Tour de Suisse: Thomas De Gendt holds off Andy Schleck to take stage seven
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Friday, June 17, 2011

Tour de Suisse: Thomas De Gendt holds off Andy Schleck to take stage seven

by Ben Atkins at 11:33 AM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling, Race Reports and Results, Tour de Suisse
Damiano Cunego rides out numerous attacks to hold on to race lead

thomas de gendtThomas De Gendt (Vacansoleil-DCM) won the seventh stage of the Tour de Suisse between Vaduz, Liechtenstein, and Serfaus, Austria, after escaping the rest of a large breakaway group with less than 25km to go. The 24-year-old Belgian managed to hold off a strong pursuit from Andy Schleck (Leopard Trek) on the final climb, which topped out just before the finish, to take the victory alone, 35 seconds clear of the Tour de France favourite.

José Joaquin Rojas (Movistar) finished third after 48 seconds, just ahead of Chiristian Vande Velde (Garmin-Cervélo), with the rest of the breakaway group scattered behind them.

At 222.8km the seventh stage was the longest of the race and, while it was not, on paper, as tough as the previous mountain stage, the hors category Flüelapass with just under 100km to go would cause a number of riders problems. The 2nd category Norbertshöhe, as the race crossed the border into Austria, could offer a chance to a breakway, while the finish in Sefaus, shortly after the summit of the 1st category Fisser-Höfe, would be a definite one for the climbers.

Attacks from the start but the peloton is too quick to get away from

There were a number of attacks in the early kilometres, including one from Linus Gerdemann (Leopard Trek) and Luca Paolini (Katusha), but none was successful. A 17-man move, including Gerdemann again with teammate Andy Schleck, managed to get a little way ahead of the peloton after 30km; the move was only able to get a minute clear though, and was eventually pulled back at around the 60km point.

As the climb to the Flüelapass began 10km later another group of 17 riders managed to get themselves clear, with Andy Schleck there once more, as well as Paolini; finally the peloton slowed enough for them to get away. In less than 5km the group managed to open up a lead of four minutes over the peloton, which was no led by the Lampre-ISD team of race leader Damiano Cunego.

The group in full consisted of: Andy Schleck (Leopard Trek), Manuele Boaro (Saxo Bank-SunGard), Jan Bakelants (Omega Pharma-Lotto), George Hincapie (BMC Racing), Christian Vandevelde (Garmin-Cervélo), Alberto Losada and Luca Paolini (both Katusha), José Ivan Gutierrez, Angel Madrazo and Jose Joaquin Rojas (all Movistar), Enrico Gasparotto (Astana), Javier Aramendia (Euskaltel-Euskadi), Dries Devenyns (Quick Step), Thomas De Gendt, Sergey Lagutin and Marco Marcato (all Vacansoleil-DCM) and Andreas Dietziker (Team NetApp).

The best placed in the group was Bakelants but, as he sat 9’53” behind Cunego in 17th place, he was deemed to be of no danger.

The break is clear and the leaders’ teams aren’t interested in pulling it back

As the 17 men made their way up to the Flüelapass, which topped out at 2383 metres, they continued to build their lead. With 10km still to climb, they were seven minutes clear, and as they approached the top they had opened it up to 8’25”.

This was as wide as the gap was to get as, with Rabobank now in control of the peloton, it began to come down as the race made its way down the long descent.

As well as protecting the podium positions of second place Bauke Mollema and previous day’s stage winner Steven Kruijswijk, the Dutch team also had to worry about Andy Schleck. Despite having a disappointing race so far, in terms of the overall classification, the Tour de France runner up took first place over the top of the Flüelapass, and was now just 9 points behind Rabobank’s Laurens Ten Dam in the mountains classification.

Perhaps Schleck had deliberately lost over 14 minutes on the previous day, just so he would be allowed to get into a breakaway today…

As the race made its way along the rolling roads towards the Norbertshöhe and the Austrian border, the Rabobank team made gradual progress into the front group’s advantage. As they reached the foot of the 2nd category climb though, the 17 men still had six minutes; with all of them still apparently fresh, and with Rabobank having virtually no chance of catching them before the top, the gap stayed relatively static as they took on the climb.

