Cadel Evans stamps his authority on Tirreno Adriatico stage 6
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Monday, March 14, 2011

Cadel Evans stamps his authority on Tirreno Adriatico stage 6

by Ben Atkins at 11:35 AM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling, Race Reports and Results, Tirreno-Adriatico
Former World champion tightens grip on race lead atop steep uphill finish

Cadel EvansCadel Evans (BMC Racing) won the sixth stage of Tirreno-Adriatico between Ussita and Macerata after outsprinting the rest of the race’s top riders at the top of the precipitously steep climb to the finish. Italian champion Giovanni Visconti (Farnese Vini-Neri) followed the former World champion over the line, with Michele Scarponi (Lampre-ISD) in third at the end of the rolling 182km stage.

The race’s big favourites sparred with one another on the final climb to the finish but it was the Australian who was able to deliver the knock out punch.

"I'm feeling very happy," said Evans after his victory. "Yesterday was one thing to take the [blue leader's] jersey, but to win a stage in the jersey makes me really, really happy."

The 2009 World champion’s stage win increases his lead slightly over his rivals, giving him a little more breathing space ahead of the final, flat 9.3km time trial stage.

"My main thing – and the first plan today – was not to lose any seconds," he explained. "Of course, if there was any opportunity to gain seconds, that's always an advantage going into tomorrow. We're still riding only a 10-kilometer time trial but it's always a bigger advantage than a lesser advantage."

Evans was protected by BMC Racing teammates Alessandro Ballan and George Hincapie in the latter stages as the other teams attempted to put him under pressure.

"The whole team was fantastic and Alessandro and George were really, really exceptional today," he said. "Thanks to them for putting me in the right position, I just had to finish it up in the last kilometre."

The usual break gets away on the rolling roads, but never too far

The beginning of the stage was ridden at a very fast pace, preventing anybody from breaking free of the peloton; after 44km though, Borut Bozic (Vacansoleil-DCM) managed to escape and was allowed to build an advantage of 4’50” after just 15km.

After 89km Bert Grabsch (HTC-Highroad) escaped in pursuit of Borut, catching up with the Slovenian in the space of 5km, and the two of them worked to increase their lead to 6’05” by the intermediate sprint in Filottrano after 105km.

BMC Racing was working on the front, on behalf of race leader Evans, to prevent the gap from growing too wide. Lampre-ISD and Liquigas-Cannondale came forward to assist BMC Racing and the two leaders’ advantage began to steadily come down.

With 50km to go the gap was 5’40”; with 40km to go it had been reduced to 4’16”; and as Borut and Grabsch crossed the line at the top of the steep climb to the finish, to start the two 14.9km circuits, the two riders still led by 3 minutes.

Mid way around the first circuit, with 20km to go and Lampre-ISD firmly in control of the front of the peloton, the leading duo’s advantage had been reduced to just 1’25”. Borut was visibly tiring now, having to be physically encouraged to take the front by Grabsch.

With a number of teams taking to the front of the peloton, including OmegaPharma-Lotto, Acqua & Sapone and RadioShack, Borut and Grabsch were caught with 16.4km to go on a steep climb on the approach to the final ascent to the finish line.

The break is over so the attacks begin

Lampre-ISD took control once more, with Przemyslaw Niemiec lifting the pace on the steep slopes with Michele Scarponi on his wheel. The rest of the riders at the top of the standings were lined out behind the blue-fuchsia pair though, and it was still a sizeable group that crossed the finish together line with 14.9km to go.

On the rolling section at the beginning of the final lap Alessandro Ballan and George Hincapie came to the front of the peloton on behalf of Evans. The Australian was comfortably tucked in behind his two teammates with the other race favourites swarming behind him.

With 8.6km to go Peter Velits (HTC-highroad) put in a big attack, the Slovakian only managed to get a few seconds ahead though, and was quickly chased down by the BMC Racing team. Visconti’s Farnese Vini-Neri team tried to take control inside the final 5km but Ballan and Hincapie were having none of this and pulled to the front once more.

