Nys and Stybar take cross wins early in the season
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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Nys and Stybar take cross wins early in the season

by Bjorn Haake at 1:16 PM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling, Cyclocross, Race Reports and Results
Belgian hopes to dominate again, while Stybar only does select races

sven nysSven Nys took the cross in Neerpelt, Belgium, for the fourth time in his career. He beat Kevin Pauwels and Niels Albert with a strong move in the final lap. Zdenek Stybar's win in the first Toi Toi Cup race of the season in Stříbro, Czech Republic, was less of a last-lap affair. The cyclocross World Champion won by a minute and a half over Belgian Jan Denuwelaere and Czech rider Petr Dlask.

Stybar has switched his cyclocross career for one on the road with the Quick Step team and so will only do a few select races. The first race of the Toi Toi Cup was close to his home in the Czech Republic, so he desperately wanted to compete there. "It was nice to race and win in front of my fans," he said afterwards. "To start the season with a victory is a good sign for the races in which I'm expected to compete," Stybar emphasized.

The victory of Nys was fought out harder, with him, Albert and Pauwels entering the last lap together. Nys used his technical skills to drop the others on one of the many sand pits. "If I am on good form I know that I am still top," the 35-year-old Nys told Sporza after the race. "My talent won't just suddenly disappear."

In the last couple of seasons Nys had occasionally been asked if he is too old when he didn't place in the top three. He usually gives the answer on the courses, having enjoyed a good last season despite a bad start. For 2011/12, the start was good and the Belgian will be looking forward to the World Cup, GvA and Superprestige races.

The trio entered the final lap together and when Albert and Pauwels fought their private fight of who got to sit on the wheel of Nys, the latter attacked hard on the technical sand pit sections. "I went at the right moment. I consciously chose to ride my own pace and I did the perfect race. I knew I had better legs."

Albert had to settle for third after Pauwels countered close to the end of the last lap. "I am happy that I helped make the race," Albert toldSporza afterwards. "But towards the end I was a bit tired. Sven is the deserved winner."

Nys had a slow start to the race but in the second half was the man to beat. Except for Albert and Pauwels, nobody could go with Nys. Klaas Vantornout finished fourth and Bart Aernouts fifth.

Results Neerpelt

1. Sven Nys (Bel)
2. Kevin Pauwels (Bel)
3. Niels Albert (Bel)
4. Klaas Vantornout (Bel)
5. Bart Aernouts (Bel)
6. Sven Vanthourenhout (Bel)
7. Radomir Simunek (Cze)
8. Dieter Vanthourenhout (Bel)
9. Philipp Walsleben (Ger)
10 .Vincent Baestaesns (Bel)


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