A poor race overall, but could Andy Schleck be crowned the mountain king?

Schleck was first over the top once more, winning eight points and putting further pressure on Ten Dam’s jersey; he was now just one point behind. On the descent Hincapie put in a brief attack, but he couldn’t get away. Shortly afterwards he went again, with Vande Velde and Gutierrez, but this too was pulled back by the others; it looked for all the world as though the 17 riders were to hit the final climb all together.

At the intermediate sprint in Pfunds though, with 25.8km to go, De Gendt contested the points, continued his attack and managed to get away from the other 16. On the flat roads he managed to open up his lead over the rest of the group and, with 20km to go, he was 27 seconds clear.

The group behind De Gendt was refusing to panic, with the tough climb to the finish still to come; although the Belgian’s move did allow his two teammates in the group, Lagutin and Marcato, the luxury of sitting in for a while.

Similarly, the Rabobank team at the head of the peloton was quite happy to leave the break where it was for the time being; the gap began to open once more. With 15km to go De Gendt was 50 seconds ahead of his former colleagues, and 6’42” ahead of the peloton.

Just before the final intermediate sprint, in St Christina with 13.9km to go, Paolini set off in pursuit; the Italian was almost a minute behind De Gendt though, and the others let him go.

The lone leader hits the climb but there are better climbers in pursuit

As De Gendt hit the bottom of the climb to the Fisser-Höfe, which would top out with just 3.5km to go, he led Paolini by 52 seconds, the other 15 by 1’20” and the peloton by 6’48”. Schleck, apparently out to prove that his legs were in a better condition than his finish on the previous day would indicate, was the next rider to move; the Luxemburger had Bakelants firmly attached to his wheel though, and the rest of the group rejoined.

Despite the presence of Andy Schleck up the road, the Leopard Trek team still had the interests of his elder brother Fränk, the defending champion. The Luxembourg team wrested control of the front of the peloton as it approached the base of the climb.

De Gendt appeared to be climbing strongly with 5km to the top of the climb, but suddenly Andy Schleck – again pursued by Bakelants – was in pursuit. The rest of the group made short work of passing Paolini, but the lone Belgian was persisting.

The peloton arrived at the foot of the climb and BMC Racing took control; Rabobank though, had other ideas and moved forward en masse to take over.

Up ahead, Schleck had shed Bakelants and the others and was steadily reeling in the lone De Gendt. With 7km to go though, he still trailed him by 45 seconds.

Rabobank tries to keep control but the attacks come from all over

Rabobank had control of the front of the peloton but, as it slowed a little on the climb, Tom Danielson (Garmin-Cervélo) grabbed his chance and attacked. The American, who had been robbed by an unshipped chain the day before, managed to get a few seconds clear; he was pursued by Wout Poels (Vacansoleil-DCM), then accelerated again as the peloton hesitated behind him.

Danielson was joined by Damiano Caruso (Liquigas-Cannondale) and the rest of the front group moved up to him. Caruso persisted though, followed by Danielson with Cunego on his wheel, but the two of them were not allowed to get away and they were forced to let the Liquigas-Cannondale rider go.

Schleck was now out of the saddle, climbing strongly, and was steadily reeling in De Gendt; the thinning front group was now little more than five minutes behind the leader now, after the multiple accelerations, but would be unlikely to catch either Schleck or De Gendt before the finish.

Matthas Frank (BMC Racing) put in a strong attack and was followed by Kruijswijk and Danielson. Conspicuously, Cunego did not follow and the three riders managed to get a few seconds clear. Maxime Monfort (Leopard Trek) was leading the chase behind them, on behalf of Fränk Schleck though and they dangled, tantalisingly, just a few seconds in front.

De Gendt rode over the summit of the climb, still 36 seconds ahead of Schleck, and now just had the matter of 3.5km of false flat to the finish line. Despite climbing strongly and taking the climber’s jersey, Schleck had seemingly left it too late to catch the Belgian and win the stage.