Job done, Ballan sat up with 4.5km to go, leaving Evans with just Hincapie for support.

With 2km to go Damiano Cunego (Lampre-ISD) accelerated and Scarponi took his wheel and after a few hundred metres Scarponi took over; Evans was glued to his back wheel and the Italian sat up. The acceleration for was too much for a number of riders though, with Andy Schleck (Leopard Trek) among those to lose contact.

Suddenly, with just 1.4km remaining, Angel Madrazo (Movistar) launched himself from the lead group and managed to get a visible gap between himself and the rest. Michele Albasini (HTC-Highroad) tried to follow, with Simon Clarke (Astana), Evans and Scarponi, and the rest of the favourites right behind him.

The last steep kilometre sees the sparring begin

As they passed under the red kite, marking the final kilometre, Tiago Marchado (RadioShack) set off in pursuit of Madrazo; he too managed to get a few metres clear but the rest reacted to his attack and he was soon brought back.

Scarponi forced the pace once more, but found himself shadowed by yesterday’s stage winner Philippe Gilbert (OmegaPharma-Lotto, Evans and Ivan Basso (Liquigas-Doimo).

Next to go was Vincenzo Nibali (Liquigas-Doimo) with just Scarponi for company but neither rider could maintain the pace on the gradients of up to 18%.  Madrazo found himself overtaken though, as the big men of the race swept past him like he was standing still.

As the two of them were caught, Visconti made his move; after following the attacks of the others though, Evans decided that this was his time to move, and the Italian champion found himself with the race leader for company as he entered the final few hundred metres.

Evans and Visconti took the last corner side by side and the Australian, who’d timed his final burst to perfection in a manner reminiscent of his victory in La Flèche Wallonne last year, sprinted away from the rest. The others struggled to come to terms with Evans’ final acceleration, with Visconti coming closest and Scarponi overcoming a fading Nibali to take third place.

Nevertheless, Evans still had time to sit up and, in his tradition of understated victory celebrations, act as if to wipe the sweat form his brow.

With the 10-second time bonus for his stage victory, Evans tightens his slender grip over the race leader’s pale blue jersey with just tomorrow’s individual time trial to come. 4 seconds for Scarponi sees him leapfrog over teammate Cunego, who lost a little time, and Basso to move into second place overall.


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2011 Tirreno Adriatico (World Tour), Stage 6 Results: Uscitai to Maccerata (178km)

