Video: peloton pays tribute to Wouter Weylandt
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Video: peloton pays tribute to Wouter Weylandt

by Shane Stokes at 11:16 AM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling, Giro d'Italia, Video
Images from this morning's start in Genova

Wouter WeylandtThe tragic passing of Wouter Weylandt was on everyone's mind at this morning's start in Genova, and no more so than the riders themselves. Be they team-mates, friends or simply working companions, everyone was in a sombre, reflective mood. They and the race organisers paid a fitting tribute, holding several minutes of respectiful silence, applauding his memory, and then remaining quiet once again when his Leopard Trek team rolled to the front. A band played a slow tune, causing emotions to well up further, then the riders moved off for a long, slow day in the saddle.

Below are some images from what was a sad day at the Giro d'Italia, but one which also showed a real display of rider solidarity and support.

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