Cunego under pressure as the stage is won

With Frank, Danielson and Kruijswijk up the road, Caruso attacked once more and the group of favourites was pulled along in pursuit by Tejay Van Garderen (HTC-Highroad), whose position overall was threatened by the Italian. Cunego was the rider under real pressure though, with Kruijswijk up the road threatening his yellow jersey.

The Cunego group was speeding up though, under pressure from all the attacks and, before they reached the top of the climb, the three escapees were pulled back under pressure from Levi Leipheimer (RadioShack).

De Gendt managed to safely get through the final kilometres to the finish, resisting the pursuit of Schleck, to take his second WorldTour stage victory, after the first stage of Paris-Nice back in March. Schleck came in 34 seconds behind him, but the real battle was still going on, on the mountain behind them.

Danielson attacked again, followed by Chris Froome (Team Sky), but Cunego sprinted across to them; the rest of the group followed him and Kruijswijk tried to go again. The Dutchman was pulled back once more, and Fränk Schleck was next to go; when the Luxembourg champion was quickly caught by the others, his Leopard Trek teammate Jakob Fuglsang went himself and there was no reaction.

The Dane managed to get away and stay away, finishing just a few seconds clear of the rest of the group, which was led over the line by Cunego. The Italian had weathered the storm successfully and managed to keep his lead over both Mollema and Kruijswijk intact.

The loser on the day was Ten Dam who, as well as losing his green jersey to Andy Schleck, lost 46 seconds to Cunego by the finish.


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Tour de Suisse, Switzerland (WorldTour) Stage 7 Results: Vaduz to Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis (222.8 km):