  Click on the arrowsat the top of the column to sort the race results.
Country Result Name Team Time
aus AUS 1 Cadel Evans (BMC Racing) 04:37:58
ita ITA 2 Giovanni Visconti (Farnese Vini-Neri-Sottoli) s.t.
ita ITA 3 Michele Scarponi (Lampre-ISD) s.t.
ita ITA 4 Vincenzo Nibali (Liquigas-Cannondale) s.t.
ita ITA 5 Ivan Basso (Liquigas-Cannondale) s.t.
ned NED 6 Wout Poels (Vacansoleil-DCM) s.t.
ita ITA 7 Stefano Garzelli (Acqua E Sapone) s.t.
ned NED 8 Robert Gesink (Rabobank) s.t.
bel BEL 9 Philippe Gilbert (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) s.t.
por POR 10 Tiago Machado (RadioShack) s.t.
ita ITA 11 Rinaldo Nocentini (Ag2r-La Mondiale) s.t.
ita ITA 12 Danilo Di Luca (Katusha) s.t.
aus AUS 13 Simon Clarke (Astana) s.t.
swe SWE 14 Thomas Löfkvist (Team Sky) 00:00:09
ita ITA 15 Marco Pinotti (HTC-Highroad) s.t.
ita ITA 16 Damiano Cunego (Lampre-ISD) 00:00:11
esp ESP 17 Angel Ruiz Madrazo (Movistar) 00:00:16
sui SUI 18 Michael Albasini (HTC-Highroad) 00:00:21
rus RUS 19 Alexandr Kolobnev (Katusha) 00:00:26
esp ESP 20 Jonathan Castroviejo Nicolas (Euskaltel - Euskadi) s.t.
esp ESP 21 Ivan Velasco Murillo (Euskaltel - Euskadi) 00:00:28
kaz KAZ 22 Dmitriy Muravyev (RadioShack) s.t.
lux LUX 23 Andy Schleck (Leopard-Trek) 00:00:33
ita ITA 24 Damiano Caruso (Liquigas-Cannondale) s.t.
ita ITA 25 Marco Marcato (Vacansoleil-DCM) 00:00:36
esp ESP 26 Jon Izagirre Insausti (Euskaltel - Euskadi) s.t.
esp ESP 27 Juan José Oroz Ugalde (Euskaltel - Euskadi) 00:00:49
svk SVK 28 Peter Velits (HTC-Highroad) 00:00:54
ita ITA 29 Enrico Gasparotto (Astana) 00:01:17
esp ESP 30 David Arroyo Duran (Movistar) s.t.
pol POL 31 Przemyslaw Niemiec (Lampre-ISD) s.t.
ned NED 32 Tom Stamsnijder (Leopard-Trek) 00:02:08
cro CRO 33 Vladimir Miholjevic (Acqua E Sapone) 00:02:22
ita ITA 34 Massimo Codol (Acqua E Sapone) s.t.
sui SUI 35 Gregory Rast (RadioShack) 00:02:26
fra FRA 36 Mickael Cherel (Ag2r-La Mondiale) 00:02:49
gbr GBR 37 Steven Cummings (Team Sky) s.t.
ita ITA 38 Matteo Montaguti (Ag2r-La Mondiale) 00:02:57
blr BLR 39 Vasil Kiryienka (Movistar) s.t.
esp ESP 40 Amets Txurruka (Euskaltel - Euskadi) s.t.
esp ESP 41 Juan Antonio Flecha (Team Sky) s.t.
fra FRA 42 David Lelay (Ag2r-La Mondiale) 00:03:12
esp ESP 43 Francisco José Ventoso Alberdi (Movistar) 00:03:21
ned NED 44 Sebastian Langeveld (Rabobank) 00:03:45
ger GER 45 Marcus Burghardt (BMC Racing) s.t.
ita ITA 46 Alessandro Ballan (BMC Racing) s.t.
usa USA 47 George Hincapie (BMC Racing) s.t.
esp ESP 48 Daniel Moreno Fernandéz (Katusha) s.t.
bel BEL 49 Maarten Wynants (Rabobank) 00:04:06
ned NED 50 Bram Tankink (Rabobank) s.t.
ita ITA 51 Francesco Failli (Farnese Vini-Neri-Sottoli) s.t.
bel BEL 52 Greg Van Avermaet (BMC Racing) s.t.
ger GER 53 Patrik Sinkewitz (Farnese Vini-Neri-Sottoli) s.t.
