Recovering Matti Breschel: "The goal is to get ready for the Tour de France."
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Recovering Matti Breschel: "The goal is to get ready for the Tour de France."

by Jered Gruber at 3:10 PM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling
Dane looking to race in California and Switzerland ahead of Tour de France

What a difference a year makes. Most of the time, a positive comment will follow the tried and true cliche, but in this case, referring to Rabobank's Matti Breschel, today will likely not be a highlight in his 2011 memory bank.

A year ago, the Dane stormed to a solo victory at the Dwars Door Vlaanderen after following up on the hard work of then teammate, Fabian Cancellara. Breschel held off the concerted efforts of two chasers and a storming peloton behind to take his first ever Classics victory.

Today, however, things were a bit different. Breschel wasn't on the start line, nor was he anywhere near it. Last year's Dwars Door Vlaanderen winner is recovering from a second surgery on his knee, one that he hopes will signal the real turnaround in his quest to get back to racing.

Breschel confirms to Ritzau that everything went well.

"It was not a major surgery, and there was no swelling or inflammation. I received no further reports in relation to what was previously said to me. The knee will come through alright."

Breschel is confident that this latest surgery to remove some scar tissue on his knee should do the trick. He'll be off his knee for the next two weeks, but after that, he should be able to return to training without any issues.

"The operation has not changed anything in terms of the diagnosis for when I can come back. I'm ok to take a break from the bike for two weeks, but after that, I'd like for things to move quickly."

While the end of the season Classics and his home World Championships are on the agenda for sure, Breschel is also setting his sights on the Tour de France.

"The goal is to get ready for the Tour de France, and the road to get there will go through the Tour of California, the Tour de Suisse, and our training camps."

A fit and healthy Breschel could be a major asset not only in hopes of getting a stage victory for his own personal palmares, his assets as a big motor will be invaluable to Rabobank's Tour de France captain, Robert Gesink.

As for today's Dwars Door Vlaanderen, Breschel enjoyed the race from the comfort of his home on the television.


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