  Click on the arrowsat the top of the column to sort the race results.
Country Result Name Team Time
bel BEL 1 Thomas De Gendt (Vacansoleil-DCM) 05:38:42
lux LUX 2 Andy Schleck (Leopard-Trek) 00:00:35
esp ESP 3 Jose Joaquin Rojas Gil (Movistar) 00:00:48
usa USA 4 Christian Vande Velde (Garmin-Cervelo) 00:00:51
esp ESP 5 Alberto Losada Alguacil (Katusha) 00:00:54
uzb UZB 6 Sergey Lagutin (Vacansoleil-DCM) 00:01:33
bel BEL 7 Jan Bakelants (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) 00:01:34
ita ITA 8 Marco Marcato (Vacansoleil-DCM) 00:02:30
usa USA 9 George Hincapie (BMC Racing) s.t.
ita ITA 10 Manuele Boaro (Saxo Bank-Sungard) s.t.
esp ESP 11 Angel Ruiz Madrazo (Movistar) 00:02:33
ita ITA 12 Enrico Gasparotto (Astana) 00:03:27
esp ESP 13 Javier Francisco Aramendia Lorente (Euskaltel - Euskadi) s.t.
bel BEL 14 Dries Devenyns (Quick Step) 00:03:54
sui SUI 15 Andreas Dietziker (Team Netapp) 00:04:15
den DEN 16 Jakob Fuglsang (Leopard-Trek) 00:04:32
ita ITA 17 Damiano Cunego (Lampre-ISD) 00:04:39
ned NED 18 Bauke Mollema (Rabobank) s.t.
sui SUI 19 Mathias Frank (BMC Racing) s.t.
gbr GBR 20 Christopher Froome (Team Sky) s.t.
ita ITA 21 Damiano Caruso (Liquigas-Cannondale) s.t.
ned NED 22 Steven Kruijswijk (Rabobank) s.t.
lux LUX 23 Frank Schleck (Leopard-Trek) s.t.
ita ITA 24 Giampaolo Caruso (Katusha) s.t.
usa USA 25 Levi Leipheimer (RadioShack) s.t.
usa USA 26 Tejay Van Garderen (HTC-Highroad) s.t.
bel BEL 27 Maxime Monfort (Leopard-Trek) s.t.
usa USA 28 Thomas Danielson (Garmin-Cervelo) s.t.
ned NED 29 Wout Poels (Vacansoleil-DCM) 00:05:25
ned NED 30 Laurens Ten Dam (Rabobank) s.t.
can CAN 31 Ryder Hesjedal (Garmin-Cervelo) 00:05:52
rus RUS 32 Alexander Efimkin (Team Type 1) s.t.
bel BEL 33 Francis De Greef (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) s.t.
bel BEL 34 Kevin De Weert (Quick Step) s.t.
rsa RSA 35 Daryl Impey (Team Netapp) s.t.
blr BLR 36 Branislau Samoilau (Movistar) s.t.
fra FRA 37 Cyril Dessel (Ag2r-La Mondiale) s.t.
esp ESP 38 José Ivan Gutierrez Palacios (Movistar) 00:05:55
svk SVK 39 Peter Velits (HTC-Highroad) 00:06:51
est EST 40 Tanel Kangert (Astana) s.t.
mda MDA 41 Alexandr Pliuschin (Katusha) s.t.
esp ESP 42 Gorka Izagirre Insausti (Euskaltel - Euskadi) s.t.
esp ESP 43 Jorge Azanza Soto (Euskaltel - Euskadi) s.t.
esp ESP 44 Pablo Lastras Garcia (Movistar) s.t.
ukr UKR 45 Ruslan Pidgornyy (Vacansoleil-DCM) s.t.
den DEN 46 Mads Christensen (Saxo Bank-Sungard) 00:07:12
kaz KAZ 47 Sergey Renev (Astana) s.t.
swe SWE 48 Gustav Erik Larsson (Saxo Bank-Sungard) s.t.
bel BEL 49 Kristof Vandewalle (Quick Step) s.t.
esp ESP 50 Alan Lezaun Perez (Euskaltel - Euskadi) 00:08:01
ita ITA 51 Cesare Benedetti (Team Netapp) 00:08:19
ita ITA 52 Simone Ponzi (Liquigas-Cannondale) 00:08:35
esp ESP 53 Ruben Perez Moreno (Euskaltel - Euskadi) s.t.
nor NOR 54 Kurt-asle Arvesen (Team Sky) 00:09:19
ger GER 55 Alexander Gottfried (Team Netapp) s.t.
rus RUS 56 Artem Ovechkin (Katusha) 00:10:25
ita ITA 57 Luca Paolini (Katusha) s.t.
sui SUI 58 Martin Elmiger (Ag2r-La Mondiale) 00:11:13
ita ITA 59 Matteo Montaguti (Ag2r-La Mondiale) s.t.
fra FRA 60 Anthony Ravard (Ag2r-La Mondiale) s.t.
aus AUS 61 Luke Roberts (Saxo Bank-Sungard) s.t.
ger GER 62 Dominik Nerz (Liquigas-Cannondale) s.t.
ita ITA 63 Daniele Righi (Lampre-ISD) s.t.
ita ITA 64 Alessandro Ballan (BMC Racing) s.t.
sui SUI 65 Johann Tschopp (BMC Racing) s.t.
ger GER 66 Andréas Klöden (RadioShack) s.t.
aus AUS 67 Heinrich Haussler (Garmin-Cervelo) s.t.
ukr UKR 68 Valery Kobzarenko (Team Type 1) s.t.
esp ESP 69 Jonathan Nicolas Castroviejo (Euskaltel - Euskadi) 00:11:48
esp ESP 70 Francisco José Ventoso Alberdi (Movistar) s.t.