bel BEL 54 Dries Devenyns (Quick Step) s.t.
ita ITA 55 Giampaolo Caruso (Katusha) 00:04:09
ita ITA 56 Oscar Gatto (Farnese Vini-Neri-Sottoli) 00:04:44
ita ITA 57 Matteo Tosatto (Saxo Bank-Sungard) s.t.
ita ITA 58 Andrea Noe (Farnese Vini-Neri-Sottoli) 00:05:59
kaz KAZ 59 Roman Kireyev (Astana) s.t.
ita ITA 60 Marzio Bruseghin (Movistar) s.t.
aus AUS 61 Adam Hansen (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) 00:06:03
aus AUS 62 Baden Cooke (Saxo Bank-Sungard) s.t.
esp ESP 63 Joaquin Rodriguez Oliver (Katusha) 00:06:39
ita ITA 64 Davide Malacarne (Quick Step) 00:08:06
aus AUS 65 Robbie Mcewen (RadioShack) 00:08:59
ita ITA 66 Marco Bandiera (Quick Step) s.t.
esp ESP 67 Vicente Reynes Mimo (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) s.t.
aus AUS 68 Allan Davis (Astana) s.t.
fra FRA 69 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ag2r-La Mondiale) s.t.
fra FRA 70 Lloyd Mondory (Ag2r-La Mondiale) s.t.
crc CRC 71 Andrey Amador Bipkazacova (Movistar) s.t.
ger GER 72 Bert Grabsch (HTC-Highroad) s.t.
esp ESP 73 Egoi Martinez De Esteban (Euskaltel - Euskadi) s.t.
jpn JPN 74 Fumiyuki Beppu (RadioShack) s.t.
ita ITA 75 Alan Marangoni (Liquigas-Cannondale) s.t.
ned NED 76 Tom Leezer (Rabobank) s.t.
slo SLO 77 Borut Bozic (Vacansoleil-DCM) s.t.
esp ESP 78 Oscar Gomez Freire (Rabobank) s.t.
ita ITA 79 Tiziano Dall'antonia (Liquigas-Cannondale) s.t.
gbr GBR 80 Roger Hammond (Garmin-Cervelo) s.t.
kaz KAZ 81 Assan Bazayev (Astana) s.t.
kaz KAZ 82 Maxim Iglinskiy (Astana) s.t.
aus AUS 83 Mathew Hayman (Team Sky) s.t.
gbr GBR 84 Ian Stannard (Team Sky) s.t.
ita ITA 85 Daniele Bennati (Leopard-Trek) s.t.
ita ITA 86 Fabio Taborre (Acqua E Sapone) s.t.
ukr UKR 87 Yaroslav Popovych (RadioShack) 00:10:27
ita ITA 88 Manuele Mori (Lampre-ISD) s.t.
ita ITA 89 Filippo Pozzato (Katusha) s.t.
ita ITA 90 Mirco Lorenzetto (Astana) s.t.
ita ITA 91 Alessandro Proni (Acqua E Sapone) s.t.
ita ITA 92 Adriano Malori (Lampre-ISD) s.t.
nor NOR 93 Kurt-asle Arvesen (Team Sky) s.t.
nor NOR 94 Thor Hushovd (Garmin-Cervelo) s.t.
ita ITA 95 Mirko Selvaggi (Vacansoleil-DCM) s.t.
fra FRA 96 Sébastien Hinault (Ag2r-La Mondiale) s.t.
bel BEL 97 Frederik Veuchelen (Vacansoleil-DCM) s.t.
arg ARG 98 Juan Jose Haedo (Saxo Bank-Sungard) s.t.
ita ITA 99 Leonardo Bertagnolli (Lampre-ISD) s.t.
bel BEL 100 Kevin Van Impe (Quick Step) s.t.
ita ITA 101 Alessandro Donati (Acqua E Sapone) s.t.
ita ITA 102 Paolo Ciavatta (Acqua E Sapone) s.t.
ned NED 103 Niki Terpstra (Quick Step) 00:10:43
ger GER 104 Sebastian Lang (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) 00:13:44
esp ESP 105 Daniel Sesma (Euskaltel - Euskadi) 00:13:52
sui SUI 106 Michael Schar (BMC Racing) 00:15:06
ita ITA 107 Manuel Quinziato (BMC Racing) s.t.
