A great result and bad luck define Astana's Sunday in the Ardennes
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A great result and bad luck define Astana's Sunday in the Ardennes

by Jered Gruber at 3:22 AM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling, Liège-Bastogne-Liège
Roman Kreuziger and Alexandre Vinokourov reflect on Liege

The Astana team were impressive throughout all of Sunday at Liege-Bastogne-Liege. The team was part of the crucial moves with Kessiakoff and Gasparotto, and when it came down to the favorites playing their cards, they had both Vinokourov and Kreuziger ready and waiting.

It didn't work out so smoothly for Vinokourov though. Right as the favorites clocked in, disaster struck for the 37 year old.

"I was feeling good today, but I had a mechanical problem at the worst moment. I broke a spoke in my back wheel. It's a pity, because the race was playing out at exactly that moment. After that, it was too late to catch up to the group of the Schleck Brothers and Gilbert."

Indeed, the two-time winner of La Doyenne's bid for a third triumph ended as the Cote de la Roche aux Facons began. It was only moments later that the Schlecks went on the attack, and Vino's race was over.

Seeing Vinokourov's desperate chase on the Roche aux Facons was impressive though. The pace with which he passed this writer on the upper slopes of the climb was at least that of the attacking Schlecks and Gilbert, but it didn't matter, as the break was gone, and so were Vinokourov's chances.

Vinokourov was quick to praise the Ardennes dominator, Philippe Gilbert, though.

"Gilbert proved today, that he is the best classics rider of this season," said the Kazakh to Eurosport. "He has been present since Milano-Sanremo. It is phenomenal. Of course, we could like to have a rider like him at Astana next season, but he will be difficult to sign, as he will be heavily courted by many other teams."

Speaking to his team for its press release, Vinokourov spoke of history in relation to Gilbert's efforts.

"Philippe Gilbert's victory touches me a lot, because we are really close. He deserves this new success, which makes him one of the biggest riders in the history of the sport."

Despite Vinokourov's bad luck, Astana still took a wonderful result home with Roman Kreuziger's fourth place. The Czech talent led home the chasing group just under half a minute behind the leading trio.

Kreuziger, who is putting all of his energy into next month's Giro d'Italia, was justifiably pleased with his fourth place finish in Liege.

"Unfortunately, Vino had a mechanical problem, but the team was perfect. I am really satisfied with my condition. My legs are really better than they were at the Giro del Trentino. I kept the pace in the finish, and I did a good race, so I'm happy. This is a good sign before the Giro."

Team director, Laurenzo Lapage, couldn't help but wonder what could have been though.

"The team did a wonderful job today. It's a pity that Vino had a mechanical problem though. We can't say if he could have played for victory or note, but he was in front all along, while Kessiakoff and Gasparotto were in the break. When Vino is in good position, it means he could have raced for first place."

The two captains will next head to the Tour de Romandie, where they will certainly combine to form a contending duo.



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