usa USA 71 Brent Bookwalter (BMC Racing) s.t.
esp ESP 72 Benjamin Gonzalez Noval (Saxo Bank-Sungard) s.t.
bel BEL 73 Olivier Kaisen (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) s.t.
aus AUS 74 Simon Clarke (Astana) s.t.
ger GER 75 Linus Gerdemann (Leopard-Trek) s.t.
lux LUX 76 Ben Gastauer (Ag2r-La Mondiale) s.t.
ita ITA 77 Marzio Bruseghin (Movistar) s.t.
pol POL 78 Bartosz Huzarski (Team Netapp) s.t.
esp ESP 79 Javier Mejias Leal (Team Type 1) s.t.
ita ITA 80 Alessandro Bazzana (Team Type 1) s.t.
bel BEL 81 Greg Van Avermaet (BMC Racing) s.t.
kaz KAZ 82 Alexandr Dyachenko (Astana) 00:13:39
svk SVK 83 Martin Velits (HTC-Highroad) 00:15:19
sui SUI 84 Michael Albasini (HTC-Highroad) s.t.
por POR 85 Nelson Oliveira (RadioShack) 00:17:12
rsa RSA 86 Robert Hunter (RadioShack) s.t.
ger GER 87 Jens Voigt (Leopard-Trek) s.t.
ger GER 88 Gerald Ciolek (Quick Step) s.t.
aus AUS 89 Stuart O' Grady (Leopard-Trek) s.t.
ned NED 90 Tom Jelte Slagter (Rabobank) s.t.
ita ITA 91 Daniel Oss (Liquigas-Cannondale) s.t.
svk SVK 92 Peter Sagan (Liquigas-Cannondale) s.t.
gbr GBR 93 Ian Stannard (Team Sky) s.t.
ita ITA 94 Dario Cioni (Team Sky) s.t.
ukr UKR 95 Oleksandr Kvachuk (Lampre-ISD) s.t.
ned NED 96 Pieter Weening (Rabobank) s.t.
ger GER 97 Marcus Burghardt (BMC Racing) 00:18:23
den DEN 98 Matti Breschel (Rabobank) s.t.
ita ITA 99 Matteo Bono (Lampre-ISD) 00:21:01
ita ITA 100 Enrico Magazzini (Lampre-ISD) 00:24:26
blr BLR 101 Aleksandr Kuschynski (Katusha) s.t.
ger GER 102 Marcel Sieberg (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) s.t.
aut AUT 103 Bernhard Eisel (HTC-Highroad) s.t.
cze CZE 104 Zdenek Stybar (Quick Step) s.t.
fra FRA 105 Lloyd Mondory (Ag2r-La Mondiale) s.t.
bel BEL 106 Tom Boonen (Quick Step) s.t.
aut AUT 107 Daniel Schorn (Team Netapp) s.t.
cze CZE 108 Jan Barta (Team Netapp) s.t.
esp ESP 109 Vicente Reynes Mimo (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) s.t.
aus AUS 110 Adam Hansen (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) s.t.
ger GER 111 Andre Greipel (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) s.t.
sui SUI 112 Gregory Rast (RadioShack) s.t.
kaz KAZ 113 Dmitriy Muravyev (RadioShack) s.t.
sui SUI 114 Fabian Cancellara (Leopard-Trek) s.t.
kaz KAZ 115 Assan Bazayev (Astana) s.t.
ger GER 116 Bert Grabsch (HTC-Highroad) s.t.
esp ESP 117 Koldo Fernandez (Euskaltel - Euskadi) s.t.
cze CZE 118 Leopold Konig (Team Netapp) s.t.
fra FRA 119 Sylvain Chavanel (Quick Step) s.t.
aus AUS 120 Mathew Hayman (Team Sky) s.t.
fra FRA 121 Mickael Cherel (Ag2r-La Mondiale) s.t.
ger GER 122 Danilo Hondo (Lampre-ISD) s.t.
bel BEL 123 Stijn Devolder (Vacansoleil-DCM) s.t.
aus AUS 124 Baden Cooke (Saxo Bank-Sungard) s.t.
gbr GBR 125 Mark Cavendish (HTC-Highroad) s.t.
ita ITA 126 Daniele Callegarin (Team Type 1) s.t.
slo SLO 127 Borut Bozic (Vacansoleil-DCM) s.t.
rus RUS 128 Pavel Brutt (Katusha) s.t.
nzl NZL 129 Gregory Henderson (Team Sky) s.t.
pol POL 130 Maciej Bodnar (Liquigas-Cannondale) s.t.
bel BEL 131 Gert Steegmans (Quick Step) s.t.
pol POL 132 Jaroslaw Marycz (Saxo Bank-Sungard) s.t.
bel BEL 133 Nick Nuyens (Saxo Bank-Sungard) s.t.
aus AUS 134 Robbie Mcewen (RadioShack) s.t.
sui SUI 135 Rubens Bertogliati (Team Type 1) s.t.
aus AUS 136 Matthew Goss (HTC-Highroad) s.t.
aus AUS 137 Jack Bobridge (Garmin-Cervelo) s.t.
aus AUS 138 Christopher Sutton (Team Sky) s.t.
gbr GBR 139 Ben Swift (Team Sky) s.t.
nor NOR 140 Thor Hushovd (Garmin-Cervelo) s.t.
esp ESP DNF Daniel Sesma (Euskaltel - Euskadi)  
ita ITA DNF Danilo Di Luca (Katusha)  
usa USA DNF Jeff Louder (BMC Racing)  
ita ITA DNF Mirco Lorenzetto (Astana)  
irl IRL DNF Philip Deignan (RadioShack)  

