2 representatives from the teams. Even if it had been, the CCP holds no final power on the introduction of new rules. The decision was made unilaterally by the management committee of the UCI, which does not contain any representative of the teams, the riders, nor the race organizers.


** All the teams unanimously denounce the UCI for introducing this legislation without any representation from any team**

3. The AIGCP ask the UCI to rescind the regulation regarding the radio ban. If this regulation is not rescinded by the first of May, 2011, the teams have unanimously agreed on a drastic action. This action will not be made public at this time, but the UCI will be informed of its content.

The UCI, and its President, Pat Mcquaid, will receive a document, signed by all the teams, that outlines the full content of our thoughts. While humbly hand written during discussion, the UCI can be sure of the solidarity of the teams and the depth of the letters content.

Teams staged a protest earlier this year at the first stage of the Challenge Mallorca events, wearing radios in contravention of the rules. The UCI declared the outcome of that race invalid, but while no further protests have taken place, it’s clear the situation is escalating rather than settling down.


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