Europcar all French and all around Voeckler in the Tour de France
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Monday, June 27, 2011

Europcar all French and all around Voeckler in the Tour de France

by Ben Atkins at 7:36 AM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling, Tour de France
Vendée-based team sure to be aggressive in race’s early stages

thomas voecklerSince its 22-man roster only includes two riders from outside ‘the Hexagon’, it’s hardly surprising that Europcar will be fielding an entirely French team at the Tour de France, which starts in the Vendée on Saturday. Since losing its ProTour status in 2010, the French team has had to rely on wildcard invitations to the race and, despite losing many of its stars over the winter, it is one of four – all French teams – to be invited.

Last year, when the team was known as Bbox Bouygues Telecom, it took two stages through Thomas Voeckler and Pierrick Fédrigo, as well as the polka-dot mountains jersey Anthony Charteau. Fédrigo was part of the winter exodus but the rest of the team, still spearheaded by Voeckler, has been winning all year.

"All of Team Europcar has been exemplary since the beginning of the season and the selection of the nine riders was not easy," said Europcar’s general manager Jean-René Bernadeau. “The team that we are sending to the Tour de France is ambitious and very close-knit, with experienced riders like Anthony Charteau and Christophe Kern, but also young talents in the shape of Pierre Rolland and Cyril Gautier; all built around Thomas Voeckler.

"We'll fight to honour our selection and give everything to see beautiful things in this Tour de France."

Voeckler will doubtless be mourning the loss of the French champion’s jersey, which he has worn to two Tours and made sure he was the centre of attention in last year’s race; the green and black team will have one tricolore in its midst though, in the shape of time trial champion Christophe Kern, who will wear it on stages two and twenty.

With no real contender for the overall classification, Europcar will almost certainly feature in most of the big breakaway’s of the race; since the team’s roots are well and truly in the Vendée region, it will doubtless be extra aggressive in the race’s first few days.

Europcar team for the Tour de France:
Anthony Charteau, Cyril Gautier, Yohann Gène, Vincent Jérôme, Christophe Kern, Perrig Quémeneur, Pierre Rolland, Sébastien Turgot and Thomas Voeckler.


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