General classification after stage 7:

Country Result Name Team Time
ita ITA 1 Damiano Cunego (Lampre-ISD) 27:09:49
ned NED 2 Bauke Mollema (Rabobank) 00:01:23
ned NED 3 Steven Kruijswijk (Rabobank) 00:01:36
lux LUX 4 Frank Schleck (Leopard-Trek) 00:01:41
usa USA 5 Levi Leipheimer (RadioShack) 00:01:59
den DEN 6 Jakob Fuglsang (Leopard-Trek) 00:02:38
ned NED 7 Laurens Ten Dam (Rabobank) 00:03:10
ita ITA 8 Giampaolo Caruso (Katusha) 00:03:11
sui SUI 9 Mathias Frank (BMC Racing) 00:03:20
usa USA 10 Tejay Van Garderen (HTC-Highroad) 00:03:22
usa USA 11 Thomas Danielson (Garmin-Cervelo) 00:04:51
bel BEL 12 Maxime Monfort (Leopard-Trek) 00:05:15
bel BEL 13 Jan Bakelants (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) 00:06:47
bel BEL 14 Francis De Greef (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) 00:07:45
blr BLR 15 Branislau Samoilau (Movistar) 00:09:04
esp ESP 16 Jose Joaquin Rojas Gil (Movistar) 00:09:10
bel BEL 17 Kevin De Weert (Quick Step) 00:12:14
esp ESP 18 Gorka Izagirre Insausti (Euskaltel - Euskadi) 00:12:27
sui SUI 19 Johann Tschopp (BMC Racing) 00:13:47
lux LUX 20 Andy Schleck (Leopard-Trek) 00:16:18
ukr UKR 21 Ruslan Pidgornyy (Vacansoleil-DCM) 00:18:01
can CAN 22 Ryder Hesjedal (Garmin-Cervelo) 00:19:30
rus RUS 23 Alexander Efimkin (Team Type 1) 00:19:32
swe SWE 24 Gustav Erik Larsson (Saxo Bank-Sungard) 00:21:08
esp ESP 25 Jorge Azanza Soto (Euskaltel - Euskadi) 00:21:33
ger GER 26 Linus Gerdemann (Leopard-Trek) 00:24:19
ned NED 27 Wout Poels (Vacansoleil-DCM) 00:25:47
fra FRA 28 Cyril Dessel (Ag2r-La Mondiale) 00:25:50
den DEN 29 Mads Christensen (Saxo Bank-Sungard) 00:26:49
usa USA 30 Christian Vande Velde (Garmin-Cervelo) 00:26:54
esp ESP 31 Pablo Lastras Garcia (Movistar) 00:27:01
esp ESP 32 Alberto Losada Alguacil (Katusha) 00:28:33
rsa RSA 33 Daryl Impey (Team Netapp) 00:29:06
bel BEL 34 Dries Devenyns (Quick Step) 00:29:13
mda MDA 35 Alexandr Pliuschin (Katusha) 00:29:42
est EST 36 Tanel Kangert (Astana) 00:30:07
usa USA 37 George Hincapie (BMC Racing) 00:30:43
esp ESP 38 José Ivan Gutierrez Palacios (Movistar) 00:32:32
kaz KAZ 39 Sergey Renev (Astana) 00:32:49
sui SUI 40 Michael Albasini (HTC-Highroad) 00:34:16
ger GER 41 Andréas Klöden (RadioShack) 00:34:52
bel BEL 42 Thomas De Gendt (Vacansoleil-DCM) 00:35:07
svk SVK 43 Peter Velits (HTC-Highroad) 00:35:19
rus RUS 44 Artem Ovechkin (Katusha) 00:36:20
ita ITA 45 Marco Marcato (Vacansoleil-DCM) 00:36:22
esp ESP 46 Angel Ruiz Madrazo (Movistar) 00:36:41