blr BLR 108 Aleksandr Kuschynski (Katusha) s.t.
sui SUI 109 Fabian Cancellara (Leopard-Trek) 00:15:43
ger GER 110 Marcel Sieberg (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) 00:18:08
ger GER 111 Gerald Ciolek (Quick Step) s.t.
ger GER 112 Danilo Hondo (Lampre-ISD) 00:21:31
ned NED 113 Lars Boom (Rabobank) s.t.
aut AUT 114 Bernhard Eisel (HTC-Highroad) s.t.
aus AUS 115 Christopher Sutton (Team Sky) s.t.
bel BEL 116 Ben Hermans (RadioShack) s.t.
bel BEL 117 Sebastien Rosseler (RadioShack) s.t.
bel BEL 118 Nick Nuyens (Saxo Bank-Sungard) s.t.
ned NED 119 Joost Posthuma (Leopard-Trek) s.t.
aus AUS 120 Mark Renshaw (HTC-Highroad) s.t.
ned NED 121 Rick Flens (Rabobank) s.t.
ita ITA 122 Davide Ricci Bitti (Farnese Vini-Neri-Sottoli) s.t.
sui SUI 123 Martin Elmiger (Ag2r-La Mondiale) s.t.
bel BEL 124 Tom Boonen (Quick Step) s.t.
aus AUS 125 David Tanner (Saxo Bank-Sungard) s.t.
slo SLO 126 Gorazd Stangelj (Astana) s.t.
usa USA 127 Tyler Farrar (Garmin-Cervelo) s.t.
usa USA 128 David Zabriskie (Garmin-Cervelo) s.t.
bel BEL 129 Olivier Kaisen (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) s.t.
swe SWE 130 Gustav Erik Larsson (Saxo Bank-Sungard) s.t.
esp ESP 131 Javier Francisco Aramendia Lorenti (Euskaltel - Euskadi) s.t.
ita ITA 132 Alberto Ongarato (Vacansoleil-DCM) s.t.
ita ITA 133 Leonardo Giordani (Farnese Vini-Neri-Sottoli) s.t.
ita ITA 134 Diego Caccia (Farnese Vini-Neri-Sottoli) s.t.
aus AUS 135 Matthew Wilson (Garmin-Cervelo) s.t.
aus AUS 136 Stuart O' Grady (Leopard-Trek) s.t.
gbr GBR 137 Mark Cavendish (HTC-Highroad) s.t.
aus AUS 138 Brett Lancaster (Garmin-Cervelo) s.t.
ltu LTU 139 Ramunas Navardauskas (Garmin-Cervelo) s.t.
ita ITA 140 Jacopo Guarnieri (Liquigas-Cannondale) s.t.
ned NED 141 Jens Mouris (Vacansoleil-DCM) s.t.
pol POL 142 Maciej Bodnar (Liquigas-Cannondale) s.t.
blr BLR 143 Branislau Samoilau (Movistar) s.t.
ltu LTU 144 Ignatas Konovalovas (Movistar) s.t.
ger GER 145 Fabian Wegmann (Leopard-Trek) s.t.
ger GER 146 Andreas Klier (Garmin-Cervelo) s.t.
den DEN 147 Michael Morkov (Saxo Bank-Sungard) s.t.
bel BEL 148 Gorik Gardeyn (Vacansoleil-DCM) 00:21:46
ita ITA DNF Alessandro Petacchi (Lampre-ISD)  
ita ITA DNS Daniel Oss (Liquigas-Cannondale)  
ita ITA DNF Danilo Napolitano (Acqua E Sapone)  
ita ITA DNF Francesco Chicchi (Quick Step)  
den DEN DNF Kasper Larsen Klostergaard (Saxo Bank-Sungard)  

General Classification after stage 6

Country Result Name Team Time
aus AUS 1 Cadel Evans (BMC Racing)  
ita ITA 2 Michele Scarponi (Lampre-ISD) 00:00:09
ita ITA 3 Ivan Basso (Liquigas-Cannondale) 00:00:12
ned NED 4 Robert Gesink (Rabobank) 00:00:15
ita ITA 5 Vincenzo Nibali (Liquigas-Cannondale) 00:00:21

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