Scheldeprijs: Boasson Hagen breaks three ribs, Paris-Roubaix looks extremely unlikely
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Scheldeprijs: Boasson Hagen breaks three ribs, Paris-Roubaix looks extremely unlikely

by VeloNation Press at 1:34 PM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling, Injury
Team-mate Sutton also injured in Belgian race

Edvald Boasson HagenSky Procycling talent Edvald Boasson Hagen looks all but certain to miss Paris-Roubaix after crashing today and breaking three ribs.

The 23 year old Norwegian was one of several riders who fell during the Scheldeprijs semi-Classic, with his team-mate Chris Sutton also suffering a crash. Boasson Hagen’s accident happened 30 kilometres from the finish line, and saw him leave the road and collide with a tree.

Directeur sportif Steven De Jongh commented after the finish, revealing that the rider was actually momentarily out cold. “Edvald crashed pretty hard and he hit the tree. The doctor in the race said it was better to go to the hospital and do the x-ray. He was unconscious for a moment so it was better to get a check-up because it was a big impact for him.”

He said that he had his fingers crossed that things would be okay. “Hopefully Edvald is not too badly hurt because that would be a big, big disappointment for us.”

When the news came back from the hospital, De Jongh’s fears were realised. Sky Procycling’s Kurt Asle Arvesen then confirmed that the rider had suffered three broken ribs.

Boasson Hagen has had an unlucky season thus far, with problems with his Achilles tendon causing him to miss some important races. He is regarded as one of the most talented young riders in the sport, but has had several disruptions in the past two seasons.

De Jongh confirmed that Stutton wasn’t badly hurt. “CJ is a bit beat up from the crash but he is okay. He has a bit of a sore shoulder and he lost some skin. He had nowhere to go. He went quite early in the sprint but luckily he didn't break anything.”

Mark Cavendish won the race, proving quickest in the big bunch sprint to the line.


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