ita ITA 47 Matteo Montaguti (Ag2r-La Mondiale) 00:37:28
uzb UZB 48 Sergey Lagutin (Vacansoleil-DCM) 00:38:33
esp ESP 49 Alan Lezaun Perez (Euskaltel - Euskadi) 00:39:13
cze CZE 50 Zdenek Stybar (Quick Step) 00:39:55
ita ITA 51 Simone Ponzi (Liquigas-Cannondale) 00:41:34
gbr GBR 52 Christopher Froome (Team Sky) 00:41:40
sui SUI 53 Andreas Dietziker (Team Netapp) 00:43:23
ita ITA 54 Damiano Caruso (Liquigas-Cannondale) 00:43:31
sui SUI 55 Martin Elmiger (Ag2r-La Mondiale) 00:44:11
svk SVK 56 Peter Sagan (Liquigas-Cannondale) 00:44:16
ger GER 57 Dominik Nerz (Liquigas-Cannondale) 00:44:21
ita ITA 58 Enrico Gasparotto (Astana) 00:45:13
usa USA 59 Brent Bookwalter (BMC Racing) 00:45:46
ukr UKR 60 Valery Kobzarenko (Team Type 1) 00:48:50
lux LUX 61 Ben Gastauer (Ag2r-La Mondiale) 00:49:09
aus AUS 62 Simon Clarke (Astana) 00:51:17
bel BEL 63 Greg Van Avermaet (BMC Racing) 00:51:22
esp ESP 64 Benjamin Gonzalez Noval (Saxo Bank-Sungard) s.t.
aus AUS 65 Luke Roberts (Saxo Bank-Sungard) 00:52:20
esp ESP 66 Javier Francisco Aramendia Lorente (Euskaltel - Euskadi) 00:53:19
ned NED 67 Pieter Weening (Rabobank) 00:53:28
nor NOR 68 Kurt-asle Arvesen (Team Sky) 00:53:43
pol POL 69 Bartosz Huzarski (Team Netapp) 00:54:03
ned NED 70 Tom Jelte Slagter (Rabobank) 00:55:17
esp ESP 71 Ruben Perez Moreno (Euskaltel - Euskadi) 00:56:04
fra FRA 72 Anthony Ravard (Ag2r-La Mondiale) 00:57:25
ita ITA 73 Daniele Righi (Lampre-ISD) 00:57:51
ger GER 74 Jens Voigt (Leopard-Trek) s.t.
fra FRA 75 Mickael Cherel (Ag2r-La Mondiale) 00:58:05
por POR 76 Nelson Oliveira (RadioShack) 00:58:50
bel BEL 77 Kristof Vandewalle (Quick Step) 00:58:55
cze CZE 78 Leopold Konig (Team Netapp) 00:59:09
fra FRA 79 Sylvain Chavanel (Quick Step) 00:59:39
ita ITA 80 Alessandro Ballan (BMC Racing) 01:01:12
den DEN 81 Matti Breschel (Rabobank) 01:01:47
aus AUS 82 Heinrich Haussler (Garmin-Cervelo) 01:02:04
kaz KAZ 83 Alexandr Dyachenko (Astana) 01:02:24
ger GER 84 Alexander Gottfried (Team Netapp) 01:02:33
esp ESP 85 Javier Mejias Leal (Team Type 1) 01:03:00
ita ITA 86 Manuele Boaro (Saxo Bank-Sungard) 01:03:14
gbr GBR 87 Ian Stannard (Team Sky) 01:03:30
esp ESP 88 Francisco José Ventoso Alberdi (Movistar) 01:04:11
ita ITA 89 Luca Paolini (Katusha) 01:04:33
kaz KAZ 90 Dmitriy Muravyev (RadioShack) 01:04:41
ita ITA 91 Cesare Benedetti (Team Netapp) 01:04:52
svk SVK 92 Martin Velits (HTC-Highroad) 01:06:23
sui SUI 93 Gregory Rast (RadioShack) 01:06:44
rsa RSA 94 Robert Hunter (RadioShack) 01:07:01
kaz KAZ 95 Assan Bazayev (Astana) 01:07:25
aus AUS 96 Adam Hansen (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) 01:07:45
ita ITA 97 Daniel Oss (Liquigas-Cannondale) 01:09:14
ita ITA 98 Marzio Bruseghin (Movistar) 01:09:20
bel BEL 99 Tom Boonen (Quick Step) 01:11:08
ita ITA 100 Dario Cioni (Team Sky) 01:11:15
sui SUI 101 Rubens Bertogliati (Team Type 1) 01:11:27
aus AUS 102 Stuart O' Grady (Leopard-Trek) 01:11:42
ger GER 103 Gerald Ciolek (Quick Step) 01:13:11
sui SUI 104 Fabian Cancellara (Leopard-Trek) 01:13:22
ger GER 105 Marcus Burghardt (BMC Racing) 01:13:24
aus AUS 106 Matthew Goss (HTC-Highroad) 01:14:01
ger GER 107 Danilo Hondo (Lampre-ISD) 01:16:02
nor NOR 108 Thor Hushovd (Garmin-Cervelo) 01:16:55
ita ITA 109 Alessandro Bazzana (Team Type 1) 01:17:25
bel BEL 110 Olivier Kaisen (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) 01:17:31
fra FRA 111 Lloyd Mondory (Ag2r-La Mondiale) 01:17:39
ger GER 112 Marcel Sieberg (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) 01:17:41
gbr GBR 113 Ben Swift (Team Sky) 01:18:15
pol POL 114 Maciej Bodnar (Liquigas-Cannondale) 01:18:49
rus RUS 115 Pavel Brutt (Katusha) 01:19:20
slo SLO 116 Borut Bozic (Vacansoleil-DCM) 01:20:16
esp ESP 117 Koldo Fernandez (Euskaltel - Euskadi) s.t.
cze CZE 118 Jan Barta (Team Netapp) 01:20:31
ger GER 119 Andre Greipel (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) 01:21:18
bel BEL 120 Nick Nuyens (Saxo Bank-Sungard) 01:22:03
ukr UKR 121 Oleksandr Kvachuk (Lampre-ISD) 01:22:18
pol POL 122 Jaroslaw Marycz (Saxo Bank-Sungard) 01:22:47
blr BLR 123 Aleksandr Kuschynski (Katusha) 01:23:06
ita ITA 124 Matteo Bono (Lampre-ISD) 01:24:10
aus AUS 125 Baden Cooke (Saxo Bank-Sungard) 01:24:13
ita ITA 126 Daniele Callegarin (Team Type 1) 01:25:04
esp ESP 127 Jonathan Nicolas Castroviejo (Euskaltel - Euskadi) s.t.
aus AUS 128 Christopher Sutton (Team Sky) 01:25:19
bel BEL 129 Gert Steegmans (Quick Step) 01:25:52
ita ITA 130 Enrico Magazzini (Lampre-ISD) 01:26:01
esp ESP 131 Vicente Reynes Mimo (Omega Pharma-Lotto ) 01:27:17
bel BEL 132 Stijn Devolder (Vacansoleil-DCM) 01:27:46
aus AUS 133 Robbie Mcewen (RadioShack) 01:27:52
aut AUT 134 Daniel Schorn (Team Netapp) 01:28:07
aus AUS 135 Mathew Hayman (Team Sky) 01:28:13
aut AUT 136 Bernhard Eisel (HTC-Highroad) 01:28:32
gbr GBR 137 Mark Cavendish (HTC-Highroad) 01:29:36
ger GER 138 Bert Grabsch (HTC-Highroad) 01:30:05
nzl NZL 139 Gregory Henderson (Team Sky) 01:32:09
aus AUS 140 Jack Bobridge (Garmin-Cervelo) 01:33:15

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